FIXME : Add documentation
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | is | |||
real, | intent(in) | :: | v | |||
real, | intent(out) | :: | f0 | |||
real, | intent(out) | :: | df0dE_out | |||
real, | intent(out) | :: | f0prim |
subroutine eval_f0_sdanalytic(is, v, f0, df0dE_out, f0prim)
use constants, only: pi
implicit none
integer,intent(in):: is
real,intent(in):: v
real,intent(out):: f0, df0dE_out, f0prim
real:: A, df0dv, vcprim, vcrit
! Early exit -- if v > 1 then assume f0 has been cutoff, i.e.
! we are above the threshold for the Heaviside function to
! zero the distribution. Note for v==1 our f0prim etc. are
! don't account for the Heaviside.
if (v > 1.0) then
f0 = 0.0
f0prim = 0.0
df0dE_out = 1.0
end if
if (spec(is)%vcrit <= 0.0) then
! If vcrit hasn't been set work out vcrit and vcprim using
! eqn 1.17 and 1.25 of [G. Wilkie thesis](
! Note this is independent of `v` so we could precalculate for the relevant species.
! This could be "trivially" cached by simply storing the calculated values in spec(is)
call calculate_slowingdown_parameters(is, vcrit, vcprim)
! This line is a bit odd, it _looks_ like it is checking if spec(is)%vcprim
! has not been set, and if it _hasn't_ then force vcprim = spec(is)%vcprim.
! In fact as spec(is)%vcprim defaults to -999.9 currently this logic _doesn't_
! trigger without the user manually setting vcprim more negative. I suspect
! this was intended to be if(was_set(spec(is)%vcprim)) vcprim = spec(is)%vcprim
if (abs(spec(is)%vcprim + 999.0) < 1.0e-3) vcprim = spec(is)%vcprim
vcrit = spec(is)%vcrit
! If vcrit is specified, there is no way of knowing its radial
! derivative, so set dvc/drho = 0. As above, this doesn't actually trigger
! for the default value of spec(is)%vcprim. I suspect this is meant to be
! if(not_set(spec(is)%vcprim)) vcprim = 0.
if (abs(spec(is)%vcprim + 999.0) < 1.0e-3) vcprim = 0.0
end if
A = (3 / (4 * pi)) / log((vcrit**3 + 1) / (vcrit**3))
f0 = A / (vcrit**3 + v**3)
df0dv = -f0 * 3 * v**2 / (vcrit**3 + v**3)
df0dE_out = (0.5 / v) * df0dv / ( f0 * spec(is)%temp )
! See eqn 1.22 of Wilkie's thesis with v_alpha -> 1
f0prim = -spec(is)%fprim - (-(vcrit**3 / (vcrit**3 + v**3)) + &
(1 / ( log(1 + vcrit**(-3)) * (1 + vcrit**3)))) * vcprim
end subroutine eval_f0_sdanalytic