init_connected_bc Subroutine

private subroutine init_connected_bc()

Coordinates the calculation of all data required for later application of linked boundary conditions. Deals with identifying the communication pattern and creating the associated redistributes used to perform the required communication.




Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine init_connected_bc
    use kt_grids, only: naky, ntheta0
    use le_grids, only: mixed_wfb
    use gs2_layouts, only: g_lo
    use array_utils, only: zero_array
    use mp, only: proc0
    use file_utils, only: error_unit
    implicit none
    integer :: jshift0, n_links_max

    if (connectinit) return
    connectinit = .true.

    ! Skip setup of linked bc data in cases without linked boundaries.
    ! We might want to remove this check so that we can calculate
    ! the linked bc data for testing etc.
    if (boundary_option_switch /= boundary_option_linked) return

    ! Get the kx index spacing between connections
    jshift0 = compute_jshift0()

    allocate (itleft(ntheta0, naky), itright(ntheta0, naky))
    call compute_itleft_and_itright(jshift0, itleft, itright)

    allocate (connections(g_lo%llim_proc:g_lo%ulim_alloc))
    call compute_connections(itleft, itright, connections)

    allocate (save_h(2, g_lo%llim_proc:g_lo%ulim_alloc))
    call set_save_h(connections, save_h)

    call count_links(itleft, itright, l_links, r_links, n_links)
    n_links_max = maxval(n_links)

    ! wfb -- mixed treatment requires some extra links to be communicated
    if (n_links_max > 0 .and. mixed_wfb) n_links_max = n_links_max + 3

    ! Could we move this call to init_bc? Would have to check that it returns
    ! the expected values when l_links = r_links = 0
    call setup_fields_implicit_class_arrays(l_links, r_links, M_class, N_class, i_class)

    ! now set up communication pattern:
    ! excluding wfb
    call setup_connected_bc_redistribute(l_links, r_links, n_links_max, &
         links_p, links_h, no_connections)

    ! If no connections then don't need to do any more work here. One
    ! might expect us to be able to set no_connections = n_links_max == 0
    ! rather than having to call setup_connected_bc_redistribute to
    ! determine this. This would allow a little bit of work to be skipped.
    ! Note that no_connections is a global quantity (i.e. agreed value
    ! on all processors). We may wish to introduce a local version as well.
    ! At scale each processor may only be responsible for one pitch angle,
    ! for example. If this is a trapped pitch angle then it will not have
    ! any work to do associated with the boundaries yet it will still go
    ! through the allocations etc. associated with setting up linked boundaries
    if (no_connections) then
       if (proc0) write(error_unit(), &
            '("No connections found when setting up linked boundaries.")')
    end if

    ! take care of wfb
    if (mixed_wfb) then
       call setup_connected_bc_redistribute_mixed_wfb(l_links, r_links, n_links_max, &
            wfb_p, wfb_h)
    end if

    ! Setup redistributes for passing the incoming boundary to the previous linked
    ! cell. Used to generalise the linked boundary conditions to allow gnew /= 0 at
    ! the linked location.
    if (start_from_previous_solution) then
       call setup_pass_incoming_boundary_to_connections(l_links, r_links, incoming_links)
    end if

    ! n_links_max is typically 2 * number of cells in largest supercell
    ! Note this is potentially quite wasteful in terms of storage. In flux
    ! tube setup there is likely only one supercell with the maximal number
    ! of links and many more with fewer (or zero) links yet we allocate the
    ! full length for _all_ iglo points. For the longest supercell we expect
    ! n_links ~ 2 * ntheta0/jtwist - 1 and hence n_links_max is ~ 2*( 1 + ntheta/jtwist)
    ! For simulations with high nx and/or low jtwist n_links_max could be >> ntheta
    ! and therefore g_adj may dominate memory consumption in some cases.
    allocate (g_adj (n_links_max, 2, g_lo%llim_proc:g_lo%ulim_alloc))
    call zero_array(g_adj)

  end subroutine init_connected_bc