Configuration types and namelist input

The runtime setup of the code is determined by a user supplied input file. In practice this typically contains a number of Fortran namelists, each containing a set of key value pairs (this may be a subset of all keys in the namelist, but it is an error if this contains any undeclared keys).

Unlike some codes we do not read in the input namelists in a single place in the code, instead preferring to keep the namelists (and associated configuration variable declarations) local to the appropriate module. Whilst this has advantages for scoping etc. it means that similar code to deal with reading the inputs can appear throughout much of the code. There are several common steps associated with reading in a particular namelist:

  1. Set the default values of all input variables.
  2. On processor 0 check the namelist is present in the input file using input_unit_exist and if it does exist use Fortran's native read to read the namelist.
  3. We must then broadcast these values to all processors.

Historically these three stages have not always been consistently presented in the code and it has been difficult to determine the default values in all cases. Recognising the repetition involved in the above three stages for reading the many namelists across the code, coupled with a desire to make the defaults and associated documentation easily discoverable the handling of the namelists has recently been reworked. In particular a derived type is now used to represent the set of input variables associated with a particular namelist. To ensure consistent handling across all namelists these derived types extend a common base abstract class abstract_config_type. A further motivation for this change is to allow users and developers to programmatically change the configuration without writing new input files -- one may simply provide a configuration object instead.

The configuration type

By adopting a consistent approach it is possible to localise almost all unique information regarding a particular namelist in the configuration type. As such it is possible to generate all the "boilerplate" associated with the common tasks of reading and broadcasting the configuration variables. The process for doing this will be discussed shortly, but first the configuration type structure will be defined with the help of an example.

!> Used to represent the input configuration of species
type, extends(abstract_config_type) :: species_config_type
   ! namelist : species_knobs
   ! indexed : false     
   !> Definition not yet provided. Used in calculation of
   !> slowing-down distribution when electrons are adiabatic
   real :: me = -1.0
   !> Number of kinetic species to evolve.
   integer :: nspec = 2
   !> Definition not yet provided. Used in calculation of
   !> slowing-down distribution when electrons are adiabatic
   real :: zi_fac = -1.0
   procedure, public :: read => read_species_config
   procedure, public :: write => write_species_config
   procedure, public :: reset => reset_species_config
   procedure, public :: broadcast => broadcast_species_config
   procedure, public, nopass :: get_default_name => get_default_name_species_config
   procedure, public, nopass :: get_default_requires_index => get_default_requires_index_species_config
end type species_config_type

The above demonstrates a small configuration type used in the species module to represent the species_knobs namelist. This namelist has two real valued inputs, me and zi_fac, and one integer input, nspec. Note the Ford styled documentation preceeding each declaration, this will be automatically parsed when the documentation website is generated providing consistent documentation of the inputs. Further we provide the default values in the declaration, this ensures we can accurately document them and ensures we don't accidentally work with uninitialised values if we forget to provide one in the input file and haven't set the default. The contents below the contains statement determines which routines provide the required functionality (defined by the abstract_config_type base class) -- this code can be/is auto-generated, see later. In addition to the variable declaration, documentation and initialisation there are two further parts of the configuration type that are required:

  1. The comment ! namelist : species_knobs defines the name of the namelist that this configuration type will read from, here it is species_knobs.
  2. The comment ! indexed : false determines if this namelist type is a so-called indexed namelist. In this instance it is not and species_knobs is a standard namelist. An indexed namelist is one where we allow/expect multiple instances of the same namelist which differ in the input file just by an appended _N (with N some integer index starting at 1). For example, the species_parameters namelist is indexed and the input file is expected to potentially contain species_parameters_1, species_parameters_2 etc.

Generated code

Once the variable declarations and these two metadata comments are given it is possible to automatically generate the rest of the code that is required to work with this configuration object. A python script scripts/ is provided to perform this generation. The generated boilerplate code is generated automatically as a part of the build process. This produces files named <namelist> in src/config_auto_gen (AUTO_GEN_CONFIG_DIR in Makefile) which must be included in the relevant module. The helper script can also write temporary files of the form <namelist>_placeholders.f90 which provides a canonical form of the config declaration (i.e. puts things in the correct order and ensures all required procedures are defined). We illustrate this with an example below.

Suppose we want to add a new namelist called performance_knobs which has two logical variables, tune_performance and write_performance, and one real one, unbalanced_fraction, to the performance module . We would first add the following to performance.f90.

type, extends(abstract_config_type) :: performance_config_type
   ! namelist : performance_knobs
   ! indexed : false
   !> Do we try to tune the performance
   logical :: tune_performance = .false.
   logical :: write_performance = .false.
   !> What is the unbalance we allow
   real :: unbalanced_fraction = 0.5
end type performance_config_type

Note we have not provided a contains section and we have forgotten to document write_perfomance. Now we can run the code generation tool as follows

scripts/ --files /path/to/performance.f90

This will then generate the file performance_placeholders.f90 where you ran the script. This will contain several sections of code than can be copy-paste into performance.f90 in order to provide all the boilerplate. The first entry in the file is a canonical form of the configuration type decaration, in this case it would read:

!> FIXME: Add documentation
type, extends(abstract_config_type) :: performance_config_type
   ! namelist : performance_knobs
   ! indexed : False
   !> Do we try to tune the performance
   logical :: tune_performance = .false.
   !> What is the unbalance we allow
   real :: unbalanced_fraction = 0.5
   !> FIXME: Add documentation
   logical :: write_performance = .false.
   procedure, public :: read => read_performance_config
   procedure, public :: write => write_performance_config
   procedure, public :: reset => reset_performance_config
   procedure, public :: broadcast => broadcast_performance_config
   procedure, public :: get_default_name => get_default_name_performance_config
   procedure, public :: get_default_requires_index => get_default_requires_index_performance_config
end type performance_config_type

The main differences here are:

  1. The contains section has been populated.
  2. The variables are declared in alphabetical order.
  3. Any undocumented variables (and the type) will get a !> FIXME: Add documentation comment.

Following the new type definition there are some "free lines of code" followed by a block comment containing ! Following is for the config_type and this is followed by a number of complete subroutines and functions. These subroutines and functions provide the main boilerplate code including all of the type-bound routines. These could be simply copy-paste into the performance module, but a better approach is to run make config_auto_gen which puts this boilerplate code into src/config_auto_gen/ so we simply need to add #include "" to the bottom of the performance module -- in the future we may consider putting this generated code in a sub-module. Returning to the lines referred to as "free lines", these consist of several chunks. The first line is simply a declaration designed to be used to define the module level instance of this configuration type. In this case it reads

type(performance_config_type) :: performance_config

The remaining free lines are designed to be used with the module's read_parameters routine. This is the routine that is typically responsible for reading and coordinating the input parameters. To allow for users to override (or circumvent) the input file this routine should be able to take a configuration instance. In other words we should have

subroutine read_parameters(performance_config_in)

The next free line simply gives the declaration for this argument

type(performance_config_type), intent(in), optional :: performance_config_in

The remaining free lines should then typically be the first exectuable statements in the read_parameters routine. Here they read

if (present(config_in)) performance_config = performance_config_in

call performance_config%init(name = 'performance_knobs', requires_index = .false.)

! Copy out internal values into module level parameters
associate(self => performance_config)
#include ""
end associate

The first simply deals with the optional argument. The next is the statement that actually does the work of reading and broadcasting the inputs. The remaining lines are then responsible for copying the configuration values out of the configuration type and into the module/local scope variables. In the long run we may wish to use the configuration type memebers directly but for now we use this copying to avoid having to change the majority of the code.

Add or removing variables from an existing configuration object

Following on from the above example, suppose we now wish to add a new logical input variable, read_perfomance, to the performance module. We would simply add the declaration and documentation to the existing configuration type:

!> FIXME: Add documentation
type, extends(abstract_config_type) :: performance_config_type
   ! namelist : performance_knobs
   ! indexed : False
   !> Do we try to tune the performance
   logical :: tune_performance = .false.
   !> What is the unbalance we allow
   real :: unbalanced_fraction = 0.5
   !> FIXME: Add documentation
   logical :: write_performance = .false.
   !> This is a new input that means we read the existing performance data
   logical :: read_performance = .false.
   procedure, public :: read => read_performance_config
   procedure, public :: write => write_performance_config
   procedure, public :: reset => reset_performance_config
   procedure, public :: broadcast => broadcast_performance_config
   procedure, public :: get_default_name => get_default_name_performance_config
   procedure, public :: get_default_requires_index => get_default_requires_index_performance_config
end type performance_config_type

and then follow the same steps as previously in order to produce the generated code, i.e. beginning with

scripts/ --files /path/to/performance.f90

to generate the code and then using copy-paste to replace the existing generated code with that in the generated placeholders file. Note if you place the new variable in the correct place (i.e. in alphabetical order) then one can skip this step and make will automatically construct/update the include file.

Note there are full dependencies given between the source file, the included file and the object files such that should a source file containing a configuration type change then the configuration boilerplate will be regenerated automatically as a part of the build process.

When adding a new variable to the config definition it is important to remember that, in addition to the auto-generated code (which is automatically updated), it will be necessary to add a module level variable declaration to hold the obtained configuration value.

Giving variables a smart default

There are occassions where we want the default value of an input flag to be set depending on other runtime conditions. For example we may wish to enable a different set of diagnostics by default depending on the value of nonlin (i.e. for linear and nonlinear runs). The default value specified in the type declaration can be considered a "default default" which we may want to override in certain places, these are referred to as "smart defaults".

Consider the previous example of the performance_config_type and suppose we only want to default to tuning performance if the number of processors is greater than or equal to 1024. The current convention is to add !> This gets a smart default to the documentation of any variable that may have it's default changed from the default-default.

!> FIXME: Add documentation
type, extends(abstract_config_type) :: performance_config_type
   ! namelist : performance_knobs
   ! indexed : False
   !> Do we try to tune the performance
   !> This gets a smart default
   !> If the number of processors is less than 1024
   !> this will default to `.false.`
   logical :: tune_performance = .true.
   !> What is the unbalance we allow
   real :: unbalanced_fraction = 0.5
   !> FIXME: Add documentation
   logical :: write_performance = .false.
   !> This is a new input that means we read the existing performance data
   logical :: read_performance = .false.
   procedure, public :: read => read_performance_config
   procedure, public :: write => write_performance_config
   procedure, public :: reset => reset_performance_config
   procedure, public :: broadcast => broadcast_performance_config
   procedure, public :: get_default_name => get_default_name_performance_config
   procedure, public :: get_default_requires_index => get_default_requires_index_performance_config
   procedure :: set_smart_defaults => set_smart_defaults_local
end type performance_config_type

Note that we have overriden set_smart_defaults to point to a module local routine (set_smart_defaults_local here). This routine should set the smart defaults and is used inside init . This is demonstrated below.

subroutine set_smart_defaults_local(self)
  use mp, only: nproc
  implicit none
  class(performance_config_type0, intent(in out) :: self
  if (self%is_initialised()) return
  if (nproc < 1024) self%tune_performance = .false.
end subroutine set_smart_defaults_local

Other features of the configuration type

Currently the configuration types also have a write method which can be used to write the current state of the configuration instance in a namelist format. This can be useful for dumping the default configuation to a usable input file (there's an example program write_default_input_file that does this). This could (mostly?) replace the module level write_parameters routines.

In the future it may also be sensible to move the module level check_parameters routine used (mostly by ingen) to check the consistency of the inputs, to be bound on the configuration type as well.