There are two test suites in GS2 - a "legacy" test suite and a pFUnit test suite. The pFUnit test suite is a collection of unit tests, whereas the legacy suite is a collection of integrated tests. Integrated tests, also called system tests, run all or large parts of the main code, while unit tests, in contrast, try to test the smallest units of code -- usually individual subroutines or functions. They also aim to be very fast: "one-tenth of a second is too slow" is the usual motto. Unit tests should also try to be independent of other tests: you don't want something going wrong in one test to cause other tests to unnecessarily fail. The legacy test suite includes a set of tests that are called "unit tests", but unfortunately, these still end up calling a lot of GS2 infrastructure to set up tests on even the smallest feature. The pFUnit tests aim to set up the bare minimum to test each unit.
This document will take you through writing a new pFUnit test, detailing some of the pitfalls and things to be aware of.
pFUnit can automatically detect and run new tests added to the test suite. In order to do
this, it uses a custom preprocessor to convert the .pf
files to .F90
which are then
compiled by the Fortran compiler as usual. We do also need to tell pFUnit about new files
however, and these are listed in tests/pfunit_tests/
A very simple pFUnit test for GS2 looks something like this:
module test_basic_mod
implicit none
subroutine test_addition
@assertEqual(4, 2 + 2)
end subroutine test_addition
end module test_basic_mod
Note that the module name has an additional _suite
appended in
Let's break down the test module line by line:
module test_basic_mod
The exact name isn't important, but in the GS2 tests, we prefer the naming convention
test_<GS2 module name>_mod
; for example: test_leq_mod
, or test_gs2_time_mod
After the .pf
to .F90
conversion step, the test module will use various functions and
types from the pFUnit module, so we use
the entire module.
The all-caps is important here: we currently support using either pFUnit 3.x or 4.x, which
use different module names. We preprocess the resulting .F90
to replace PFUNIT_MOD
with the correct module name.
implicit none
In this basic test module we just have the one test procedure, but we could declare
module-level parameters here. For example, you may wish to set a parameter
defining a
tolerance for equalities.
subroutine test_addition
The @test
is a pFUnit directive declaring the immediately following subroutine as a test
to be run automatically. The subroutine name is not important, but we prefer the naming
convention of a test_
prefix to distinguish the procedure from non-test procedures in
the same module.
@assertEqual(4, 2 + 2)
This is the basic pFUnit testing directive that checks for equality between its two
arguments. If they don't compare equal, pFUnit will flag the test as having failed and
report it at the end of the run. Other asserts include @assertTrue
, @assertFalse
and @assertSameShape
Importantly, pFUnit will stop running this particular test if an assertEqual
fails. If
the arguments are arrays, pFUnit will report only the first index where they differ.
The order of the arguments doesn't particularly matter, but when reporting errors pFUnit assumes the first argument is the expected value, and the second argument is the actual value.
Something to be aware of here is that the pFUnit preprocessor doesn't like this directive split over multiple lines! Currently, we just have to live with long lines.
Another thing to note is that all pFUnit directives (the keywords and functions beginning
with @
) are case insensitive: @AssertEqual
is the same as @assertEqual
After writing a few tests, you may find that there's repeated code setting things up first, and then cleaning up afterwards. pFUnit allows you to declare subroutines to be run before and after each test in a module:
subroutine setup
! Do something before every test
end subroutine setup
subroutine teardown
! Do something after every test
end subroutine teardown
The subroutine names are conventional, but setup
and teardown
are preferred.
Important! If you mark one subroutine with either @before
or @after
, you must
also have the corresponding one, even if it's just an empty routine.
These @before
and @after
routines are run before/after each individual test, even if
that test fails. This can be very useful to, for example, call the <module>_finish
routine to cleanup a GS2 module, which helps make the tests more independent. Without the
routine, a failure in one test might result in a GS2 module being in a bad or
wrong state for the next test. To guard against other tests or modules not cleaning up
after themselves correctly, you may wish to call the <module>_finish
routine in both the
setup and teardown routines. This helps ensure the tests are independent.
By default, pFUnit compares values exactly. This is usually not what you want when dealing
with floating point numbers. pFUnit can check equality within a tolerance, although
unfortunately, as of v4.1.9, only absolute tolerances (abs(actual-expected) <=
). Tolerances can be specified with the tolerance
keyword to @assertEqual
@assertEqual(3.14, pi, tolerance=1e-2)
When a test contains multiple asserts, it can be tricky to tell exactly which assert
caused a test to fail. Unfortunately, while pFUnit prints the values it's comparing, it
doesn't print the expressions. Instead, it has a mechanism to give a bit more
information with the message
@assertEqual(3.14, pi, message="comparing pi")
pFUnit has the ability to parameterise a test over the number of MPI ranks. That is, it can rerun a test with different numbers of MPI processes. This can be useful to check that a function works with different ranks.
Additionally, many routines often end up needing MPI to be set up because they contain
some code like if (proc0) then ...
. For these routines to work correctly when called
from a pFUnit test, we essentially need to parameterise the test over one process.
The form of an MPI test is a little different:
@test(npes=[1, 2])
subroutine test_some_mpi(this)
class(MPITestMethod), intent(inout) :: this
Here, we'll end up calling the test two times, first with one rank, and second with
two. Next, our test subroutine now takes a single argument of class(MPITestMethod)
note it is intent(inout)
. Conventionally we name it this
, but the exact name is not
important. This argument has some useful methods:
this%getMpiCommunicator() ! Get the MPI_COMM for this test run
this%getNumProcesses() ! Wrapper for MPI_Comm_size
this%getProcessRank() ! Wrapper for MPI_Comm_rank
Parameterised tests, including MPI tests, must have setup/teardown routines. The setup
routine must call mp::init_mp
, but the teardown must not call mp::finish_mp
subroutine setup(this)
use mp, only : init_mp
class (MpiTestMethod), intent(inout) :: this
! Make sure GS2 variables like proc0 are populated correctly:
integer :: mp_comm
mp_comm = this%getMpiCommunicator()
call init_mp(mp_comm)
end subroutine setup
subroutine teardown(this)
class (MpiTestMethod), intent(inout) :: this
! No call to finish_mp!
end subroutine teardown
Calling finish_mp
will finalise MPI, which will cause problems for the next MPI test!
It's possible to parameterise tests over other parameters than just MPI ranks, though it is a bit more involved and involves several pieces.
Here's an example from one of the GS2 parameterised tests:
module test_antenna_data_mod
implicit none
!> Type to hold parameter we want to scan in
type, extends(MpiTestParameter) :: test_antenna_parameter
integer :: nk_stir_in
procedure :: toString
end type test_antenna_parameter
@TestCase(constructor = new_case)
!> Test fixture
type, extends(MpiTestCase) :: test_antenna_case
integer :: nk_stir_in
procedure :: tearDown
end type test_antenna_case
!> Construct test_antenna_case from test_antenna_parameter
function new_case(test_parameter) result (test_case)
type(test_antenna_case) :: test_case
type(test_antenna_parameter), intent(in) :: test_parameter
test_case%nk_stir_in = test_parameter%nk_stir_in
end function new_case
!> Construct test_antenna_parameter
function new_parameter(nk_stir_in)
type(test_antenna_parameter) :: new_parameter
integer, intent(in) :: nk_stir_in
new_parameter%nk_stir_in = nk_stir_in
end function new_parameter
!> Serialise test_antenna_parameter as a string
function toString(this) result(string)
class(test_antenna_parameter), intent(in) :: this
character(:), allocatable :: string
write(string, '("nk_stir=", i2)') this%nk_stir_in
end function toString
!> Tear down test module
subroutine tearDown(this)
use antenna_data, only : finish_antenna_data
class(test_antenna_case), intent(inout) :: this
call finish_antenna_data
end subroutine tearDown
!> Define the parameters scan
function get_parameters() result(params)
type(test_antenna_parameter), allocatable :: params(:)
params = [ &
& new_parameter(nk_stir_in=-1), &
& new_parameter(nk_stir_in=3) &
& ]
end function get_parameters
@test(npes=[1,2,4], testParameters={get_parameters()})
!> Test for initialization with no antenna
subroutine test_init_antenna_data(this)
use antenna_data
implicit none
class (test_antenna_case), intent(inout) :: this
associate( nk_stir_in => this%nk_stir_in )
call init_antenna_data(nk_stir_in)
if (nk_stir_in < 0) then
! Antenna off
! Antenna on
@AssertEqual(nk_stir_in, nk_stir)
end if
@AssertSameShape(shape(nk_stir_in), shape(a_ant))
@AssertSameShape(shape(nk_stir_in), shape(b_ant))
end associate
end subroutine test_init_antenna_data
end module test_antenna_data_mod
The parameterisation machinery looks very complicated here because we're just parameterising over a single integer, with the result that we end up defining two very similar types, but they are for different purposes, mostly to do with the internals of pFUnit and how Fortran works.
Let's start with the test itself:
@test(npes=[1,2,4], testParameters={get_parameters()})
!> Test for initialization with no antenna
subroutine test_init_antenna_data(this)
use antenna_data
implicit none
class (test_antenna_case), intent(inout) :: this
Our @test
directive now has parameterisation over both MPI ranks and an extra set of
parameters. The testParameters
argument calls the function get_parameters
to get an
array of parameters which are used to construct test cases. The test cases are passed
into the test routine. pFUnit constructs the Cartesian product of npes
, that is, it calls the test routine with every combination of npes
Note: the curly brackets {...}
around the argument to testParameters
are required.
The function get_parameters
looks like:
function get_parameters() result(params)
type(test_antenna_parameter), allocatable :: params(:)
params = [ &
& new_parameter(nk_stir_in=-1), &
& new_parameter(nk_stir_in=3) &
& ]
end function get_parameters
This returns an allocatable
array of test_antenna_parameter
values. We want to scan
over the integer
-- why can't we just return an integer
array? This is
because pFUnit needs to store the return value and has to know what type we're
using. Because Fortran doesn't have generic data types, we're forced to use a derived type
that extends pFUnit's AbstractTestParameter
. Our definition of test_antenna_parameter
type, extends(MpiTestParameter) :: test_antenna_parameter
integer :: nk_stir_in
procedure :: toString
end type test_antenna_parameter
actually extends MpiTestParameter
, which itself extends AbstractTestParameter
. We use
the @TestParameter
directive to tell pFUnit this is our test parameter type. Notice
that we also define a type-bound procedure or method called toString
. This is used to
print error messages. For our example, it can be quite simple:
function toString(this) result(string)
class(test_antenna_parameter), intent(in) :: this
character(:), allocatable :: string
write(string, '("nk_stir=", i2)') this%nk_stir_in
end function toString
The MpiTestParameter
base class takes care of writing the number of processes, so we
just need to write the rest of the type to an allocatable
We also need to write a function to construct a test_antenna_parameter
from an
function new_parameter(nk_stir_in)
type(test_antenna_parameter) :: new_parameter
integer, intent(in) :: nk_stir_in
new_parameter%nk_stir_in = nk_stir_in
end function new_parameter
This isn't strictly necessary if you can make your array of test parameters some other way, but this is usually the easiest and least error prone method.
Now that we have our test parameters, pFUnit uses these to construct a test case which is finally passed to the test routine. Our test case type looks like this:
@TestCase(constructor = new_case)
type, extends(MpiTestCase) :: test_antenna_case
integer :: nk_stir_in
procedure :: tearDown
end type test_antenna_case
The constructor
argument to the @TestCase
directive tells pFUnit which function to use
to make a new test_antenna_case
. For us, this is very similar to the constructor for
function new_case(test_parameter) result (test_case)
type(test_antenna_case) :: test_case
type(test_antenna_parameter), intent(in) :: test_parameter
test_case%nk_stir_in = test_parameter%nk_stir_in
end function new_case
We just copy the nk_stir_in
member from the parameter to the case.
Also notice that the test_antenna_case
type has a tearDown
method. Unfortunately for
parameterised tests, we can't just use the @before
and @after
directives. Instead, we
need to overload the setUp
and tearDown
methods on the test case type. We don't have a
here, but we do have a tearDown
, which just cleans up the module we're testing:
subroutine tearDown(this)
use antenna_data, only : finish_antenna_data
class(test_antenna_case), intent(inout) :: this
call finish_antenna_data
end subroutine tearDown
Finally, now that we've constructed the parameters and the cases, we can actually use the case in the test routine itself:
subroutine test_init_antenna_data(this)
use antenna_data
implicit none
class (test_antenna_case), intent(inout) :: this
associate( nk_stir_in => this%nk_stir_in )
call init_antenna_data(nk_stir_in)
if (nk_stir_in < 0) then
! Antenna off
! Antenna on
@AssertEqual(nk_stir_in, nk_stir)
end if
@AssertSameShape(shape(nk_stir_in), shape(a_ant))
@AssertSameShape(shape(nk_stir_in), shape(b_ant))
end associate
end subroutine test_init_antenna_data
We can access the nk_stir_in
member of test_antenna_case
through this%nk_stir_in
. We
actually use the Fortran associate
block here to make a local name, nk_stir_in
, to
avoid writing this%nk_stir_in
each time. The rest of the test looks like usual.
GS2 often treats a module as a singular instance of an object, with module procedures
often relying on module-level variables to be set, which in turn require a init_<module>
subroutine to have been called. This means unit tests often need to call one or more of
these init_
procedures before calling the function they actually want to test. Normally,
the init_
functions read namelist variables from an input file, but in unit tests we'd
prefer not to read files from disk, as this can substantially slow down the test (remember
we're aiming for milliseconds per test!). GS2 now has "config" types for each module that
allow us to programmatically set up each module without hitting the disk.
GS2 modules also (usually!) call the init_
functions for the modules that they rely on,
so each module has a module-level config variable that we can set. This allows us to use
the config types for modules "lower down", and just call the init_
function of the "top
level" module.
Using these config types involves three steps:
subroutine. This marks the config object as having been "read",
and so the module skips reading the input file.init_
function: call init_<module>(config)
call set_<module>_config(config)
Here's an example of this procedure for setting up the theta_grid
module, including
setting variables for the theta_grid_prams
! We need to setup MPI first, so use the init_mp procedure
use mp, only : init_mp
! Use just the config type and setter from the two modules
use theta_grid_params, only : theta_grid_parameters_config_type, set_theta_grid_params_config
use theta_grid, only : theta_grid_config_type, init_theta_grid
! Declare the config variables
type(theta_grid_parameters_config_type) :: theta_grid_params_config
type(theta_grid_config_type) :: theta_grid_config
! Setup MPI
integer :: mp_comm
mp_comm = this%getMpiCommunicator()
call init_mp(mp_comm)
! Initialise the config variable, setting just three parameters
theta_grid_params_config = theta_grid_parameters_config_type( &
rhoc = 0.28877366171282209, &
qinp = 2.1141399689990714, &
shat = 0.28528707850004253, &
! Finish the initialisation
call theta_grid_params_config%setup()
! Now we can set the module config itself for the theta_grid_parameters module
call set_theta_grid_params_config(theta_grid_params_config)
! Repeat the above procedure for the theta_grid module...
theta_grid_config = theta_grid_config_type(equilibrium_option = "eik")
call theta_grid_config%setup()
! ...but this time call the init subroutine to setup the module directly
call init_theta_grid(theta_grid_config)
After doing this, theta_grid
will have been set up using the "eik"
equilibrium with
the inputs defined in the code.