init_rcfftw_1d Subroutine

private subroutine init_rcfftw_1d(fft, direction, n, howmany, transposed)


Create FFTW plan suitable for 1D real to complex transformation


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fft_type), intent(out) :: fft

The created plan

integer, intent(in) :: direction

Direction of the transformation, either FFT_TO_SPECTRAL_SPACE or FFT_TO_REAL_SPACE

integer, intent(in) :: n

Number of points in array to transform

integer, intent(in) :: howmany

Number of independent FFTs in array

logical, intent(in), optional :: transposed

If true, then take 42 of transpose of array


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine init_rcfftw_1d (fft, direction, n, howmany, transposed)
    use job_manage, only: time_message
    implicit none
    !> The created plan
    type (fft_type), intent (out) :: fft
    !> Direction of the transformation, either [[FFT_TO_SPECTRAL_SPACE]] or [[FFT_TO_REAL_SPACE]]
    integer, intent (in) :: direction
    !> Number of points in array to transform
    integer, intent (in) :: n
    !> Number of independent FFTs in array
    integer, intent (in) :: howmany
    !> If true, then take FFT of transpose of array
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: transposed

#if FFT == _FFTW3_
    integer, dimension(1) :: vector_sizes_real, vector_sizes_complex

    ! we need two dummy arrays for the planner.  Since at
    ! present we are not using SSE instructions, these are save
    ! to be local to this routine
    real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dummy_real_data
    complex, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: dummy_complex_data

    call time_message(.false., time_fft, ' FFT')

    fft = basic_init(n, direction, howmany, .false.)

#if FFT == _FFTW3_
    if (present(transposed)) then
       allocate (dummy_real_data(max (1, howmany), N))
       allocate (dummy_complex_data(max(1, howmany), N/2+1))
       allocate (dummy_real_data(N, max (1, howmany)))
       allocate (dummy_complex_data(N/2+1, max(1, howmany)))

    vector_sizes_real = N
    vector_sizes_complex = N/2+1

    if ( present(transposed)) then
       call FFTW_PREFIX(_plan_many_dft_r2c) (fft%plan, 1, &
            vector_sizes_real, howmany, &
            dummy_real_data,    vector_sizes_real,   howmany,  1, &
            dummy_complex_data, vector_sizes_complex, howmany, 1, &
       call FFTW_PREFIX(_plan_many_dft_r2c) (fft%plan, 1, &
            vector_sizes_real, howmany, &
            dummy_real_data,    vector_sizes_real,    1, N,     &
            dummy_complex_data, vector_sizes_complex, 1, N/2+1, &

    deallocate (dummy_real_data, dummy_complex_data)
    call time_message(.false., time_fft, ' FFT')
  end subroutine init_rcfftw_1d