time_message Subroutine

public subroutine time_message(lprint, targ, chmessage)


This routine counts elapsed time between two calls. Currently just a thin wrapper to method of the same name in mp. In the future we probably want to remove the method here and change the relevant use statements.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical, intent(in) :: lprint
real, intent(inout) :: targ(2)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: chmessage


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine time_message(lprint,targ,chmessage)
    use mp, only: time_message_mp => time_message
    implicit none
    character (len=*), intent(in) :: chmessage
    logical, intent(in) :: lprint
    real, intent(in out) :: targ(2) ! tsum and told
    call time_message_mp(lprint, targ, chmessage)
  end subroutine time_message