do_write_geom Subroutine

public subroutine do_write_geom()

Write some geometry information to text file <runname>.g




Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine do_write_geom
    use mp, only: proc0
    use file_utils, only: open_output_file, close_output_file
    use theta_grid, only: ntgrid, theta, Rplot, Zplot, aplot, Rprime, Zprime, aprime, drhodpsi, qval, shape
    implicit none
    integer :: i, unit

    if(.not.proc0) return

    !May want to guard this with if(write_ascii) but not until we provide this
    !data in main netcdf output by default.
    call open_output_file (unit, ".g")
    write (unit,fmt="('# shape: ',a)") trim(shape)
    write (unit,fmt="('# q = ',e11.4,' drhodpsi = ',e11.4)") qval, drhodpsi
    write (unit,fmt="('# theta1             R2                  Z3               alpha4      ', &
         &   '       Rprime5              Zprime6           alpha_prime7 ')")
    do i=-ntgrid,ntgrid
       write (unit,1000) theta(i),Rplot(i),Zplot(i),aplot(i), &
    call close_output_file (unit)
1000 format(20(1x,1pg18.11))
  end subroutine do_write_geom