report_idle_procs Subroutine

public subroutine report_idle_procs(npe, distchar, onlyxoryfac)

This subroutine wraps up the output functionality for the code that creates the list of suggested process counts for the linear computation and checks whether those process counts work well for the non-linear calculations as well.

The optional parameter onlyxoryfac (which is a logical) is used to highlight process counts that have been generated using code which looks for the factors of kx*ky rather than kx and ky separately. This is only currently used for layouts that start with x and y (for instance xyles or yxles).

AJ June 2012


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: npe
character(len=*), intent(in) :: distchar
logical, intent(in), optional :: onlyxoryfac


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine report_idle_procs(npe, distchar, onlyxoryfac)
    implicit none

    integer, intent(in) :: npe
    character(*), intent(in) :: distchar
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: onlyxoryfac
    integer :: percentage_xxf_unbalanced_amount, percentage_yxf_unbalanced_amount
    logical :: use_unbalanced_xxf, use_unbalanced_yxf, use_unbalanced
    real :: idle_percentage
    type(proc_layout_type) :: procl
    type(proc_layout_type), dimension(:), allocatable :: sweet_spots_temp

    call get_idle_processes(npe, idle_percentage, use_unbalanced)
    procl%nproc = npe
    procl%split_char = distchar
    procl%percent_xxf_2_yxf = idle_percentage

    if(use_unbalanced) then
       call get_unbalanced_suggestions(npe, percentage_xxf_unbalanced_amount, percentage_yxf_unbalanced_amount, use_unbalanced_xxf, use_unbalanced_yxf)
       if(present(onlyxoryfac)) then
          if(onlyxoryfac) then
             write (report_unit, fmt="('|     ',i8,'   |    ',a3,'    |          ',i3,'          |            ',L1,'            |      ',i3,'       |            ',L1,'            |      ',i3,'       |')") & 
                  npe, distchar, INT(idle_percentage), use_unbalanced_xxf, percentage_xxf_unbalanced_amount, use_unbalanced_yxf, percentage_yxf_unbalanced_amount
             write (report_unit, fmt="('|     ',i8,'(*)|    ',a3,'    |          ',i3,'          |            ',L1,'            |      ',i3,'       |            ',L1,'            |      ',i3,'       |')") & 
                  npe, distchar, INT(idle_percentage), use_unbalanced_xxf, percentage_xxf_unbalanced_amount, use_unbalanced_yxf, percentage_yxf_unbalanced_amount
          end if
          write (report_unit, fmt="('|     ',i8,'   |    ',a3,'    |          ',i3,'          |            ',L1,'            |      ',i3,'       |            ',L1,'            |      ',i3,'       |')") & 
               npe, distchar, INT(idle_percentage), use_unbalanced_xxf, percentage_xxf_unbalanced_amount, use_unbalanced_yxf, percentage_yxf_unbalanced_amount
       end if
       procl%should_use_unbalanced_xxf = use_unbalanced_xxf
       procl%percentage_xxf_unbalanced_amount = percentage_xxf_unbalanced_amount
       procl%should_use_unbalanced_yxf = use_unbalanced_yxf
       procl%percentage_yxf_unbalanced_amount = percentage_yxf_unbalanced_amount
       if(present(onlyxoryfac)) then
          if(onlyxoryfac) then
             write (report_unit, fmt="('|     ',i8,'   |    ',a3,'    |          ',i3,'          |                          |                |                          |                |')") & 
                  npe, distchar, INT(idle_percentage)
             write (report_unit, fmt="('|     ',i8,'(*)|    ',a3,'    |          ',i3,'          |                          |                |                          |                |')") & 
                  npe, distchar, INT(idle_percentage)
          end if
          write (report_unit, fmt="('|     ',i8,'   |    ',a3,'    |          ',i3,'          |                          |                |                          |                |')") & 
               npe, distchar, INT(idle_percentage)
       end if

       procl%should_use_unbalanced_xxf = .false.
       procl%percentage_xxf_unbalanced_amount = 0.0
       procl%should_use_unbalanced_yxf = .false.
       procl%percentage_yxf_unbalanced_amount = 0.0
    end if

    n_sweet_spots = n_sweet_spots + 1
    sweet_spots(n_sweet_spots) = procl
    sweet_spots_temp = sweet_spots
    sweet_spots(1:n_sweet_spots) = sweet_spots_temp(:)

  end subroutine report_idle_procs