write_mpdist_le Subroutine

private subroutine write_mpdist_le(dist, extension, last)

Used for testing takes as input an array using le_lo and writes it to a .distmp output file


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension (:,:,le_lo%llim_proc:) :: dist
character(len=*), intent(in) :: extension
logical, intent(in), optional :: last


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine write_mpdist_le (dist, extension, last)
    use mp, only: proc0, send, receive
    use file_utils, only: open_output_file, close_output_file
    use gs2_layouts, only: le_lo, ig_idx, ik_idx, it_idx, is_idx
    use gs2_layouts, only: idx_local, proc_id
    use theta_grid, only: bmag, theta

    implicit none

    complex, dimension (:,:,le_lo%llim_proc:), intent (in) :: dist
!    real, dimension (:,:,le_lo%llim_proc:), intent (in) :: dist
    character (*), intent (in) :: extension
    logical, intent (in), optional :: last
    integer :: ile, ixi, nxi, ik, it, is, ie, il, ig, isgn
    integer, save :: unit
    logical :: done = .false.
    real :: vpa1
    complex :: gtmp
!    real :: gtmp

    if (.not. done) then
       if (proc0) call open_output_file (unit, trim(extension))
       nxi = max(2*nlambda-1, 2*ng2)
       do ile=le_lo%llim_world, le_lo%ulim_world
          ig = ig_idx(le_lo, ile)
          ik = ik_idx(le_lo, ile)
          it = it_idx(le_lo, ile)
          is = is_idx(le_lo, ile)
          do ie = 1, negrid
             do ixi = 1, nxi
                il = ixi_to_il(ixi, ig)
                isgn = ixi_to_isgn(ixi, ig)
                if (idx_local (le_lo, ig, ik, it, is)) then
                   if (proc0) then
                      gtmp = dist(ixi,ie,ile)
                      call send (dist(ixi,ie,ile), 0)
                   end if
                else if (proc0) then
                   call receive (gtmp, proc_id(le_lo, ile))
                end if
                if (proc0) then
                   if (.not. forbid(ig,il)) then
                      vpa1 = sqrt(energy_maxw(ie)*max(0.0,1.0-al(il)*bmag(ig)))
                      write (unit,'(5e14.5)') theta(ig), sgn(isgn)*vpa1, energy_maxw(ie), &
                           real(gtmp), aimag(gtmp)
                      !                    write (unit,'(5e14.5)') theta(ig), vpa1, energy(ie), gtmp(1), gtmp(2)
                   end if
                end if
             end do
          end do
       end do
       if (proc0) call close_output_file (unit)
       if (present(last)) done = .true.
    end if
  end subroutine write_mpdist_le