diagnostics_ascii Module

A module for managing text-based output files for the new diagnostics module


Derived Types

type, public ::  diagnostics_ascii_type

Holds integers corresponding to the ascii output units


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: out
integer, public :: phase
integer, public :: heat
integer, public :: heat2
integer, public :: vres
integer, public :: lpc
integer, public :: vres2
integer, public :: cres
integer, public :: parity
integer, public :: jext
integer, public :: eigenfunc
logical, public :: write_to_out = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_phase = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_heat = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_heat2 = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_vres = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_lpc = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_vres2 = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_cres = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_parity = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_jext = .false.
logical, public :: write_to_eigenfunc = .false.


public subroutine init_diagnostics_ascii(ascii_files)

Opens all enabled ascii output files and records file units.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(diagnostics_ascii_type), intent(inout) :: ascii_files

public subroutine finish_diagnostics_ascii(ascii_files)

Closes all enabled ascii output files as given by recorded file units.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(diagnostics_ascii_type), intent(inout) :: ascii_files

public subroutine flush_output_files(ascii_files)

Flushes all enabled ascii output files as given by recorded file units.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(diagnostics_ascii_type), intent(inout) :: ascii_files