finish_dump_response Subroutine

subroutine finish_dump_response()

Call the finialise routines for any module we have initialised.




Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine finish_dump_response
    use antenna, only: finish_antenna
    use collisions, only: finish_collisions
    use dist_fn, only: finish_dist_fn
    use fields, only: finish_fields
    use file_utils, only: finish_file_utils
    use hyper, only: finish_hyper
    use init_g, only: finish_init_g
    use kt_grids, only: finish_kt_grids
    use le_grids, only: finish_le_grids
    use mp, only: proc0, finish_mp
    use run_parameters, only: finish_run_parameters
    use species, only: finish_species

    implicit none

    call finish_antenna
    call finish_collisions
    call finish_dist_fn
    call finish_fields
    call finish_hyper
    call finish_init_g
    call finish_kt_grids
    call finish_le_grids
    call finish_run_parameters
    call finish_species
    if (proc0) call finish_file_utils
    call finish_mp

  end subroutine finish_dump_response