get_dHdE Subroutine

private subroutine get_dHdE(gjk, legdre, chebyshv1, chebyshv2, x, xmax, dH)

FIXME : Add documentation


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real, intent(in), dimension (0:,0:) :: gjk
real, intent(in), dimension (:,0:) :: legdre
real, intent(in), dimension (:,0:) :: chebyshv1
real, intent(in), dimension (:,0:) :: chebyshv2
real, intent(in), dimension (:) :: x
real, intent(in) :: xmax
real, intent(out), dimension (:,:) :: dH


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine get_dHdE (gjk, legdre, chebyshv1, chebyshv2, x, xmax, dH)

    implicit none

    real, dimension (0:,0:), intent (in) :: gjk
    real, dimension (:,0:), intent (in) :: legdre
    real, dimension (:), intent (in) :: x
    real, intent (in) :: xmax
    real, dimension (:,0:), intent (in) :: chebyshv1, chebyshv2
    real, dimension (:,:), intent (out) :: dH

    integer :: ij, ik, ix
    real :: cfac

    dH = 0.0

    ! dH/dE at fixed xi is sum_{j,k} c_{j,k}*P_j(xi)*d(T_{n}(z))/dz / sqrt(E*EMAX)
    ! z=2*sqrt(E/EMAX)-1
    ! note that d(T_{k})/dz = k*U_{k-1}, where U_k is the Chebyshev polynomial of the 2nd kind
    do ix = 1, size(x)
       do ik = 0, size(gjk,2)-1
          if (ik==0) then
             ! cfac nonzero here if hneo = F_1 instead of F_1/F_0
             !             cfac = -chebyshv1(ix,ik)
             cfac = 0.0
             ! extra chebyshv1 term not needed since hneo = F_1/F_0 instead of F_1
             !             cfac = ik/sqrt(xmax*x(ix))*chebyshv2(ix,ik-1)-chebyshv1(ix,ik)
             cfac = ik/sqrt(xmax*x(ix))*chebyshv2(ix,ik-1)
          end if
          do ij = 0, size(gjk,1)-1
             dH(:,ix) = dH(:,ix) + (legdre(:,ij)*cfac*gjk(ij,ik))
          end do
       end do
    end do

  end subroutine get_dHdE