check_kt_grids_single Subroutine

public subroutine check_kt_grids_single(report_unit)

FIXME : Add documentation


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: report_unit


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine check_kt_grids_single(report_unit)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: report_unit

    write (report_unit, *) 
    write (report_unit, fmt="('A single k_perp will be evolved, with: ')")
    if (n0 .gt.0) write (report_unit, fmt="('ky set using toroidal mode number, n0=',i8/T24,'rhostar_single=',1pe12.4)") n0, rhostar_single
    write (report_unit, *) 
    write (report_unit, fmt="('ky rho = ',f10.4)") aky
    write (report_unit, fmt="('theta_0 = ',f10.4)") theta0
    if (akx /= 0.) then
       write (report_unit, *) 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, fmt="('The value of akx in the kt_grids_single_parameters namelist is ignored.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('You have set akx to a non-zero value.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('THIS IS PROBABLY AN ERROR.')") 
       write (report_unit, fmt="('################# WARNING #######################')")
       write (report_unit, *) 
    end if
  end subroutine check_kt_grids_single