dottgridf Subroutine

private pure subroutine dottgridf(a, b, c)

Calculate the dot product c = a.b where a, b and c are on the [-ntgrid, ntgrid] domain


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in), dimension(-ntgrid:,:) :: a
real, intent(in), dimension(-ntgrid:,:) :: b
real, intent(out), dimension(-ntgrid:) :: c


Source Code

Source Code

  pure subroutine dottgridf(a, b, c)
    real, dimension(-ntgrid:,:), intent(in) :: a, b
    real, dimension(-ntgrid:), intent(out) :: c
    c = a(:, 1) * b(:, 1) + a(:, 2) * b(:, 2) + a(:, 3) * b(:, 3)
  end subroutine dottgridf