write_kt_grids_specified_config Subroutine

private subroutine write_kt_grids_specified_config(self, unit)

Writes out a namelist representing the current state of the config object

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(kt_grids_specified_config_type), intent(in) :: self
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit


Source Code

  subroutine write_kt_grids_specified_config(self, unit)
    implicit none
    class(kt_grids_specified_config_type), intent(in) :: self
    integer, intent(in) , optional:: unit
    integer :: unit_internal

    unit_internal = 6 ! @todo -- get stdout from file_utils
    if (present(unit)) then
       unit_internal = unit

    call self%write_namelist_header(unit_internal)
    call self%write_key_val("naky", self%naky, unit_internal)
    call self%write_key_val("ntheta0", self%ntheta0, unit_internal)
    call self%write_key_val("nx", self%nx, unit_internal)
    call self%write_key_val("ny", self%ny, unit_internal)
    call self%write_namelist_footer(unit_internal)
  end subroutine write_kt_grids_specified_config