report_velocity_integration_error_estimate Subroutine

private subroutine report_velocity_integration_error_estimate(unit_in)

Calculate estimates of the velocity space integration errors and report to screen / specified unit.

This error estimate provides an estimate on the lower bound for the error on subsequent calls to integrate_species/integrate_moment Alternative error estimates can be calculated following the approach adopted in [[dist_fn::get_verr]].


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit_in


Source Code

  subroutine report_velocity_integration_error_estimate(unit_in)
    use iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
    use theta_grid, only: ntgrid, bmag, bmax
    use species, only: nspec
    use constants, only: sqrt_pi
    implicit none

    integer, intent(in), optional :: unit_in
    real, parameter :: expected_lambda = 2.0, expected_energy = 0.25
    real, dimension(:), allocatable :: lambda_error, energy_error, b_ratio
    real, dimension(:), allocatable :: passing_error, expected_passing
    real, dimension(:), allocatable :: trapped_error, expected_trapped
    real, dimension(:), allocatable :: energy_sub_error, energy_super_error
    real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: mixed_error, mixed_value
    real :: expected_energy_sub, expected_energy_super
    integer :: unit, ie, ig, is

    unit = output_unit
    if (present(unit_in)) unit = unit_in

    !Get estimates of the error on the integration weights.

    ! Total pitch angle grid
    lambda_error = 0.0
    do ig = -ntgrid, ntgrid
       lambda_error(ig) = expected_lambda - sum(wl(ig, :))
    end do
    ! Introduce factor 2 here to account for sigma doubling
    lambda_error = 2*lambda_error

    ! The trapped/passing error breakdown is currently only
    ! appropriate when not using the Radau-Gauss grids
    if (.not. radau_gauss_grid) then

       ! Passing pitch angle grid
       passing_error = 0.0
       b_ratio = bmax / bmag
       ! This is the analytic integral of the function we weight the Legendre
       ! weights by over the passing region, i.e.
       ! 2.0*sqrt((bmag(ig)/bmax)*((1.0/bmax-al(il))/(1.0/bmag(ig)-al(il)))
       ! Note to integrate this correctly it is useful to transform from lambda
       ! to the Legendre variable xx, through xx = sqrt(1-lambda*bmax)
       ! The weight function then becomes:
       ! 2.0*sqrt(bmag/bmax) * sqrt([xx^2]/[(bmax/bmag)-1+xx^2])
       ! and we would integrate from xx=0 to xx=1
       ! Note this analytic result and comparison is appropriate when
       ! Radau_Gauss_Grid = F.  When this is not the case (default) then
       ! the calculation of the passing and trapped errors from this
       ! analytic result is no longer appropriate as the wfb contains
       ! contributions from both the passing and trapped regions when
       ! bmag = bmax, and as such our comparison is only valid away from
       ! where bmag=bmax.
       expected_passing = 2.0 * (1 - sqrt(b_ratio - 1)/sqrt(b_ratio))
       do ig = -ntgrid, ntgrid
          passing_error(ig) = expected_passing(ig) - sum(wl(ig, :ng2))
       end do
       ! Introduce factor 2 here to account for sigma doubling
       passing_error = 2*passing_error

       ! Trapped pitch angle grid
       trapped_error = 0.0
       ! Only calculate this if we have any trapped pitch angles
       if (grid_has_trapped_particles()) then
          ! We're essentially just subtracting the passing analytic
          ! result from the total expectation, i.e. effectively
          !  expected_trapped = expected_lambda - expected_passing
          expected_trapped = 2.0 * sqrt(b_ratio - 1)/sqrt(b_ratio)
          do ig = -ntgrid, ntgrid
             trapped_error(ig) = expected_trapped(ig) - sum(wl(ig, ng2+1:))
          end do
          !Introduce factor 2 here to account for sigma doubling
          trapped_error = 2*trapped_error
       end if
    end if

    ! Total energy grid
    energy_error = 0.0
    do is = 1, nspec
       energy_error(is) = expected_energy - sum(w(:,is))
    end do

    ! Energy sub grid
    energy_sub_error = 0.0
    ! NOTE: This assumes we are considering a species with Maxwellian
    ! background such that f0_values = exp(-energy)/pi^3/2
    ! We are analytically evaluating
    ! Integral_0^vcut{v^2 * pi * f0_values dv}
    ! Assuming Maxwellian this becomes
    ! Integral_0^vcut{v^2 exp(-v^2)/sqrt(pi) dv}
    ! Which has result:
    ! (1/4) [ erf(vcut) - 2 vcut exp(-vcut^2)/sqrt(pi)]
    expected_energy_sub = 0.25 * ( erf(vcut) - 2*vcut*exp(-vcut*vcut)/sqrt_pi)
    do is = 1, nspec
       energy_sub_error(is) = expected_energy_sub - sum(w(:nesub,is))
    end do

    ! Energy super grid
    energy_super_error = 0.0
    if (negrid > nesub) then
       ! NOTE: This assumes we are considering a species with Maxwellian
       ! background such that f0_values = exp(-energy)/pi^3/2
       ! We are analytically evaluating
       ! Integral_0^infinity{sqrt(y+vcut^2) * exp(y) * pi * f0_values * W(y) dy}/2
       ! where W(y) are the Laguerre weights = exp(-y)
       ! Assuming Maxwellian this becomes
       ! Integral_0^infinity{sqrt(y+vcut^2) * exp(y) * exp(-(y+vcut^2)) * exp(-y) dy}/2
       ! which simplifies slightly to
       ! Integral_0^infinity{sqrt(y+vcut^2) * exp(-(vcut^2)) * exp(-y) dy}/2
       ! Which has result:
       ! [sqrt(pi)*erfc(vcut)/2 + vcut*exp(-vcut^2)]/(2*sqrt(pi))
       expected_energy_super =  0.5*(sqrt_pi*(1-erf(vcut))/2 + vcut*exp(-vcut*vcut))/sqrt_pi
       do is = 1, nspec
          energy_super_error(is) = expected_energy_super - sum(w(nesub+1:,is))
       end do
    end if

    allocate(mixed_error(-ntgrid:ntgrid, nspec))
    allocate(mixed_value(size(wl(0,:)), size(w(:,1))))
    mixed_error = 0.0
    do is = 1, nspec
       do ig = -ntgrid, ntgrid
          mixed_value = 0.0
          do ie = 1, size(w(:,1))
             mixed_value(:, ie) = wl(ig,:)*w(ie, is)
          end do
          mixed_error(ig, is) = expected_lambda*expected_energy - sum(mixed_value)
       end do
    end do

    ! Introduce factor 2 here to account for sigma doubling
    mixed_error = 2 * mixed_error

    ! Report errors to unit
    call report_error(unit, "Lambda", lambda_error)
    ! The trapped/passing error breakdown is currently only
    ! appropriate when not using the Radau-Gauss grids
    if (.not. radau_gauss_grid) then
       call report_error(unit, "Passing", passing_error)
       call report_error(unit, "Trapped", trapped_error)
    end if
    call report_error(unit, "Energy", energy_error)
    call report_error(unit, "Energy_Sub", energy_sub_error)
    call report_error(unit, "Energy_Super", energy_super_error)
    call report_error_2d(unit, "Mixed", mixed_error)

    subroutine report_error(unit, name, error)
      implicit none
      integer, intent(in) :: unit
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
      real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: error
      write(unit, '(A," weights errors, max/mean/mean(|error|)  :",3(E14.6E3," "))') &
           name, maxval(abs(error)), sum(error)/size(error), sum(abs(error))/size(error)
    end subroutine report_error

    subroutine report_error_2d(unit, name, error)
      implicit none
      integer, intent(in) :: unit
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
      real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: error
      write(unit, '(A," weights errors, max/mean/mean(|error|)  :",3(E14.6E3," "))') &
           name, maxval(abs(error)), sum(error)/size(error), sum(abs(error))/size(error)
    end subroutine report_error_2d

  end subroutine report_velocity_integration_error_estimate