check_init_g Subroutine

public subroutine check_init_g(report_unit)

FIXME : Add documentation


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: report_unit


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine check_init_g(report_unit)
    use run_parameters, only : delt_option_switch, delt_option_auto
    use species, only : spec, has_electron_species
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: report_unit
    select case (ginitopt_switch)
    case (ginitopt_default)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Amplitude:        ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Width in theta:   ',f10.4)") width0
       if (chop_side) then
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   none')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   even')") 
       end if

    case (ginitopt_kz0)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Amplitude:        ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Constant along field line',f10.4)") width0
       if (chop_side) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   none')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Remedy: set chop_side = .false. in init_g_knobs.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
       end if

    case (ginitopt_noise)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Amplitude:        ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Noise along field line.')") 
       if (zf_init /= 1.) then
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Zonal flows adjusted by factor of zf_init = ',f10.4)") zf_init
       end if

    case (ginitopt_kpar)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Amplitude:             ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Real part multiplier:  ',f10.4)") refac
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Imag part multiplier:  ',f10.4)") imfac
       if (width0 > 0.) then
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Gaussian envelope in theta with width:  ',f10.4)") width0
       end if
       if (chop_side) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   none')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Remedy: set chop_side = .false. in init_g_knobs.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
       end if
       if (den0 > epsilon(0.0) .or. den1 > epsilon(0.0) .or. den2 > epsilon(0.0)) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial density perturbation of the form:')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('den0   + den1 * cos(theta) + den2 * cos(2.*theta)')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('with den0 =',f7.4,' den1 = ',f7.4,' den2 = ',f7.4)") den0, den1, den2
       end if
       if (upar0 > epsilon(0.0) .or. upar1 > epsilon(0.0) .or. upar2 > epsilon(0.0)) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial parallel velocity perturbation of the form:')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('upar0   + upar1 * sin(theta) + upar2 * sin(2.*theta)')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('90 degrees out of phase with other perturbations.')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('with upar0 =',f7.4,' upar1 = ',f7.4,' upar2 = ',f7.4)") upar0, upar1, upar2
       end if
       if (tpar0 > epsilon(0.0) .or. tpar1 > epsilon(0.0) .or. tpar2 > epsilon(0.0)) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial Tpar perturbation of the form:')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('tpar0   + tpar1 * cos(theta) + tpar2 * cos(2.*theta)')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('with tpar0 =',f7.4,' tpar1 = ',f7.4,' tpar2 = ',f7.4)") tpar0, tpar1, tpar2
       end if
       if (tperp0 > epsilon(0.0) .or. tperp1 > epsilon(0.0) .or. tperp2 > epsilon(0.0)) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial Tperp perturbation of the form:')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('tperp0   + tperp1 * cos(theta) + tperp2 * cos(2.*theta)')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('with tperp0 =',f7.4,' tperp1 = ',f7.4,' tperp2 = ',f7.4)") tperp0, tperp1, tperp2
       end if
       if (has_electron_species(spec)) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Field line average of g_electron subtracted off.')")
       end if

    case (ginitopt_gs)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Randomly phased kpar=1 sines and cosines')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  in density, upar, tpar, or tperp.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Real part amplitude:  ',f10.4)") refac*phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Imag part amplitude:  ',f10.4)") imfac*phiinit
       if (abs( den1)  > epsilon(0.0)) write (report_unit, fmt="('  Density amplitude:  ',f10.4)") den1
       if (abs( upar1) > epsilon(0.0)) write (report_unit, fmt="('  Upar amplitude:  ',f10.4)") upar1
       if (abs( tpar1) > epsilon(0.0)) write (report_unit, fmt="('  Tpar amplitude:  ',f10.4)") tpar1
       if (abs(tperp1) > epsilon(0.0)) write (report_unit, fmt="('  Tperp amplitude:  ',f10.4)") tperp1

    case (ginitopt_nl)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('At most two k_perps excited, with amplitude = ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="(' First k_perp has ik = ',i3,' it = ',i3)") ikk(1), itt(1)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Second k_perp has ik = ',i3,' it = ',i3)") ikk(2), itt(2)
       if (chop_side) then
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   none')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   even')") 
       end if
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Reality condition is enforced.')")
    case (ginitopt_nl2)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('At most two k_perps excited, with amplitude = ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="(' First k_perp has ik = ',i3,' it = ',i3)") ikk(1), itt(1)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Second k_perp has ik = ',i3,' it = ',i3)") ikk(2), itt(2)
       if (chop_side) then
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   none')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   even')") 
       end if
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Reality condition is enforced.')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('g perturbation proportional to (1+v_parallel)*sin(theta)')")

    case (ginitopt_nl3)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('At most two k_perps excited, with amplitude = ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="(' First k_perp has ik = ',i3,' it = ',i3)") ikk(1), itt(1)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Second k_perp has ik = ',i3,' it = ',i3)") ikk(2), itt(2)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Real part multiplied by:  ',f10.4)") refac
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Imag part multiplied by:  ',f10.4)") imfac
       if (width0 > 0.) then
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Gaussian envelope in theta with width:  ',f10.4)") width0
       end if
       if (chop_side) then
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   none')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('  Parity:   even')") 
       end if
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Reality condition is enforced.')")
       if (den0 > epsilon(0.0) .or. den1 > epsilon(0.0) .or. den2 > epsilon(0.0)) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial density perturbation of the form:')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('den0   + den1 * cos(theta) + den2 * cos(2.*theta)')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('with den0 =',f7.4,' den1 = ',f7.4,' den2 = ',f7.4)") den0, den1, den2
       end if
       if (upar0 > epsilon(0.0) .or. upar1 > epsilon(0.0) .or. upar2 > epsilon(0.0)) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial parallel velocity perturbation of the form:')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('upar0   + upar1 * cos(theta) + upar2 * cos(2.*theta)')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('90 degrees out of phase with other perturbations.')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('with upar0 =',f7.4,' upar1 = ',f7.4,' upar2 = ',f7.4)") upar0, upar1, upar2
       end if
       if (tpar0 > epsilon(0.0) .or. tpar1 > epsilon(0.0) .or. tpar2 > epsilon(0.0)) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial Tpar perturbation of the form:')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('tpar0   + tpar1 * cos(theta) + tpar2 * cos(2.*theta)')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('with tpar0 =',f7.4,' tpar1 = ',f7.4,' tpar2 = ',f7.4)") tpar0, tpar1, tpar2
       end if
       if (tperp0 > epsilon(0.0) .or. tperp1 > epsilon(0.0) .or. tperp2 > epsilon(0.0)) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial Tperp perturbation of the form:')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('tperp0   + tperp1 * cos(theta) + tperp2 * cos(2.*theta)')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('with tperp0 =',f7.4,' tperp1 = ',f7.4,' tperp2 = ',f7.4)") tperp0, tperp1, tperp2
       end if
    case (ginitopt_nl4)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Under development for study of secondary instabilities.')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Scale factor:   ',f10.4)") scale
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_nl5)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Under development for study of secondary instabilities.')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Scale factor:   ',f10.4)") scale
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_nl6)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Change amplitude of a particular mode.')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Scale factor:   ',f10.4)") scale
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_xi)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Perturbation proportional to pitch angle.')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_xi2)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Perturbation proportional to function of pitch angle.')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_rh)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Maxwellian perturbation in ik=1 mode.')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_alf)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Ion dist fn proportional to v_parallel * sin(theta).')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_zero)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Distribution function = 0.')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_test3)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_convect)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_restart_file)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Restart from a single NetCDF restart file.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_restart_many)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Each PE restarts from its own NetCDF restart file.')") 

    case (ginitopt_restart_small)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Each PE restarts from its own NetCDF restart file.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('with amplitudes scaled by factor of scale = ',f10.4)") scale
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Noise added with amplitude = ',f10.4)") phiinit

    case (ginitopt_continue)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 

    case (ginitopt_cgyro)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Amplitude:        ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Constant amplitude for ky!=0')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Zero amplitude for ky=0')")

    case (ginitopt_random_sine)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Amplitude:        ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Zonal amplitude:  ',f10.4)") zf_init
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Max mode:         ',I0)") max_mode
       write (report_unit, fmt="(' Random sum of sine waves up to max_mode mode number')")

    case (ginitopt_constant)
       write (report_unit, fmt="('Initial conditions:')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Amplitude:        ',f10.4)") phiinit
       write (report_unit, fmt="('  Zonal amplitude:  ',f10.4)") zf_init
       write (report_unit, fmt="(' Constant value')")
    end select

    if (ginitopt_switch == ginitopt_restart_many) then
       if (delt_option_switch == delt_option_auto) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('This run is a continuation of a previous run.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('The time step at the beginning of this run')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('will be taken from the end of the previous run.')") 
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('This run is a continuation of a previous run.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('The time step is being set by hand.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('You probably want to set delt_option to be check_restart in the knobs namelist.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
       end if
    end if

    if (delt_option_switch == delt_option_auto) then
       if (ginitopt_switch /= ginitopt_restart_many) then
          write (report_unit, *) 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
          write (report_unit, fmt="('This is not a normal continuation run.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('You probably want to set delt_option to be default in the knobs namelist.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
          write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
          write (report_unit, *) 
       end if
    end if
  end subroutine check_init_g