nbsend Interface

public interface nbsend


Module Procedures

private subroutine nbsend_real_array(z, dest, tag, handle)

Routine for nonblocking send of z to dest. Use to label message and return handle for later checking.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: z
integer, intent(in) :: dest
integer, intent(in) :: tag
integer, intent(out) :: handle

private subroutine nbsend_real_array_count(z, count, dest, tag, handle)

Routine for nonblocking send of z (size=count) to dest. Use tag to label message and return handle for later checking.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: z
integer, intent(in) :: count
integer, intent(in) :: dest
integer, intent(in) :: tag
integer, intent(out) :: handle

private subroutine nbsend_complex_array(z, dest, tag, handle)

Routine for nonblocking send of z to dest. Use tag to label message and return handle for later checking.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension(:) :: z
integer, intent(in) :: dest
integer, intent(in) :: tag
integer, intent(out) :: handle

private subroutine nbsend_complex_2d_array(z, dest, tag, handle)

Routine for nonblocking send of z to dest. Use tag to label message and return handle for later checking.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: z
integer, intent(in) :: dest
integer, intent(in) :: tag
integer, intent(out) :: handle

private subroutine nbsend_complex_2d_array_count(z, count, dest, tag, handle)

Routine for nonblocking send of z to dest. Use tag to label message and return handle for later checking.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: z
integer, intent(in) :: count
integer, intent(in) :: dest
integer, intent(in) :: tag
integer, intent(out) :: handle

private subroutine nbsend_complex_3d_array(z, dest, tag, handle)

Routine for nonblocking send of z to dest. Use tag to label message and return handle for later checking.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: z
integer, intent(in) :: dest
integer, intent(in) :: tag
integer, intent(out) :: handle

private subroutine nbsend_complex_3d_array_count(z, count, dest, tag, handle)

Routine for nonblocking send of z to dest. Use tag to label message and return handle for later checking.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: z
integer, intent(in) :: count
integer, intent(in) :: dest
integer, intent(in) :: tag
integer, intent(out) :: handle

private subroutine nbsend_complex_array_sub(z, dest, tag, sub, handle)

Routine for nonblocking send of z to dest. Use tag to label message and return handle for later checking.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension(:) :: z
integer, intent(in) :: dest
integer, intent(in) :: tag
type(comm_type), intent(in) :: sub
integer, intent(out) :: handle

private subroutine nbsend_complex_array_count(z, count, dest, tag, handle)

Routine for nonblocking send of z (size=count) to dest. Use tag to label message and return handle for later checking.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension(:) :: z
integer, intent(in) :: count
integer, intent(in) :: dest
integer, intent(in) :: tag
integer, intent(out) :: handle