calculate_gradients Subroutine

public pure subroutine calculate_gradients(self)

Given theta, R, Z, B and psi on 2D grids calculate the index space derivatives in the two grid dimensions and use these to find gradients in cartesian and Bishop space.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(abstract_geo_type), intent(inout) :: self


Source Code

Source Code

  pure subroutine calculate_gradients(self)
    implicit none
    class(abstract_geo_type), intent(in out) :: self
    ! The following quantities represent changes between adjacent grid
    ! points. The first two dimensions are usually minor radius and theta,
    ! respectively. The last dimension is the difference along either
    ! the (minor) radial or theta directions, respectively
    !> Major radius differences on theta, minor radius grids
    real, allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: drm
    !> Vertical differences on theta, minor radius grids
    real, allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: dzm
    !> Temporary version used to hold minor radius(psi), theta or B index space derivatives
    real, allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: dtmp_m

    ! Need drm and dzm for all eqdcart calls
    allocate(drm(self%nr, self%nt, 2), dzm(self%nr, self%nt, 2))
    call self%derm(self%R_psi, drm, 'E')
    call self%derm(self%Z_psi, dzm, 'O')

    ! grad(psi) in cartesian and bishop form
    allocate(dtmp_m(self%nr, self%nt, 2))
    call self%derm(self%eqpsi_2d, dtmp_m, 'E')
    call self%eqdcart(dtmp_m, drm, dzm, self%dpcart)
    call self%eqdbish(self%dpcart, self%dpcart, self%dpbish)

    ! grad(B) in cartesian and bishop form
    call self%derm(self%B_psi, dtmp_m, 'E')
    call self%eqdcart(dtmp_m, drm, dzm, self%dbcart)
    call self%eqdbish(self%dbcart, self%dpcart, self%dbbish)

    ! grad(theta) in cartesian and bishop form
    call self%derm(self%eqth, dtmp_m, 'T')
    call self%eqdcart(dtmp_m, drm, dzm, self%dtcart)
    call self%eqdbish(self%dtcart, self%dpcart, self%dtbish)
    deallocate(dtmp_m, drm, dzm)
  end subroutine calculate_gradients