idx_local_yxf Function

private elemental function idx_local_yxf(lo, ig, isign, it, il, ie, is)

Return whether a point is local to a processor given the dimensional indices


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(yxf_layout_type), intent(in) :: lo
integer, intent(in) :: ig
integer, intent(in) :: isign
integer, intent(in) :: it
integer, intent(in) :: il
integer, intent(in) :: ie
integer, intent(in) :: is

Return Value logical


Source Code

Source Code

  elemental function idx_local_yxf (lo, ig, isign, it, il, ie, is)
    implicit none
    logical :: idx_local_yxf
    type (yxf_layout_type), intent (in) :: lo
    integer, intent (in) :: ig, isign, it, il, ie, is
    idx_local_yxf = idx_local (lo, idx(lo, ig, isign, it, il, ie, is))
  end function idx_local_yxf