FIXME : Add documentation
no circular shift
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | ncolumns | |||
integer, | intent(out), | dimension(0:) | :: | group0 | ||
integer, | intent(out) | :: | ierr |
subroutine init_jobs (ncolumns, group0, ierr)
implicit none
# ifdef MPI
! integer, parameter :: reorder=1
! TT: I changed variable definition by assuming integer 1 corresponds to
! TT: logical .true. but I'm not sure if reorder is needed.
! TT: In any case this subroutine is only called when you use job fork.
logical, parameter :: reorder=.true.
integer :: ip, j, comm2d, id2d, nrows
# endif
integer, intent(in) :: ncolumns
integer, dimension(0:), intent (out) :: group0
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
# ifndef MPI
group0 = 0
ierr = 0
if (ncolumns /= 1) call mp_abort ("jobs")
# else
integer, parameter :: ndim=2
integer, dimension(ndim) :: dims
integer, dimension(0:ndim-1) :: coords1d, coords2d
logical, dimension(0:ndim-1) :: belongs
logical, dimension(ndim) :: period
logical :: isroot
if (.not. allocated(grp0)) allocate (grp0(0:size(group0)-1))
! calculate dimensions mpi processor grid will have and check that
! ncolumns*nrows = number of processes
! nrows is # of processors per job (or group)
nrows = ntot_proc/ncolumns
dims=(/ ncolumns, nrows /)
if(ntot_proc /= ncolumns*nrows) then
ierr = 1
if(aproc0) write(*,*) 'Number of processes must be divisible by number of groups'
ngroup_proc = nrows
! create 2d cartesian topology for processes
period=(/ .false., .false. /) !< no circular shift
! call mpi_cart_create(mpi_comm_world, ndim, dims, period, reorder, comm2d, ierr)
call time_message(.false., time_mp_other, ' MPI Overheads')
call mpi_cart_create(comm_all, ndim, dims, period, reorder, comm2d, ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(comm2d, id2d, ierr)
call mpi_cart_coords(comm2d, id2d, ndim, coords2d, ierr)
call time_message(.false., time_mp_other, ' MPI Overheads')
! each processor knows which subgrid it is in from variable mpi_group
job = coords2d(0)
! create 1d subgrids from 2d processor grid, variable belongs denotes
! whether processor grid is split by column or row
belongs(1) = .true. ! this dimension belongs to subgrid
belongs(0) = .false.
call time_message(.false., time_mp_other, ' MPI Overheads')
call mpi_cart_sub(comm2d, belongs, comm_group, ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(comm_group, gproc, ierr)
call mpi_cart_coords(comm_group, gproc, 1, coords1d, ierr)
call time_message(.false., time_mp_other, ' MPI Overheads')
gproc0 = (gproc == 0)
! find root process of each 1d subgrid and place in array group0 indexed
! from 0 to subgrids-1
! MAB> following two lines were incorrect
! j=1
! group0(0) = 0
! replace with
j = 0
if (proc0 .and. gproc0) then
group0(0) = 0
j = 1
end if
! <MAB
do ip = 1, ntot_proc-1
if (proc0) then
call receive (isroot, ip)
if (isroot) then
group0(j) = ip
end if
else if (ip == aproc) then
call send (gproc0, 0)
end if
call barrier
end do
!let all processors have the group0 array
call broadcast (group0)
grp0 = group0
! TT> brought down here from init_job_name in file_utils.fpp
call scope (subprocs)
! <TT
# endif
end subroutine init_jobs