ARCHER2 is the UK's top research supercomputer. There are a few things to be aware of when compiling and running GS2 on ARCHER2 that we will list here.
There is a Makefile already written for ARCHER2, so you can set
to use it. This Makefile uses the GNU compilers by
default, so you must load the GNU compiler suite in addition to the
other GS2 dependencies -- in contrast to previous systems, the
compiler suites use module restore
module restore PrgEnv-gnu
module load cray-fftw
module load cray-netcdf
module load cray-hdf5 # The netCDF module needs HDF5
then we can compile GS2:
make -I Makefiles GK_SYSTEM=archer2 -j
Archer2 provides optimised lapack routines in the cray-libsci
module which tends to be
loaded automatically. GS2 can make use of these by passing USE_LAPACK=on
when building:
make -I Makefiles GK_SYSTEM=archer2 USE_LAPACK=on -j
No changes to the Archer2 makefile are required. It may be necessary to rebuild the dependency file if it already exists by running:
make -I Makefiles GK_SYSTEM=archer2 USE_LAPACK=on depend
In general BLAS and Lapack can support OpenMP parallelisation. Due to the way that Archer2
links libraries it is likely that we will not get access to the OpenMP BLAS/Lapack unless
we add OpenMP flags to our link line (e.g. -fopenmp
). Whilst we do not typically use
OpenMP in GS2 one may find a need to under-populate nodes. In this instance enabling
OpenMP and using fields_option = 'local'
, coupled with setting OMP_NUM_THREADS
to the
appropriate value (typically the same as --cpus-per-task
) one may find that the
calculation of the response matrices can be OpenMP accelerated.
ARCHER2 doesn't mount the home partition on the compute nodes, so
you will want to either make sure the compilation is done in the work
partition, or more simply, copy the gs2
executable over.
In your job submission script, it is necessary to restore some
modules first to make sure the correct libraries are found. Note that
you only need to load epcc-job-env
and restore PrgEnv-gnu
, the
other libraries will be found automatically.
Here is an example job submission script for 1 minute on 1 node:
# Job info
#SBATCH --job-name=gs2
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
# Partition info
#SBATCH --account=<account>
#SBATCH --partition=standard
# Ensure simulation has access to libraries.
module load epcc-job-env
module restore /etc/cray-pe.d/PrgEnv-gnu
# Important: set OpenMP threads to 1, as we're not using OpenMP.
# This makes sure any libraries don't use threads
srun --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread gs2 <input file>
Note that the --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread
arguments to srun
are strongly recommended by the ARCHER2
If you're developing GS2 and want to make sure your modified code
remains on the backed-up home partition, don't forget to copy the
executable on to the work partition first. You can do
automatically by using another script as a wrapper to your actual job
Sometimes you'd like to run a short simulation and find you spend more
time waiting for it to get through the queue and start running than it
actually takes to run the simulation. In that case, you can try using
the short queue (which is called "Quality of Service" in
jargon). You can do that by adding the following to your
submission script:
# The following uses the short job partition, which can only be used for quick
jobs, but has a much sorter queue time
#SBATCH --reservation=shortqos
#SBATCH --qos=short
Note the queue limits in the documentation: 20 minutes on 8 nodes, and only Monday to Friday.
Particularly large jobs may need more memory per core than available by default, in which case you will need to use fewer cores per node (also called "underpopulating the nodes"). Depending on your input parameters, you may also find that you can get better performance by underpopulating, however this is not guaranteed and not always worth it in terms of overall resource use. You should measure performance before underpopulating production jobs.
In order to use fewer cores per node you need to change a couple of
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=64
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
This now uses 128 cores spread across two nodes. We use two cpus per
task in order to spread the cores across both sockets in the node. If
you want to underpopulate further, don't forget to increase
proportionally to compensate.