FIXME : Add documentation Inputs Methods from geometry
Type | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
integer | :: | i | ||||
integer | :: | nth | ||||
integer | :: | ntgrid | ||||
integer | :: | ntheta | ||||
integer | :: | shotnum | ||||
integer | :: | geoType | ||||
real | :: | q | ||||
real | :: | |||||
real | :: | qplus | ||||
real | :: | qmnus | ||||
real | :: | bb | ||||
real | :: | profile_fac | ||||
real | :: | rk | ||||
real | :: | rkm | ||||
real | :: | rkp | ||||
real | :: | rkpri | ||||
real | :: | rt | ||||
real | :: | rtm | ||||
real | :: | rtp | ||||
real | :: | rtpri | ||||
real | :: | rd | ||||
real | :: | rdm | ||||
real | :: | rdp | ||||
real | :: | rdpri | ||||
real | :: | rhocm | ||||
real | :: | rhocp | ||||
real | :: | bbar | ||||
real | :: | rmin | ||||
real | :: | rmax | ||||
real | :: | pbar | ||||
real | :: | akappa | ||||
real | :: | akappri | ||||
real | :: | tri | ||||
real | :: | tripri | ||||
real | :: | rhoc | ||||
real | :: | rmaj | ||||
real | :: | r_geo | ||||
real | :: | qinp | ||||
real | :: | s_hat_input | ||||
real | :: | shift | ||||
real | :: | diffscheme | ||||
real | :: | beta_p1 | ||||
real | :: | beta_p2 | ||||
real | :: | beta_prime_times | ||||
real | :: | beta_prime_over | ||||
real | :: | tstar | ||||
integer | :: | nbeta | ||||
integer | :: | funit | ||||
logical | :: | no_end_point | ||||
logical | :: | fast | ||||
logical | :: | dipole | ||||
logical | :: | list | ||||
logical | :: | Xanthopoulos | ||||
logical | :: | in_nt | ||||
character(len=:), | allocatable | :: | in_stem | |||
character(len=:), | allocatable | :: | out_stem | |||
character(len=run_name_size) | :: | ncout | ||||
type(eikcoefs_output_type) | :: | eikcoefs_results | ||||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | theta | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | bmag | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | aplot | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | aprime | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | bpol | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | cvdrift | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | grho | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | cvdrift0 | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | gbdrift | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | gbdrift0 | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | gds2 | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | gds21 | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | gds22 | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | gradpar | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | zplot | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | zprime | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | rprime | |||
real, | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | rplot | |||
real | :: | qsf | ||||
real | :: | surfarea | ||||
real | :: | kxfac | ||||
real | :: | dvdrhon | ||||
real | :: | shat | ||||
real | :: | drhodpsi | ||||
real | :: | dbetadrho | ||||
real | :: | delrho | ||||
integer | :: | fort11_unit | ||||
integer | :: | isym | ||||
integer | :: | iflux | ||||
integer | :: | itor | ||||
integer | :: | nperiod |
FIXME : Add documentation DD>WARNING : Rinnr has not been defined on first loop through DD>WARNING : Routr has not been defined on first loop through
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real, | intent(in) | :: | rho | |||
real, | intent(in), | dimension(-ntgrid:ntgrid) | :: | theta | ||
real, | intent(out) | :: | t | |||
real, | intent(out) | :: | e | |||
real, | intent(out) | :: | d | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nth | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | ntgrid |
program eiktest
use mp, only: init_mp, finish_mp, proc0
use constants, only: pi, run_name_size
!> Inputs
use geometry, only: surf, eqfile, equal_arc, use_large_aspect
use geometry, only: bishop, irho, force_sym, efit_eq, dfit_eq, writelots
use geometry, only: gen_eq, ppl_eq, local_eq, idfit_eq, chs_eq
use geometry, only: p_prime_input, invLp_input, beta_prime_input, big, gs2d_eq
use geometry, only: transp_eq, eqnormfile, alpha_input, dp_mult
!> Methods from geometry
use geometry, only: eikcoefs_output_type, eikcoefs, geom
use geometry, only: pbarfun, pbarofrho, rpofrho, diameter
use file_utils, only: init_file_utils, run_name
use gs2_io_grids, only: nc_write_grid_sizes, nc_write_grid_scalars, nc_write_grids
use gs2_io_grids, only: nc_grid_file_open, nc_grid_file_close
implicit none
integer :: i, nth, ntgrid, ntheta, shotnum, geoType
real :: q, qq, qplus, qmnus
real :: bb, profile_fac
real :: rk, rkm, rkp, rkpri
real :: rt, rtm, rtp, rtpri
real :: rd, rdm, rdp, rdpri
real :: rhocm, rhocp
real :: bbar, rmin, rmax, pbar
real :: akappa, akappri, tri, tripri
real :: rhoc, rmaj, r_geo, qinp, s_hat_input, shift
real :: diffscheme, beta_p1, beta_p2, beta_prime_times, beta_prime_over
real :: tstar
integer :: nbeta, funit
logical :: no_end_point
logical :: fast, dipole, list, Xanthopoulos, in_nt
character(len=:), allocatable :: in_stem, out_stem
character(len=run_name_size) :: ncout
type(eikcoefs_output_type) :: eikcoefs_results
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: theta, bmag, aplot, aprime, bpol, cvdrift, grho
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: cvdrift0, gbdrift, gbdrift0, gds2, gds21, gds22
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: gradpar, zplot, zprime, rprime, rplot
real :: qsf, surfarea, kxfac, dvdrhon, shat, drhodpsi, dbetadrho, delrho
integer :: fort11_unit, isym, iflux, itor, nperiod
namelist/stuff/ntheta,nperiod,geoType,rmaj,akappri,akappa,shift,equal_arc, &
rhoc,rmin,rmax,itor,qinp,iflux,delrho,tri,bishop, &
irho,isym,tripri,efit_eq,dfit_eq,writelots,R_geo, &
gen_eq, ppl_eq, eqfile, local_eq, idfit_eq,&
chs_eq, force_sym, s_hat_input,p_prime_input,invLp_input,beta_prime_input, &
diffscheme,nbeta,beta_p1,beta_p2,alpha_input,big, &
beta_prime_times, beta_prime_over, fast, profile_fac, &
tstar, shotnum, gs2d_eq, transp_eq, Xanthopoulos, dipole, &
eqnormfile, no_end_point, in_nt
call init_mp
! set defaults
gen_eq = .false.
ppl_eq = .false.
chs_eq = .false.
idfit_eq = .false.
dfit_eq = .false.
efit_eq = .false.
gs2d_eq = .false.
transp_eq = .false.
Xanthopoulos = .false.
dipole = .false.
tstar = 1.0
ntheta=32; nperiod=1
equal_arc = .false. ; bishop = 0 ; fast = .true.
big = 8
rmin=-1.0 ; rmax=-1.0
beta_prime_times = -1.
profile_fac = 0.5
geoType = 0
rmaj = 3 ; akappa = 1 ; tri = 0 ; qinp = 2
R_geo = 3 ; akappri = 0 ; tripri=0 ; shat = 1
shift = 0
s_hat_input = shat
beta_prime_input = -1
p_prime_input = -2
invLp_input = 5
irho = 2 ; isym = -1 ; itor = -1 ; iflux=-1
delrho = 0.01
no_end_point = .false. ; in_nt = .false.
if (command_argument_count() == 0) then
in_stem = 'eik'
out_stem = ''
call init_file_utils(list)
in_stem = trim(run_name)
out_stem = trim(in_stem)//'.'
! read in data
if (local_eq .and. (geoType /= 0)) print*,'Warning : geoType /= 0 not supported'
if (Xanthopoulos) write(*,*) "Option deprecated : Xanthopoulos set but unused"
if (in_nt) write(*,*) "Option deprecated : in_nt set but unused"
if (.not. fast) write(*,*) "Option deprecated : fast set but doesn't do anything"
if (rmin /= -1) write(*,*) "Option deprecated : rmin set but not used"
if (rmax /= -1) write(*,*) "Option deprecated : rmax set but not used"
if (isym /= -1) write(*,*) "Option deprecated : isym set but not used (see force_sym)"
if (iflux /= -1) write(*,*) "Option deprecated : iflux set but not used"
if (itor /= -1) write(*,*) "Option deprecated : itor set but not used (see use_large_aspect)"
surf%geoType = geoType
surf%mMode = 2 ; surf%nMode = 3
surf%rmaj = rmaj ; surf%R_geo = R_geo ; surf%r = rhoc ; surf%dr = delrho
surf%sHorz = shift ; surf%delm = akappa
surf%deln = tri ; surf%delmp = akappri
surf%delnp = tripri ; surf%thm = 0
surf%thn = 0 ; surf%q = qinp ; surf%shat = s_hat_input
if(bishop >= 7) then
if(beta_prime_times == -1) then
write(*,*) 'beta_prime_times should be set for bishop = 7 or 8'
beta_prime_times = 1.
dp_mult = beta_prime_times
fort11_unit = 12
! Note that if .not. local_eq then always choose use_large_aspect = F
if ((.not. local_eq) .and. use_large_aspect) then
use_large_aspect = .false.
write(*,*) 'Forcing use_large_aspect to false'
end if
! Catch if no q profile
if (local_eq .and. irho /= 2) then
irho = 2
write(*,*) 'Forcing irho=2'
end if
if(local_eq) then
if (gen_eq) write(*,*) 'Forcing gen_eq to be false'
if (efit_eq) write(*,*) 'Forcing efit_eq to be false'
if (dfit_eq) write(*,*) 'Forcing dfit_eq to be false'
if (gs2d_eq) write(*,*) 'Forcing gs2d_eq to be false'
if (idfit_eq) write(*,*) 'Forcing idfit_eq to be false'
if (ppl_eq) write(*,*) 'Forcing ppl_eq to be false'
if (chs_eq) write(*,*) 'Forcing chs_eq to be false'
if (transp_eq) write(*,*) 'Forcing transp_eq to be false'
if (any([gen_eq, ppl_eq, transp_eq, chs_eq, efit_eq, dfit_eq, gs2d_eq, idfit_eq])) &
write(*,*) 'because local_eq'
gen_eq = .false. ; ppl_eq = .false. ; transp_eq = .false. ; chs_eq = .false.
efit_eq = .false. ; dfit_eq = .false. ; gs2d_eq = .false. ; idfit_eq = .false.
call eikcoefs(ntheta, nperiod, eikcoefs_results)
! Unpack results for ease of use
allocate(theta, source = eikcoefs_results%theta)
allocate(bmag, source = eikcoefs_results%bmag)
allocate(gradpar, source = eikcoefs_results%gradpar)
allocate(grho, source = eikcoefs_results%grho)
allocate(cvdrift, source = eikcoefs_results%cvdrift)
allocate(gbdrift, source = eikcoefs_results%gbdrift)
allocate(cvdrift0, source = eikcoefs_results%cvdrift0)
allocate(gbdrift0, source = eikcoefs_results%gbdrift0)
allocate(gds2, source = eikcoefs_results%gds2)
allocate(gds21, source = eikcoefs_results%gds21)
allocate(gds22, source = eikcoefs_results%gds22)
allocate(rplot, source = eikcoefs_results%rplot)
allocate(zplot, source = eikcoefs_results%zplot)
allocate(aplot, source = eikcoefs_results%aplot)
allocate(rprime, source = eikcoefs_results%rprime)
allocate(zprime, source = eikcoefs_results%zprime)
allocate(aprime, source = eikcoefs_results%aprime)
allocate(bpol, source = eikcoefs_results%bpol)
kxfac = eikcoefs_results%kxfac
qsf = eikcoefs_results%qsf
surfarea = eikcoefs_results%surfarea
dvdrhon = eikcoefs_results%dvdrhon
shat = eikcoefs_results%shat
drhodpsi = eikcoefs_results%drhodpsi
dbetadrho = eikcoefs_results%dbetadrho
! note that ntheta may have changed
ntgrid = (size(theta)-1)/2 ; nth = ntheta / 2
if (writelots) then
bbar = 0.
do i=-ntgrid,ntgrid-1
bbar = bbar + bmag(i)*(theta(i+1)-theta(i))
end do
bbar = bbar/(2.*pi)
write(*,*) 'B_bar = ',bbar
end if
if (dipole) then
shat = max(1.e-7, shat)
end if
write(funit,*) ' ntgrid nperiod ntheta, drhodpsi, rmaj, shat, kxfac, q'
!CMR 14/01/05 change format to prevent line breaks with intel compiler and allow runngridgen to read the output files
write(funit,fmt='(3i8,1p5e12.4)') ntgrid, nperiod, ntheta, drhodpsi, rmaj, shat, kxfac, qsf
write(funit,*) ' gbdrift gradpar grho tgrid'
do i= -ntgrid,ntgrid
write(funit,1000) gbdrift(i), gradpar(i),grho(i),theta(i)
write(funit,*) ' cvdrift gds2 bmag tgrid'
do i= -ntgrid,ntgrid
write(funit,1000) cvdrift(i), gds2(i),bmag(i),theta(i)
write(funit,*) ' gds21 gds22 tgrid'
do i= -ntgrid,ntgrid
write(funit,1000) gds21(i), gds22(i),theta(i)
write(funit,*) ' cvdrift0 gbdrift0 tgrid'
do i= -ntgrid,ntgrid
write(funit,1000) cvdrift0(i),gbdrift0(i),theta(i)
call geom%hahm_burrell(profile_fac)
dipole = dfit_eq .or. idfit_eq
if (.not. dipole) then
pbar = pbarfun(geom%rfun(rpofrho(rhoc),0.),0.)
bb = geom%betafun(pbar)
write(funit,*) '-8*pi/B_0**2 * dp/drho= '
if( then
write(funit,1000) -dbetadrho
write(funit,1000) -dbetadrho/bb, -0.5*dbetadrho/bb
write(funit,1000) bb, bb/2.
end if
write(funit,*) 'dV/drhon= ',dvdrhon
pbar = pbarofrho(rhoc)
if (.not. dipole) then
write (funit,*)
write (funit,*) 'The following q and shat values'
write (funit,*) 'were calculated directly'
write (funit,*) 'from the equilibrium.'
write (funit,*) 'They should match the ones above' !EGH
q = geom%qfun(0.)
write(funit,*) 'q_0= ',q
q = geom%qfun(pbar)
write(funit,*) 'rho= ',rhoc,' q(rho)= ',q
q = geom%qfun(0.95)
write(funit,*) 'q_95= ',q
call geofax(rhoc, theta, rt, rk, rd, nth, ntgrid)
if (.not. local_eq) then
call geofax(rhocp, theta, rtp, rkp, rdp, nth, ntgrid)
call geofax(rhocm, theta, rtm, rkm, rdm, nth, ntgrid)
qplus = geom%qfun(pbarofrho(rhocp))
qmnus = geom%qfun(pbarofrho(rhocm))
if (dipole) then
shat = 0.
shat = 0.5 * rhoc * (qplus - qmnus) / geom%qfun(pbar) / delrho
qq = geom%qfun(pbar)
write(funit,*) 'shat= ',shat
write(funit,*) 'qinp= ',qq
write(funit,*) 'shift= ',rdpri
write(funit,*) 'akappa= ',rk
write(funit,*) 'akappri= ',rkpri
write(funit,*) 'tri= ',rt
write(funit,*) 'tripri= ',rtpri
write(funit,*) 'surface area= ',surfarea,' avgrmid**2'
write(funit, *) 'diameter/a = ', diameter(rpofrho(rhoc))
write(funit, *) 'diameter(rhoc=1.0)/a/2.0 = ', diameter(rpofrho(1.0))/2.0, ' ... should be 1'
write(funit, *) 'r/a = ', diameter(rpofrho(rhoc))/diameter(rpofrho(1.0))
end if
open (newunit=funit,file='eik5.out',status='unknown')
write (funit,'(''#theta1 gradpar2 bmag3 grho4 '', &
& ''gbdrift5 gbdrift06 cvdrift7 cvdrift08 '', &
& ''gds29 gds2110 gds2211'')')
do i = -ntgrid, ntgrid
write (funit,1000) theta(i),gradpar(i),bmag(i),grho(i), &
gbdrift(i),gbdrift0(i),cvdrift(i),cvdrift0(i), &
end do
close (funit)
open (newunit=funit,file='eik6.out',status='unknown')
write (funit,fmt="('# shape: torus')")
write (funit,fmt="('# q = ',e10.4,' drhodpsi = ',e10.4)") qsf, drhodpsi
write (funit,fmt="('# theta1 R2 Z3 alpha4 ', &
& ' Rprime5 Zprime6 alpha_prime7 bpol8')")
do i = -ntgrid, ntgrid
write (funit,1000) theta(i),Rplot(i),Zplot(i),aplot(i), &
end do
close (funit)
1000 format(20(1x,1pg18.11))
if (proc0) then
ncout = trim(out_stem)//""
call nc_grid_file_open(ncout, "w")
call nc_write_grid_sizes(ntheta, ntgrid, nperiod)
call nc_write_grid_scalars(shat, drhodpsi, kxfac, qsf, rmaj, geom%B_T, geom%aminor, surfarea/dvdrhon, surfarea)
call nc_write_grids(ntgrid, bmag, gradpar, gbdrift, gbdrift0, cvdrift, cvdrift0, &
gds2, gds21, gds22, grho, theta, &
Rplot=Rplot, Rprime=Rprime, Zplot=Zplot, Zprime=Zprime, aplot=aplot, aprime=aprime, &
Bpol=Bpol, no_end_point_in=no_end_point)
call nc_grid_file_close()
end if
call finish_mp
!> FIXME : Add documentation
subroutine geofax(rho, theta, t, e, d, nth, ntgrid)
use geometry, only: rpofrho, geom
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nth, ntgrid
real, intent (in) :: rho
real, dimension(-ntgrid:ntgrid), intent(in) :: theta
real, intent (out) :: t, e, d
real, dimension(-nth:nth) :: rgrid
real :: a, b, aa, bb, rp, hmaxu, hmaxl, rmaxu, rmaxl, rmid, Rlo, Rhi, Rinnr, Routr
integer :: i
logical, save :: first=.true.
if (first) then
first = .false.
end if
rp = rpofrho(rho)
do i = -nth, nth
rgrid(i) = geom%rfun(rp, theta(i))
end do
! do not treat up-down asymmetry completely for now
hmaxu = -1.e6 ; hmaxl = 1.e6
rmaxu = 0. ; rmaxl = 0.
do i = 0, nth
a = geom%Rpos(rgrid(i), theta(i)) ; b = geom%Zpos(rgrid(i), theta(i))
aa = geom%Rpos(rgrid(-i), theta(-i)) ; bb = geom%Zpos(rgrid(-i), theta(-i))
if (hmaxu < b ) then
hmaxu = b ; rmaxu = a
end if
if (hmaxl > bb ) then
hmaxl = bb ; rmaxl = aa
end if
Rlo = min(a, aa) ; Rhi = max(a, aa)
!<DD>WARNING : Rinnr has not been defined on first loop through
if (Rinnr > Rlo) Rinnr = Rlo
!<DD>WARNING : Routr has not been defined on first loop through
if (Routr < Rhi) Routr = Rhi
end do
a = (geom%Rpos(rgrid(0), theta(0)) - geom%Rpos(rgrid(nth), theta(nth)))
e = (hmaxu - hmaxl) / a
! Ro=(Routr+Rinnr)/2. should = rcenter(rp)
rmid = (Routr - Rinnr) / 2. ! midplane minor radius of this surface
! Using only the upper triangularity:
! wasn't properly normalized before 29 Feb 08, and don't use asin:
! t = asin(rcenter(rp)-rmax)
t = (geom%rcenter(rp) - rmaxu) / rmid
d = geom%rcenter(rp) - geom%rcenter(geom%psi_a)
end subroutine geofax
end program eiktest