Read namelist diagnostics_config, initialise submodules, open output file 'run_name.cdf' and create dimensions. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adjust other modules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We should replace parallel_io_capable below with gs2_has_netcdf_parallel once we actually want to allow parallel diagnostics. DD>This is only correct if running in box mode surely?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Open Text Files (if required) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Initialise submodules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(standard_header_type), | intent(in) | :: | header |
Header for files with build and run information |
subroutine init_gs2_diagnostics_new(header)
use kt_grids, only: nx, ny, naky, ntheta0
use le_grids, only: nlambda, negrid
use species, only: nspec
use theta_grid, only: ntgrid
use gs2_transforms, only: init_transforms
use diagnostics_config, only: init_diagnostics_config
use diagnostics_fluxes, only: init_diagnostics_fluxes
use diagnostics_omega, only: init_diagnostics_omega
use diagnostics_velocity_space, only: init_diagnostics_velocity_space
use diagnostics_heating, only: init_diagnostics_heating
use diagnostics_ascii, only: init_diagnostics_ascii
use diagnostics_antenna, only: init_diagnostics_antenna
use diagnostics_nonlinear_convergence, only: init_nonlinear_convergence
use diagnostics_zonal_transfer, only: init_diagnostics_transfer
use diagnostics_kinetic_energy_transfer, only: init_diagnostics_kinetic_energy_transfer
use collisional_heating, only: init_collisional
use collisions, only: heating, set_heating
use nonlinear_terms, only: nonlin
use gs2_save, only: save_many
use file_utils, only: run_name, error_unit
use mp, only: proc0, broadcast, mp_abort
use kt_grids, only: naky, aky
use gs2_diagnostics, only: check_restart_file_writeable
use unit_tests, only: debug_message
use standard_header, only: standard_header_type
use gs2_metadata, only: create_metadata
use run_parameters, only: user_comments
use constants, only: run_name_size
use neasyf, only: neasyf_open
use gs2_io, only: define_dims, nc_norms, nc_species, nc_geo, save_input, get_dim_length, nc_grids_mymovie
implicit none
!> Header for files with build and run information
type(standard_header_type), intent(in) :: header
logical :: ex, accelerated
character(run_name_size) :: filename
call debug_message(gnostics%verbosity, &
'gs2_diagnostics_new::init_gs2_diagnostics_new starting')
call init_diagnostics_config(gnostics)
call debug_message(gnostics%verbosity, &
'gs2_diagnostics_new::init_gs2_diagnostics_new initialized config')
call check_parameters
call check_restart_file_writeable(gnostics%file_safety_check, &
gnostics%save_for_restart, &
call debug_message(gnostics%verbosity, &
'gs2_diagnostics_new::init_gs2_diagnostics_new checked restart file')
call debug_message(gnostics%verbosity, &
'gs2_diagnostics_new::init_gs2_diagnostics_new inialized vol avgs')
!! Adjust other modules
save_many = gnostics%save_many
if (.not. gnostics%write_any) return
gnostics%parallel = .false.
if (gnostics%enable_parallel) then
!> We should replace parallel_io_capable below with
!> [[build_config:gs2_has_netcdf_parallel]] once we actually
!> want to allow parallel diagnostics.
if (parallel_io_capable) then
gnostics%parallel = .true.
if (proc0) write (*,*) "WARNING: you have selected &
& enable_parallel but this build does not have &
& parallel capability."
end if
end if
gnostics%user_time_old = 0.0
! fluxfac is used for summing fields, fluxes etc over ky
! Mostly this is not needed, since the average_ky routine in
! volume_averages takes care of the factor... you only need it
! if you are manually summing something over ky
gnostics%fluxfac = 0.5
!<DD>This is only correct if running in box mode surely?
! I think this should be if(aky(1)==0.0) fluxfac(1)=1.0 but I may be wrong
if(aky(1)==0.0) gnostics%fluxfac(1) = 1.0
if (gnostics%write_heating .and. .not. heating) then
if (proc0) write(*,'("Warning: Disabling write_heating as collisions:heating is false.")')
gnostics%write_heating = .false.
else if (heating .and. .not. &
(gnostics%write_heating .or. gnostics%write_collisional)) then
call set_heating(.false.)
end if
!!! Open Text Files (if required)
if (proc0) call set_ascii_file_switches
if (proc0) call init_diagnostics_ascii(gnostics%ascii_files)
! Initialise submodules
call init_diagnostics_fluxes(gnostics)
call init_diagnostics_omega(gnostics)
!if (gnostics%write_max_verr) gnostics%write_verr = .true.
call init_diagnostics_velocity_space(gnostics)
call init_diagnostics_antenna(gnostics)
call init_diagnostics_transfer(gnostics)
call init_collisional(gnostics)
if (gnostics%write_kinetic_energy_transfer) call init_diagnostics_kinetic_energy_transfer
if (gnostics%write_heating) call init_diagnostics_heating(gnostics)
if (nonlin.and.gnostics%use_nonlin_convergence) call init_nonlinear_convergence(gnostics)
filename = trim(trim(run_name)//'')
call debug_message(gnostics%verbosity, &
'gs2_diagnostics_new::init_gs2_diagnostics_new opening file')
if (gnostics%parallel.or.proc0) then
inquire(file=trim(run_name)//'', exist=ex)
if (gnostics%append_old .and. ex) then
gnostics%file_id = neasyf_open(trim(filename), "rw")
gnostics%nout = get_dim_length(gnostics%file_id, "t")
gnostics%file_id = neasyf_open(trim(filename), "w")
call create_metadata(gnostics%file_id, "GS2 Simulation Data", header, user_comments)
call debug_message(gnostics%verbosity, &
'gs2_diagnostics_new::init_gs2_diagnostics_new written metadata')
! Write constants/parameters
call define_dims(gnostics%file_id, gnostics%write_correlation_extend)
call nc_norms(gnostics%file_id)
call nc_species(gnostics%file_id)
call nc_geo(gnostics%file_id)
call save_input(gnostics%file_id)
gnostics%nout = 1
if (gnostics%make_movie) then
call init_transforms(ntgrid, naky, ntheta0, nlambda, negrid, nspec, nx, ny, accelerated)
call nc_grids_mymovie(gnostics%file_id)
end if
end if
end if
call debug_message(gnostics%verbosity, &
'gs2_diagnostics_new::init_gs2_diagnostics_new opened file')
! Vital that other procs know we are appending
call broadcast(gnostics%appending)
call broadcast(gnostics%nout)
call debug_message(gnostics%verbosity, &
'gs2_diagnostics_new::init_gs2_diagnostics_new finished')
end subroutine init_gs2_diagnostics_new