gridgen4mod Module

Given B{theta_i} attempt to produce an optimal set of theta values with the same size as the input {theta_i}. The output {theta} set should include all extrema (global and local) and as many other grid points as required to meet the requested number.

The general approach is to: 1. Generate a periodic interpolating spline of B(theta). 2. Find all extrema (essential points). 3. Evaluate the spline on a finer theta mesh, controlled by npadd. 4. Construct a set of B values consisted of all extrema and values on the fine mesh. 5. For each unique B value find all values of theta for which this B appears (setset). 6. Eliminate B values, removing the corresponding values of theta, until we have the required number of theta grid points. We choose which B values to remove based on (user controllable) theta and lambda grid resolution metrics. We strongly bias towards keeping extrema.

MRH 15/11/2017 Previous versions of gridgen4_2 produced different theta grids on different machines In this version of gridgen4mod I have corrected this bug by making changes in the following subroutines (in gridgen4_2): get_thetares-corrected this routine so that thetares is 0 when thetares is computed using (theta (i) - theta (j)) and theta(i) equals theta (j) to machine error, and the output should be identically 0. get_lambdares - corrected this routine in the same manner as get_thetares, the output is 0 when it should be identically 0. gg4remove- modification of the inequalities used to choose which points to delete from the superset of theta points.

The function of this module is to optimise the choice of theta grid points. It does this by taking the input magnetic field and theta grid (usually generated in the geometry module) and spline fitting the magnetic field to interpolate onto a fine-mesh theta grid.

By using the metrics defined in get_lambdares and get_thetares the subroutine gg4remove removes points from the fine-mesh theta grid iteratively until the required number of points remain.The theta grid pair with the lowest value for the metric is deleted at each iteration.The reason for the bug was that these metrics were calculated in a sloppy manner, and the routine for finding the lowest value in the metric did not allow for the case that the metrics were identical up to machine precision: - Because the fine-mesh theta grid has almost equally spaced points the values for the metrics for the theta grid pairs near theta = 0 were almost exactly equal. -Depending on the machine, the metric would be slightly lower for one pair of points than another and therefore the choice of which pair of points to delete 1st from the non-duplicate set was random (actually ~reproducible for the same setup but variable between machines/configs).This behaviour led to different theta grids between different machines.

MRH fixed the above bug by biasing the gg4remove procedure to remove the 1st theta grid pair in array element order (of the sorted theta grid superset array) in the case that the metrics were equal up to machine error. The variable precision_bound controls this behaviour, precision_bound equal 0.0 returns this module to its original behaviour. Finite but small precision_bound is enough to remove machine dependence.

run_name.gridgen.200 contains the debug output from this module To see verbose output ensure that debug_output =.true. and verbose_debug_output =.true.



public subroutine gridgen4_1(n, nbmag, thetain, bmagin, npadd, alknob, epsknob, bpknob, extrknob, thetamax, deltaw, widthw, tension, ntheta, nlambda, thetagrid, bmaggrid, alambdagrid)

FIXME : Add documentation


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, intent(in) :: nbmag
real, intent(in), dimension (nbmag) :: thetain
real, intent(in), dimension (nbmag) :: bmagin
integer, intent(in) :: npadd
real, intent(in) :: alknob
real, intent(in) :: epsknob
real, intent(in) :: bpknob
real, intent(in) :: extrknob
real, intent(in) :: thetamax
real, intent(in) :: deltaw
real, intent(in) :: widthw
real, intent(in) :: tension
integer, intent(inout) :: ntheta
integer, intent(inout) :: nlambda
real, intent(out), dimension (ntheta+1) :: thetagrid
real, intent(out), dimension (ntheta+1) :: bmaggrid
real, intent(out), dimension (nlambda) :: alambdagrid

public subroutine gridgen4_2(n, nbmag, thetain, bmagin, npadd, alknob, epsknob, bpknob, extrknob, thetamax, deltaw, widthw, tension, ntheta, nbset, thetagrid, bmaggrid, bset)

FIXME : Add documentation


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n

Number of two pi domains included in the input grids

integer, intent(in) :: nbmag

Size of the input theta and bmag grids

real, intent(in), dimension (nbmag) :: thetain

Initial theta and bmag grids

real, intent(in), dimension (nbmag) :: bmagin

Initial theta and bmag grids

integer, intent(in) :: npadd

Number of additional points to insert between the input theta grid points when determining the starting points

real, intent(in) :: alknob

Numerical parameters controlling various choices (see gridgen namelist docs)

real, intent(in) :: epsknob

Numerical parameters controlling various choices (see gridgen namelist docs)

real, intent(in) :: bpknob

Numerical parameters controlling various choices (see gridgen namelist docs)

real, intent(in) :: extrknob

Numerical parameters controlling various choices (see gridgen namelist docs)

real, intent(in) :: thetamax
real, intent(in) :: deltaw
real, intent(in) :: widthw
real, intent(in) :: tension
integer, intent(inout) :: ntheta

On entry ntheta = nbmag - 1, on exit ntheta is the number of theta grid points in the final grid. We expect this to be unchanged. On entry nbset is the upper limit on the number of unique B values, i.e. nbset = ntheta / 2 + 1. On exit nbset is the number of unique B values in the output grid.

integer, intent(inout) :: nbset

On entry ntheta = nbmag - 1, on exit ntheta is the number of theta grid points in the final grid. We expect this to be unchanged. On entry nbset is the upper limit on the number of unique B values, i.e. nbset = ntheta / 2 + 1. On exit nbset is the number of unique B values in the output grid.

real, intent(out), dimension (ntheta+1) :: thetagrid

The optimisied theta grid and corresponding B values

real, intent(out), dimension (ntheta+1) :: bmaggrid

The optimisied theta grid and corresponding B values

real, intent(out), dimension (nbset) :: bset

The ordered set of unique B values on the optimised grid