initialize_gs2 Subroutine

public subroutine initialize_gs2(state, header_in, header_out, quiet)

Initialise message passing, open the input file, split the communicator if running in list mode or if nensembles > 1, initialize the timers. After calling this function, gs2 reaches init\%level = basic. If it is desired to provide an external commuicator or set the input file name externally, these should be set before calling this function.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state
type(standard_header_type), intent(in), optional :: header_in

Header for files with build and run information

type(standard_header_type), intent(out), optional :: header_out

Get the header set by this function. Useful if header_in is not used

logical, intent(in), optional :: quiet

If true, don't print start-up messages/header


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine initialize_gs2(state, header_in, header_out, quiet)
    use file_utils, only: init_file_utils, run_name, run_name_target
    use gs2_init, only: init_gs2_init
    use job_manage, only: time_message, job_fork
    use job_manage, only: init_checktime
    use mp, only: init_mp, broadcast, job, iproc, nproc, proc0
    use mp, only: use_nproc, included, mp_comm, mp_comm_null
    use redistribute, only: using_measure_scatter
    use unit_tests, only: debug_message, set_job_id
    use standard_header, only: standard_header_type
    use optionals, only: get_option_with_default
#ifdef OPENMP
    use omp_lib, only: omp_get_num_threads
    implicit none
    type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state
    !> Header for files with build and run information
    type(standard_header_type), intent(in), optional :: header_in
    !> Get the header set by this function. Useful if `header_in` is _not_ used
    type(standard_header_type), intent(out), optional :: header_out
    !> If true, don't print start-up messages/header
    logical, intent(in), optional :: quiet
    ! Actual value for optional `header` input
    type(standard_header_type) :: local_header
    ! Internal value for optional `quiet` input
    logical :: quiet_value
#ifdef OPENMP
    integer :: nthread

    if (state%init%level .ge. init_level_list%basic) then
      write  (*,*) "ERROR: Called initialize_gs2 twice &
        & without calling finalize_gs2"
      stop 1
    end if

    call debug_message(4, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 starting initialization')

    call init_mp(state%mp_comm)

    if (present(header_in)) then
      local_header = header_in
      local_header = standard_header_type()
    end if

    if (present(header_out)) header_out = local_header

    quiet_value = get_option_with_default(quiet, .false.)

    call initialize_wall_clock_timer

    ! If optimisations say to use a subset of available processors
    ! create the communicator for this here.
    if (state%init%opt_ov%is_initialised() .and. state%init%opt_ov%override_nproc &
         .and. state%init%opt_ov%nproc /= nproc) then
       state%init%opt_ov%old_comm = mp_comm
       call use_nproc(state%init%opt_ov%nproc)
      state%init%opt_ov%old_comm = mp_comm_null
    end if
    state%included = included
    state%nproc_actual = nproc
    if (.not. state%included) return

    if (state%is_trinity_job) state%is_external_job = .true.
    if (state%is_external_job) then 
      call broadcast(state%external_job_id)
      call set_job_id(state%external_job_id)
    end if

    call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 initialized mp')

    call reset_timers(state%timers)
    call init_checktime ! <doc> Initialize timer </doc>
    call debug_message(state%verb, &
      'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 called init_checktime')
    if (proc0) then
      ! Report number of processors being used
      if (.not. quiet_value) then
         write(*, '(a)') local_header%to_string(comment_character=" ")
         if (state%external_job_id >= 0) then
            write(*, '(a, i0, a)', advance="no") "External job ", state%external_job_id, " "
         end if
         write(*, '(a, i0, a)', advance="no") "Running on ", nproc, " processor"
         ! Pluralise processor
         if (nproc > 1) write(*, '(a)', advance="no") "s"
#ifdef OPENMP
         !$OMP PARALLEL
         nthread = omp_get_num_threads()
         write(*, '(A, I0, A)',advance="no") " with ", nthread, " thread"
         ! Pluralise thread
         if (nthread > 1) write(*, '(a)', advance="no") "s"
         ! Make sure we still get a blank line
         write(*,*) new_line('a')
      end if

      ! Call init_file_utils, ie. initialize the run_name, checking
      !  whether we are doing a Trinity run or a list of runs.
      ! Until the logic of init_file_utils is fixed we set trin_run
      ! when an external file name has been provided... this prevents
      ! it overriding the name from the command line.
      call init_file_utils (state%list, trin_run=state%run_name_external, &
           name=state%run_name, n_ensembles=state%nensembles)
      call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 initialized file_utils')
    end if
    call broadcast (state%list)
    call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 broadcasted list')

    if (state%list) then
       call job_fork
       call set_job_id(job)
       call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 called job fork')
    else if (state%nensembles > 1) then 
       call job_fork (n_ensembles=state%nensembles)
       call debug_message(state%verb, &
         'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 called job fork (nensembles>1)')
    end if

    call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total')

    ! Pass run name to other procs
    if (proc0) run_name_target = trim(run_name)
    call broadcast (run_name_target)
    if (.not. proc0) run_name => run_name_target
    call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 run_name = '//run_name)

    !Set using_measure_scatter to indicate we want to use in "gather/scatter" timings
    using_measure_scatter = .false.

    ! Initialize the gs2 initialization system
    call init_gs2_init()

    state%init%level = init_level_list%basic

    call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total')

    call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 finished')

  end subroutine initialize_gs2