loop_diagnostics Subroutine

public subroutine loop_diagnostics(istep, exit, debopt, force)

Calculate and write the various diagnostic quantities.

This is the main routine for the "old" diagnostics.

The rest of the routine only happens every nwrite steps

The following large section could do with being moved to separate routines but at the moment its all quite interlinked which makes this hard.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: istep

Current timestep

logical, intent(out) :: exit

If true, simulation should stop (for example, because it has converged)

logical, intent(in), optional :: debopt

If true, turn on some debug prints

logical, intent(in), optional :: force


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine loop_diagnostics (istep, exit, debopt, force)
    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
    use build_config, only: gs2_has_lowflow
    use species, only: nspec, spec, has_electron_species
    use kt_grids, only: naky, ntheta0
    use run_parameters, only: nstep, has_phi, has_apar, has_bpar
    use fields_arrays, only: phinew, bparnew
    use dist_fn, only: collision_error, write_f, write_fyx
    use collisions, only: ncheck, vary_vnew
    use mp, only: proc0, broadcast
    use gs2_time, only: user_time
    use gs2_io, only: nc_qflux, nc_vflux, nc_pflux, nc_pflux_tormom, nc_exchange, nc_final_fields, nc_sync, get_netcdf_movie_file_id
    use nonlinear_terms, only: nonlin
    use antenna, only: antenna_w
    use parameter_scan_arrays, only: scan_hflux => hflux_tot, scan_momflux => momflux_tot 
    use parameter_scan_arrays, only: scan_phi2_tot => phi2_tot, scan_nout => nout
    use parameter_scan, only: scanning
    use optionals, only: get_option_with_default
    use diagnostics_printout, only: write_phi_fluxes_to_unit, write_fluxes_to_unit
    use diagnostics_fluxes, only: common_calculate_fluxes, qheat, qmheat, qbheat, &
         pflux, vflux, vflux_par, vflux_perp, pflux_tormom, vflux0, vflux1, pmflux, vmflux, &
         pbflux, vbflux, exchange
    implicit none
    !> Current timestep
    integer, intent (in) :: istep
    !> If true, simulation should stop (for example, because it has converged)
    logical, intent (out) :: exit
    !> If true, turn on some debug prints
    logical, intent (in), optional:: debopt
    logical, intent(in), optional :: force
    real, dimension (ntheta0, naky) :: phitot
    real :: phi2, apar2, bpar2
    real :: t
    integer :: ik, it, is, write_mod
    complex, save :: wtmp_new !This shouldn't need to be given the save property

    real, dimension (ntheta0, nspec) :: x_qmflux
    real, dimension (nspec) ::  heat_fluxes,  part_fluxes, mom_fluxes, parmom_fluxes, perpmom_fluxes, part_tormom_fluxes
    real, dimension (nspec) :: lfmom_fluxes, vflux1_avg  ! low-flow correction to turbulent momentum fluxes
    real, dimension (nspec) :: mheat_fluxes, mpart_fluxes, mmom_fluxes
    real, dimension (nspec) :: bheat_fluxes, bpart_fluxes, bmom_fluxes
    real, dimension (nspec) :: energy_exchange
    real, dimension (nspec) ::  heat_par,  heat_perp
    real, dimension (nspec) :: mheat_par, mheat_perp
    real, dimension (nspec) :: bheat_par, bheat_perp
    real :: hflux_tot, zflux_tot, vflux_tot

    real, save :: t_old = 0.
    logical :: last = .false.
    logical:: debug=.false.
    logical :: do_force
    integer, save :: istep_last = -1
    if (present(debopt)) debug = debopt

    !Set the current time
    t = user_time
    !Always skip if we've already done this step
    if (istep == istep_last) return

    do_force = get_option_with_default(force, .false.)

    exit = .false.

    call do_get_omega(istep,debug,exit)

    if (write_heating) call heating (istep, h, hk)

    if (make_movie .and. mod(istep,nmovie) == 0) call do_write_movie(t)

    if (write_gyx .and. mod(istep,nmovie) == 0) call write_fyx (phinew,bparnew,last)

    if (vary_vnew) then
       write_mod = mod(istep,ncheck)
       write_mod = mod(istep,nwrite)
    end if

    if (write_verr .and. write_mod == 0) call do_write_verr

    if (debug) write(6,*) "loop_diagnostics: call update_time"

    !The rest of the routine only happens every nwrite steps
    if (mod(istep,nwrite) /= 0 .and. .not. exit .and. .not. do_force) return

    ! If we get here then we're doing a full set of diagnostics
    ! so store the step
    istep_last = istep

    if (write_g) call write_f (last)

    ! Note this also returns phi2, apar2, bpar2 and phitot for other diagnostics
    if (proc0) call do_write_ncloop(t, istep, phi2, apar2, bpar2, phitot)

    if (print_line) call do_print_line(phitot)

    if (write_moments) call do_write_moments

    if (write_cross_phase .and. has_electron_species(spec) .and. write_ascii) call do_write_crossphase(t)

    ! The following large section could do with being moved to separate routines but
    !     at the moment its all quite interlinked which makes this hard.

    !Zero various arrays which may or may not get filled
    part_fluxes = 0.0 ; mpart_fluxes = 0.0 ; bpart_fluxes = 0.0
    heat_fluxes = 0.0 ; mheat_fluxes = 0.0 ; bheat_fluxes = 0.0
    mom_fluxes = 0.0 ; mmom_fluxes = 0.0 ; bmom_fluxes = 0.0  
    part_tormom_fluxes = 0.0
    energy_exchange = 0.0

    if (debug) write(6,*) "loop_diagnostics: -1"

    if (write_any_fluxes) then
       call common_calculate_fluxes()
       if (proc0) then
          if (has_phi) then
             do is = 1, nspec
                call get_volume_average (qheat(:,:,is,1), heat_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (qheat(:,:,is,2), heat_par(is))
                call get_volume_average (qheat(:,:,is,3), heat_perp(is))
                call get_volume_average (pflux(:,:,is), part_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (pflux_tormom(:,:,is), part_tormom_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (vflux(:,:,is), mom_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (vflux_par(:,:,is), parmom_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (vflux_perp(:,:,is), perpmom_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (exchange(:,:,is), energy_exchange(is))
#ifdef LOWFLOW
                call get_volume_average (vflux0(:,:,is), lfmom_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (vflux1(:,:,is), vflux1_avg(is))
             end do
          end if
          if (has_apar) then
             do is = 1, nspec
                call get_volume_average (qmheat(:,:,is,1), mheat_fluxes(is))
                call get_surf_average (qmheat(:,:,is,1), x_qmflux(:,is))
                call get_volume_average (qmheat(:,:,is,2), mheat_par(is))
                call get_volume_average (qmheat(:,:,is,3), mheat_perp(is))
                call get_volume_average (pmflux(:,:,is), mpart_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (vmflux(:,:,is), mmom_fluxes(is))
             end do
          end if
          if (has_bpar) then
             do is = 1, nspec
                call get_volume_average (qbheat(:,:,is,1), bheat_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (qbheat(:,:,is,2), bheat_par(is))
                call get_volume_average (qbheat(:,:,is,3), bheat_perp(is))
                call get_volume_average (pbflux(:,:,is), bpart_fluxes(is))
                call get_volume_average (vbflux(:,:,is), bmom_fluxes(is))
             end do
          end if
          pflux_avg = pflux_avg + (part_fluxes + mpart_fluxes + bpart_fluxes)*(t-t_old)
          qflux_avg = qflux_avg + (heat_fluxes + mheat_fluxes + bheat_fluxes)*(t-t_old)
          vflux_avg = vflux_avg + (mom_fluxes + mmom_fluxes + bmom_fluxes)*(t-t_old)
          if (write_heating) heat_avg = heat_avg + h%imp_colls*(t-t_old)
          !          t_old = t
       end if

       !These are for trinity -- can we detect if this is a trinity run
       !and avoid these broadcasts when not trinity?
       call broadcast (pflux_avg)
       call broadcast (qflux_avg)
       call broadcast (vflux_avg)

       if (write_heating) call broadcast (heat_avg)
    end if

    if (proc0 .and. print_flux_line) then
      if (has_phi) then
        call write_phi_fluxes_to_unit(output_unit, t, phi2, heat_fluxes, energy_exchange)
      end if
      if (has_apar) then
        call write_fluxes_to_unit(output_unit, t, apar2, "apar", mheat_fluxes)
      end if
      if (has_bpar) then
        call write_fluxes_to_unit(output_unit, t, bpar2, "bpar", bheat_fluxes)
      end if
    end if

    ! Check for convergence
    if (nonlin .and. use_nonlin_convergence) call check_nonlin_convergence(istep, heat_fluxes(1), exit)

    if (debug) write(6,*) "loop_diagnostics: -1"

    if (.not. (write_any .or. dump_any)) then
       ! We have to increment the number of outputs written to file
       ! before leaving. Usually we do this at the end of the routine
       ! so we must make sure we do this here before leaving early.
       nout = nout + 1
    end if

    if (debug) write(output_unit, *) "loop_diagnostics: -2"

    if (proc0 .and. write_any) then
       if (write_ascii) then
         write (unit=out_unit, fmt=*) 'time=', t
         if (write_heating) call do_write_heating(t, heat_unit, heat_unit2, h)
         if (write_jext) call do_write_jext(t,istep)
       end if

       hflux_tot = 0.
       zflux_tot = 0.
       vflux_tot = 0.
       if (has_phi) then
         hflux_tot = sum(heat_fluxes)
         vflux_tot = sum(mom_fluxes)
         zflux_tot = sum(part_fluxes*spec%z)
       end if
       if (has_apar) then
         hflux_tot = hflux_tot + sum(mheat_fluxes)
         vflux_tot = vflux_tot + sum(mmom_fluxes)
         zflux_tot = zflux_tot + sum(mpart_fluxes*spec%z)
       end if
       if (has_bpar) then
         hflux_tot = hflux_tot + sum(bheat_fluxes)
         vflux_tot = vflux_tot + sum(bmom_fluxes)
         zflux_tot = zflux_tot + sum(bpart_fluxes*spec%z)
       end if

       if (write_flux_line .and. write_ascii) then
         if (has_phi) then
           call write_phi_fluxes_to_unit(out_unit, t, phi2, &
                heat_fluxes, energy_exchange, part_fluxes, mom_fluxes, &
                lfmom_fluxes, vflux1_avg, gs2_has_lowflow)
         end if
         if (write_lorentzian) then
           wtmp_new = antenna_w()
           if (real(wtmp_old) /= 0. .and. wtmp_new /= wtmp_old) &
                write (unit=out_unit, fmt="('w= ',e17.10, ' amp= ',e17.10)") real(wtmp_new), sqrt(2.*apar2)
           wtmp_old = wtmp_new
         end if
         if (has_apar) then
           call write_fluxes_to_unit(out_unit, t, apar2, "apar", mheat_fluxes, mpart_fluxes)
         end if
         if (has_bpar) then
           call write_fluxes_to_unit(out_unit, t, bpar2, "bpar", bheat_fluxes, bpart_fluxes)
         end if
         write (unit=out_unit, fmt="('t= ',e17.10,' h_tot= ',e11.4, ' z_tot= ',e11.4)") t, hflux_tot, zflux_tot
       end if

       if (write_fluxes) then
         call nc_qflux (get_netcdf_file_id(), nout, qheat(:,:,:,1), qmheat(:,:,:,1), qbheat(:,:,:,1), &
              heat_par, mheat_par, bheat_par, &
              heat_perp, mheat_perp, bheat_perp, &
              heat_fluxes, mheat_fluxes, bheat_fluxes, x_qmflux, hflux_tot)
         call nc_exchange (get_netcdf_file_id(), nout, exchange, energy_exchange)
         ! Update the target array in parameter_scan_arrays
         !Do you really want the scan parameter to rely on a diagnostic flag?
         scan_hflux(mod(nout-1,nstep/nwrite+1)+1) = hflux_tot

         call nc_vflux (get_netcdf_file_id(), nout, vflux, vmflux, vbflux, &
              mom_fluxes, mmom_fluxes, bmom_fluxes, vflux_tot, &
              vflux_par, vflux_perp, vflux0, vflux1)
         ! Update the target array in parameter_scan_arrays
         !Do you really want the scan parameter to rely on a diagnostic flag?
         scan_momflux(mod(nout-1,nstep/nwrite+1)+1) = vflux_tot
         call nc_pflux (get_netcdf_file_id(), nout, pflux, pmflux, pbflux, &
              part_fluxes, mpart_fluxes, bpart_fluxes, zflux_tot)
       end if

       if (write_pflux_tormom) call nc_pflux_tormom (get_netcdf_file_id(), nout, pflux_tormom, part_tormom_fluxes)

       scan_phi2_tot(mod(nout-1,nstep/nwrite+1)+1) = phi2

       if (write_ascii) then
          do ik = 1, naky
             do it = 1, ntheta0
                if (write_line) call do_write_line(t,it,ik,phitot(it,ik))
                if (write_omega) call do_write_omega(it,ik)
                if (write_omavg) call do_write_omavg(it,ik)
             end do
       end if

    if (scanning) call bcast_scan_parameter(scan_hflux, scan_momflux, scan_phi2_tot)

    if (write_cerr) call collision_error(phinew, bparnew, last)

    if (write_nl_flux_dist) call do_write_nl_flux_dist(get_netcdf_file_id(), nout)

    ! In new diagnostics, these two are both called for `write_symmetry`
    if (write_symmetry) call do_write_symmetry(get_netcdf_file_id(), nout)
    if (write_pflux_sym) call do_write_pflux_sym(get_netcdf_file_id(), nout)

    if (write_correlation) call do_write_correlation(get_netcdf_file_id(), nout)

    if (write_correlation_extend .and. istep > nstep/4 .and. mod(istep,nwrite_mult*nwrite)==0) &
         call do_write_correlation_extend(get_netcdf_file_id(), t, t_old)

    if (write_parity) call do_write_parity(t, parity_unit, write_ascii)

    if (write_avg_moments) call do_write_avg_moments

    if (write_full_moments_notgc) call do_write_full_moments_notgc

    if (dump_check1) call do_write_dump_1(t)
    if (dump_check2) call do_write_dump_2(t)

    if (dump_fields_periodically .and. mod(istep,10*nwrite) == 0) call do_dump_fields_periodically(t)

    ! Update the counter in parameter_scan_arrays
    scan_nout = nout

    !Now sync the data to file (note doesn't actually sync every call)
    if (proc0) call nc_sync(get_netcdf_file_id(), nout, get_netcdf_movie_file_id(), nout_movie, nc_sync_freq)

    !Increment loop counter
    nout = nout + 1

    if (write_ascii .and. mod(nout, 10) == 0 .and. proc0) call flush_files

    !Update time
    t_old = t

    if (debug) write(6,*) "loop_diagnostics: done"
  end subroutine loop_diagnostics