program box_to_ballooning_space
use gs2_main, only: gs2_program_state_type, initialize_wall_clock_timer
use mp, only: init_mp, finish_mp, mp_abort, proc0
use gs2_main, only: initialize_gs2, finalize_gs2
use gs2_init, only: init, init_level_list
use kt_grids, only: box, naky, ntheta0, aky, akx, theta0
use dist_fn, only: get_leftmost_it, n_supercells, n_cells, supercell_labels
use theta_grid, only: nperiod
use sorting, only: quicksort
use config_collection, only: gs2_config_type
use file_utils, only: open_output_file, close_output_file, run_name
implicit none
type :: supercell_properties
real :: ky
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: kxs, theta0s
real :: kx_middle, theta0_middle
integer :: ncell, nperiod
end type supercell_properties
type(gs2_program_state_type) :: state
type(gs2_config_type) :: the_config
type(supercell_properties), dimension(:), allocatable :: supercells
integer :: ik, it, is, ic, supercell_index, nsupercells, ncell, unit, supercell_length
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: temporary_values, it_values, it_range
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: kxs, theta0s
character(len=64) :: extension
logical :: shift_cells
logical, parameter :: debug = .true.
logical, parameter :: write_full_file = .true.
call initialize_wall_clock_timer
call init_mp(state%mp_comm)
call initialize_gs2(state)
! Need to init to dist_fn_level_1 to ensure boundary
! conditions have been set up.
call init(state%init, init_level_list%dist_fn_level_1)
! Exit if this isn't a box mode input
if (.not. box) then
call mp_abort('Cannot run box_to_ballooning_space on a non-box input.', .true.)
end if
it_range = [(it, it = 1, ntheta0)]
nsupercells = sum(n_supercells)
supercell_index = 0
do ik = 1, naky
temporary_values = supercell_labels(:, ik)
do it = 1, ntheta0
if (temporary_values(it) >= 0) then
supercell_index = supercell_labels(it, ik)
supercells(supercell_index)%ky = aky(ik)
ncell = n_cells(it, ik)
supercells(supercell_index)%ncell = ncell
supercell_length = (2 * nperiod - 1 ) * ncell
! If we have an even number of cells then we need to add
! one more to the supercell length as we can only have an
! odd number of 2 pi theta sections in ballooning space
shift_cells = mod(ncell, 2) == 0
if (shift_cells) supercell_length = supercell_length + 1
! What ballooning space nperiod gives the same supercell_length
! supercell_length = 2 * nperiod_bs - 1
supercells(supercell_index)%nperiod = (supercell_length + 1) / 2
allocate(kxs(ncell), theta0s(ncell), it_values(ncell))
it_values = pack(it_range, temporary_values == temporary_values(it))
do ic = 1, ncell
kxs(ic) = akx(it_values(ic))
theta0s(ic) = theta0(it_values(ic), ik)
end do
! These are the raw kxs/theta0s which make up this supercell
supercells(supercell_index)%kxs = kxs
supercells(supercell_index)%theta0s = theta0s
! To identify the theta0/kx of the ballooning space run we need to
! get the value at the middle of the supercell. This is easy for
! supercells with an odd number of cells, but for even counts we
! will be adding an extra cell so need to take some more care. To assist
! with this we will sort the kxs/theta0s values and then index the sorted
! arrays at the middle location for odd ncell and rounding up for even ncell
call quicksort(ncell, kxs)
call quicksort(ncell, theta0s)
if (shift_cells) then
ic = 1 + ncell / 2
ic = nint( 0.5 + (ncell / 2.0))
end if
supercells(supercell_index)%kx_middle = kxs(ic)
supercells(supercell_index)%theta0_middle = theta0s(ic)
deallocate(kxs, theta0s, it_values)
where (temporary_values == temporary_values(it))
temporary_values = -1
end where
end if
end do
end do
! Debug output
if (proc0 .and. debug) then
do supercell_index = 1, nsupercells
print*,'Supercell index:',supercell_index
print*,'akx/theta0:',supercells(supercell_index)%kx_middle, supercells(supercell_index)%theta0_middle
end do
end if
! Create ballooning space input files
if (proc0) then
! Get the setup from the existing file
call the_config%get_configs
! Override some general settings
the_config%nonlinear_terms_config%nonlinear_mode = 'off'
the_config%kt_grids_config%grid_option = 'single'
do supercell_index = 1, nsupercells
! Setup this specific case
the_config%kt_grids_single_config%aky = supercells(supercell_index)%ky
the_config%kt_grids_single_config%akx = supercells(supercell_index)%kx_middle
the_config%kt_grids_single_config%theta0 = supercells(supercell_index)%theta0_middle
the_config%theta_grid_parameters_config%nperiod = supercells(supercell_index)%nperiod
write(extension,'(".ballooning_supercell.",I0,".in")') supercell_index
call open_output_file(unit, extension)
if (write_full_file) then
call the_config%write_to_unit(unit)
call the_config%nonlinear_terms_config%write(unit)
call the_config%kt_grids_config%write(unit)
call the_config%kt_grids_single_config%write(unit)
call the_config%theta_grid_parameters_config%write(unit)
write(unit,'(A,"!include ",A,".in")') new_line('a'),trim(run_name)
end if
call close_output_file(unit)
end do
end if
! Clean up
call init(state%init, init_level_list%basic)
call finalize_gs2(state)
call finish_mp
end program box_to_ballooning_space