ginit_gs Subroutine

private subroutine ginit_gs()

FIXME : Add documentation
DD>Should this be triggered for kt_grids::reality=.true. only?




Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine ginit_gs
    use species, only: spec, has_electron_species
    use theta_grid, only: ntgrid, theta
    use kt_grids, only: naky, ntheta0
    use le_grids, only: forbid
    use dist_fn_arrays, only: g, gnew, vpa, vperp2
    use gs2_layouts, only: g_lo, ik_idx, it_idx, il_idx, is_idx
    use constants, only: pi, zi
    use ran, only: ranf
    use array_utils, only: copy, zero_array
    implicit none
    complex, dimension (-ntgrid:ntgrid,ntheta0,naky) :: phi, odd
    integer :: iglo
    integer :: ik, it, il, is
    real :: phase
    call zero_array(phi) ; call zero_array(odd)
    do ik=1,naky
       do it=1,ntheta0
          phase = 2.*pi*ranf()
          phi(:,it,ik) = cos(theta+phase)*cmplx(refac,imfac)
          odd(:,it,ik) = sin(theta+phase)*cmplx(refac,imfac) * zi
       end do
    end do
!<DD>Should this be triggered for kt_grids::reality=.true. only?
! reality condition for k_theta = 0 component:
    do it = 1, ntheta0/2
       phi(:,it+(ntheta0+1)/2,1) = conjg(phi(:,(ntheta0+1)/2+1-it,1))
       odd(:,it+(ntheta0+1)/2,1) = conjg(odd(:,(ntheta0+1)/2+1-it,1))

! charge dependence keeps initial Phi from being too small
    do iglo = g_lo%llim_proc, g_lo%ulim_proc
       ik = ik_idx(g_lo,iglo)
       it = it_idx(g_lo,iglo)
       il = il_idx(g_lo,iglo)
       is = is_idx(g_lo,iglo)       

       g(:,1,iglo) = phiinit* &!spec(is)%z* &
            ( den1                         * phi(:,it,ik) &
            + 2.*upar1* vpa(:,1,iglo)      * odd(:,it,ik) &
            + tpar1*(vpa(:,1,iglo)**2-0.5) * phi(:,it,ik) &
            + tperp1*(vperp2(:,iglo)-1.)   * phi(:,it,ik))
       where (forbid(:,il)) g(:,1,iglo) = 0.0
       g(:,2,iglo) = phiinit* &!spec(is)%z* &
            ( den1                         * phi(:,it,ik) &
            + 2.*upar1* vpa(:,2,iglo)      * odd(:,it,ik) &
            + tpar1*(vpa(:,2,iglo)**2-0.5) * phi(:,it,ik) &
            + tperp1*(vperp2(:,iglo)-1.)   * phi(:,it,ik))
       where (forbid(:,il)) g(:,2,iglo) = 0.0

    end do

    if (has_electron_species(spec)) then
       call flae (g, gnew)
       g = g - gnew
    end if

    call copy(g, gnew)
  end subroutine ginit_gs