sc_invert Subroutine

private subroutine sc_invert(self)

A routine to invert the field matrix

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(supercell_type), intent(inout) :: self


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine sc_invert(self)
    use job_manage, only: time_message
    use fields_arrays, only: time_field_invert, time_field_invert_mpi
    use mp, only: get_mp_times
    implicit none
    class(supercell_type), intent(inout) :: self
    real :: mp_total, mp_total_after

    if(self%is_empty) return
    if(.not.self%is_local) return
    call time_message(.false.,time_field_invert,' Field Matrix Invert')
    call get_mp_times(total_time = mp_total)
    !If we have all of the supercell local then use an explictly local
    !matrix inversion
    !Note could have a variable which forces local inversion
    if(self%is_all_local.or.pc%force_local_invert) then
       call self%invert_local
       call self%invert_mpi
    call time_message(.false.,time_field_invert,' Field Matrix Invert')
    call get_mp_times(total_time = mp_total_after)
    time_field_invert_mpi = time_field_invert_mpi + (mp_total_after - mp_total)
  end subroutine sc_invert