init_uniform_theta_grid Subroutine

private subroutine init_uniform_theta_grid(ntheta, theta, nperiod, ntgrid, nth)


Initialse geometry to a uniform grid with 2*((2*nperiod - 1)*(nt/2)) + 1 points. Also set nth, geometry and [[geometry::ntgrid]] consistently; importantly nth is forced to be even. If ntheta is odd, then nth == ntheta - 1.

ntheta is set equal to geometry on exit


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(inout) :: ntheta
real, intent(inout), dimension(:), allocatable :: theta
integer, intent(in) :: nperiod
integer, intent(out) :: ntgrid
integer, intent(out) :: nth


Source Code

  subroutine init_uniform_theta_grid(ntheta, theta, nperiod, ntgrid, nth)
    use constants, only: pi
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in out) :: ntheta
    real, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(in out) :: theta
    integer, intent(in) :: nperiod
    integer, intent(out) :: ntgrid, nth
    integer :: i

    nth = ntheta / 2
    ! Make sure ntheta is even, update argument and set ntgrid
    ntheta = nth * 2 ; ntgrid = (2 * nperiod - 1) * nth

    if (verb>3) write(6,*) "init_theta: allocated(theta),ntgrid,ntheta,nperiod=",&
      allocated(theta), ntgrid, ntheta, nperiod

    if (allocated(theta)) deallocate (theta)

    theta = [ (i * pi / real(nth), i=-ntgrid, ntgrid) ]
  end subroutine init_uniform_theta_grid