Type | Location | Extends | Description |
abstract_config_type | abstract_config | None | Define abstract type to represent the config type, allows common code to be moved here |
abstract_eqfile_cart_geo_type | geo_utils | abstract_eqfile_geo_type | |
abstract_eqfile_geo_type | geo_utils | abstract_geo_type | |
abstract_geo_type | geo_utils | None | |
accel_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
accelx_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
ballstab_config_type | ballstab | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of ballstab |
cell_type | fields_local | None | This is the next level up of data and represents the cell type. A cell has a unique it,ik pair and represents all the fields/field eq on the extended domain for the given it/ik |
ceq_type | ceq | abstract_eqfile_geo_type | |
collisions_config_type | collisions | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of collisions |
comm_type | mp | None | A simple object for storing details of a communicator |
connections_type | dist_fn | None | A type to record information about connections between iglo points Store the iglo and iproc indices for connections to the left and right of a given point. Initialised to no connections, indicated by negative values |
dcell_type | fields_implicit | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
dens_vel_diagnostics | gs2_heating | None | Density-velocity perturbations |
deq_type | deq | abstract_eqfile_cart_geo_type | |
diagnostics_ascii_type | diagnostics_ascii | None | Holds integers corresponding to the ascii output units |
diagnostics_base_config_type | diagnostics_base_configuration | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of gs2_diagnostics. This is the version used by the original diagnostics module. |
diagnostics_type | diagnostics_config | None | A type for storing the diagnostics configuration, a reference to the output file, and current results of the simulation |
dist_fn_config_type | dist_fn | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of dist_fn |
dist_fn_species_config_type | dist_fn | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of dist_fn_species. There should be one of this namelist for each species simulated. |
driver_config_type | antenna | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of driver. See the documentation of the antenna module for more details. |
e_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
eeq_base_type | eeq | abstract_eqfile_cart_geo_type | |
eeq_type | eeq | eeq_base_type | |
EigNetcdfID | gs2_save | None | A custom type to look after the netcdf ids for the eigenvalue file |
eikcoefs_output_type | geometry | None | A type to hold a collection of geometrical quantities as calculated by eikcoefs |
exit_code | exit_codes | None | Type providing an exit code and message text for exit reasons |
f_layout_type | gs2_layouts | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
fft_type | fft_work | None | Information about a planned 42 transform |
field_matrix_type | fields_implicit | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
fieldmat_gf_type | fields_gf_local | fieldmat_type | This is the top level object, consisting of a collection of ky blocks. |
fieldmat_type | fields_local | None | This is the top level object, consisting of a collection of ky blocks. |
fields_config_type | fields | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of fields |
fields_local_testing | fields_local | None | Public type allowing tests to access otherwise-private routines |
flux_surface_type | geo_utils | None | Helper type to wrap up some flux surface specific variables for analytic equilibrium type. |
g_adjust_direction_type | dist_fn_arrays | None | |
g_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
geo_input_type | geo_utils | None | A derived type used to hold the inputs to the geo initialisation routine. By encapsulating all possible inputs in this type we can avoid having to have multiple initialisation interfaces which all types have to define. |
geq_type | geq | abstract_eqfile_geo_type | |
gf_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
gs2_config_type | config_collection | None | |
gs2_diagnostics_config_type | gs2_diagnostics | diagnostics_base_config_type | |
gs2_outputs_type | gs2_main | None | A type for storing outputs of gs2 for access externally |
gs2_program_state_type | gs2_main | None | The object which specifies and records the gs2 program state.
Some attributes of the object, like mp_comm_external, are
designed to be directly manipulated by the user, and some are
designed to store program state information and be manipulated
internally, like |
gs2_timers_type | gs2_main | None | Holds data pertaining to some of the main algorithm timers. |
gs2d_type | eeq | eeq_base_type | |
heating_diagnostics | gs2_heating | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
hyper_config_type | hyper | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of hyper |
ideq_type | ideq | abstract_eqfile_geo_type | |
ikit | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
ikitprocs | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
index_list_type | redistribute | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
index_map | redistribute | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
ingen_config_type | ingen_mod | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of ingen |
init_g_config_type | init_g | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of init_g |
init_level_list_type | gs2_init | None | A type for labelling the different init levels available in gs2. |
init_level_type | gs2_init | None | Define an type to represent an initialisation level. This uses a hack to approximate type extension without the boiler plate of extending an abstract type. Specifically, we offer a type bound change_level procedure which just calls a procedure pointer to implement the actual work to change the level, specific to each instance. |
init_type | gs2_init | None | A type for storing the current initialization status, as well as all the overrides. |
initial_values_overrides_type | overrides | None | A type for storing overrides of the intial values of the fields and distribution function. This override is different to all the others, because in order to minimise memory usage and disk writes, this override is used internally during the simulation, and its values can thus change over the course of the simulation. In contrast, no other overrides are modified by running gs2. Also, depending on the value of in_memory, the override values will either be taken from the the arrays within the object, or from the restart files. If you want to externally modify the initial field and dist fn values, you need to use in_memory = .true. If you just want to use this override to allow you to reinitialise the equations and start from the same values, you can use either memory or restart files. If you want to want to change the number of processors and then reinitialise and then use this override you must use in_memory = .false., because currently the memory is allocated on a processor by processor basis. Changing grid sizes and then using this override is not supported. This one is too complicated to generate automatically |
jf_layout_type | gs2_layouts | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
knobs_config_type | run_parameters | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of run_parameters through "knobs" |
kt_grids_box_config_type | kt_grids_box | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of kt_grids_box |
kt_grids_config_type | kt_grids | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of kt_grids |
kt_grids_overrides_type | overrides | None | A type for containing overrides to the perpendicular grids (x and y). |
kt_grids_range_config_type | kt_grids_range | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of kt_grids_range |
kt_grids_single_config_type | kt_grids_single | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of kt_grids_single |
kt_grids_specified_config_type | kt_grids_specified | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of kt_grids_specified |
kt_grids_specified_element_config_type | kt_grids_specified | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of a specific specified wavenumber pair |
ky_type | fields_local | None | This is the next level up of data and represents the ky type. A ky block consists of a number of supercells |
layouts_config_type | gs2_layouts | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of layouts |
le_grids_config_type | le_grids | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of le_grids |
le_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
leq_type | leq | abstract_geo_type | |
lz_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
matrix_inversion_method_type | mat_inv | None | A simple wrapper type around an integer to represent different inversion methods. We could consider deriving from this and binding the specific inversion methods to the type, but that is perhaps more complication than required. |
matrix_multiply_method_type | matrix_multiply | None | A simple wrapper type around an integer to represent different multiply methods. |
miller_geometry_overrides_type | overrides | None | An object for overriding all or selected Miller geometry parameters. |
mt19937_type | mt19937 | None | Mersenne-Twister object. Allows multiple, independent instances to be used within a program |
new_gs2_diagnostics_config_type | diagnostics_config | diagnostics_base_config_type | |
nonlinear_terms_config_type | nonlinear_terms | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of nonlinear_terms |
nonlinear_terms_testing | nonlinear_terms | None | Public type allowing tests to access otherwise-private routines |
normalisations_config_type | normalisations | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of normalisations. These values are not used for anything but will be written to the output file to aid post processing etc. |
norms_type | normalisations | None | Define a type to hold the set of normalisations, we could imagine extending this in the future to provide a normalise/denormalise routine which can be used to automatically convert quantities |
optimisation_config_type | optimisation_configuration | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration for GS2's optimisation
procedure. When turned on, GS2 performs a scan for the given input file,
varying different optimisation flags. Results of this scan are reported
in |
optimisation_results_type | optimisation_configuration | None | |
optimisation_type | optimisation_configuration | None | A type for storing the optimisation configuration, the results |
optimisations_overrides_type | overrides | None | A type for containing overrides to the processor layout and optimisation flags for gs2. |
p_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
parameter_scan_config_type | parameter_scan | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of parameter_scan |
pc_gf_type | fields_gf_local | pc_type | This is the type which controls/organises the parallel data decomposition etc. |
pc_type | fields_local | None | This is the type which controls/organises the parallel data decomposition etc. |
peq_base_type | peq | abstract_eqfile_geo_type | |
peq_type | peq | peq_base_type | |
periodic_spline | splines | None | Holds data representing a periodic spline. Should be set up by calling new_periodic_spline. |
proc_layout_type | ingen_mod | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
profiles_overrides_type | overrides | None | An object for overriding all or selected profile parameters, for example species temps, densities or gradients or the flow gradient or mach number. Note that all species parameters are arrays of size nspec and you must set the override switches individually for each species. |
redist_buffer | redistribute | None | Small container type simply providing a 1D allocatable buffer. Used to allow array of buffers of different sizes. |
redist_type | redistribute | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
reinit_config_type | gs2_reinit | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of reinit |
results_summary_type | diagnostics_config | None | A type for storing the current results of the simulation |
rk_scheme_id_type | rk_schemes | None | Internal named type to represent scheme ids |
rk_scheme_type | rk_schemes | None | Public type storing the data for a particular RK scheme |
rowblock_type | fields_local | None | This is the lowest level of data object and will hold the actual data involved with the field matrix |
runtime_info_type | runtime_tests | None | Type providing information about the code version, compiler, build environment etc |
shm_info_t | shm_mpi3 | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
shm_node_pointers_t | shm_mpi3 | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
source_config_type | dist_fn | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of source |
specie | species | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
species_config_type | species | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of species |
species_element_config_type | species | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of species |
spline | splines | None | Holds data representing a non-periodic spline. Should be set up by calling new_spline. |
split_nonlinear_terms_config_type | split_nonlinear_terms | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of split_nonlinear_terms |
standard_header_type | standard_header | None | A header for files and output. |
stir_config_type | antenna | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of stir. See the documentation of the antenna module for more details. |
supercell_properties | box_to_ballooning_space | None | |
supercell_type | fields_local | None | This is the next level up of data and represents the supercell type. A supercell represents a collection of connected cells |
teq_type | peq | peq_base_type | |
text_option | text_options | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
theta_grid_config_type | theta_grid | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of theta_grid |
theta_grid_eik_config_type | theta_grid_eik | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of theta_grid |
theta_grid_file_config_type | theta_grid_file | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of theta_grid |
theta_grid_gridgen_config_type | theta_grid_gridgen | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of theta_grid_gridgen |
theta_grid_parameters_config_type | theta_grid_params | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of theta_grid. Sets a number of parameters used by the different theta grid implementations. Not all parameters are active for a given theta grid type. |
theta_grid_salpha_config_type | theta_grid_salpha | abstract_config_type | Used to represent the input configuration of theta_grid_salpha |
timestep_overrides_type | overrides | None | A type for containing overrides to the timestep and the cfl parameters |
xxf_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |
yxf_layout_type | layouts_type | None | FIXME : Add documentation |