eint_error Subroutine

public subroutine eint_error(g, weights, total)

FIXME : Add documentation


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension (-ntgrid:,:,g_lo%llim_proc:) :: g
real, intent(in), dimension (:) :: weights
complex, intent(out), dimension (-ntgrid:,:,:,:) :: total


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine eint_error (g, weights, total)
    use theta_grid, only: ntgrid
    use species, only: nspec
    use gs2_layouts, only: g_lo
    use gs2_layouts, only: is_idx, ik_idx, it_idx, ie_idx, il_idx
    use mp, only: sum_allreduce, proc0, broadcast

    implicit none

    complex, dimension (-ntgrid:,:,g_lo%llim_proc:), intent (in) :: g
    real, dimension (:), intent (in) :: weights
    complex, dimension (-ntgrid:,:,:,:), intent (out) :: total
    integer :: is, il, ie, ik, it, iglo, ipt

    !If we don't have the weights then calculate them now
    if (.not. allocated(wmod)) then
       !Allocate array, don't initialise as we fill in all values below
       allocate (wmod(negrid,wdim,nspec))

       if (proc0) then
          wmod(:negrid-1,:,:) = werr(:,:,:)
          do is = 1,nspec
            wmod(negrid,:,is) = w(negrid,is)  
          end do
       end if

       !send from proc0 to everywhere else
       call broadcast(wmod)
    end if

    !Initialise to zero

    !Do velocity space integral for each ipt (for all energy grid points)
    do ipt=1,wdim
       do iglo = g_lo%llim_proc, g_lo%ulim_proc
          ik = ik_idx(g_lo,iglo)
          it = it_idx(g_lo,iglo)
          ie = ie_idx(g_lo,iglo)
          is = is_idx(g_lo,iglo)
          il = il_idx(g_lo,iglo)

          total(:, it, ik, ipt) = total(:, it, ik, ipt) + weights(is)*wmod(ie,ipt,is)*wl(:,il)*(g(:,1,iglo)+g(:,2,iglo))
       end do
    end do

    !Moved this out of the above loop over ipt
    call sum_allreduce (total) 
  end subroutine eint_error