c_redist_33_inv_mpi_copy_persist_end Subroutine

private subroutine c_redist_33_inv_mpi_copy_persist_end(r, to_here)


Finish persistent communications associated with redistribute. Unpacks receive buffer.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(redist_type), intent(inout) :: r
complex, intent(inout), dimension ( r%from_low(1):, r%from_low(2):, r%from_low(3): ) :: to_here


Source Code

  subroutine c_redist_33_inv_mpi_copy_persist_end(r, to_here)
    use mp, only: waitall
    implicit none
    type (redist_type), intent (in out) :: r
    complex, dimension ( &
         r%from_low(1):, &
         r%from_low(2):, &
         r%from_low(3):  &
         ), intent (in out) :: to_here
    integer :: i, ip, nn, nrecv, nsend, j
    !For inverse transform SEND actually refers to received data and
    !RECV refers to data to be sent

    !Wait for receives to complete and unpack data
    nrecv = r%nsend
    if (nrecv > 0) then
       call waitall(nrecv, r%recv_inv_hand)

       !Now unpack data
       !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(none) &
       !$OMP PRIVATE(i, ip, nn, j) &
       !$OMP SHARED(nrecv, r, to_here)
       do i = 1, nrecv
          !Which processor is this data from
          ip = r%recv_inv_ip(i)
          nn = r%from(ip)%nn
          !$OMP DO &
          !$OMP SCHEDULE(static)
          do j = 1, nn
             to_here(              &
                  r%from(ip)%k(j), &
                  r%from(ip)%l(j), &
                  r%from(ip)%m(j)  &
                  ) = r%buff_send(i)%complex_buffer(j)
          end do
          !$OMP END DO NOWAIT
       end do
    end if

    !Wait for sends to complete
    nsend = r%nrecv
    if (nsend > 0) then
       call waitall(nsend, r%send_inv_hand)
    end if
  end subroutine c_redist_33_inv_mpi_copy_persist_end