ffttester Program

FIXME : Add documentation


Source Code


Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: ix
integer :: iy
type(gs2_program_state_type) :: state

Source Code

program ffttester
! CMR, 15/2/2010:
! ffttester has simple objective to test GS2 Fourier Transform Routines
!        initialise gs2 with user input file, but with NSTEP=0 to avoid advance
!        initialise g with cos(jx x)*cos(jy y) 
  use gs2_main, only: run_gs2, finish_gs2, gs2_program_state_type
  use mp, only: init_mp, mp_comm, finish_mp
  use kt_grids, only: naky, nx, ny, ntheta0, box, theta0
  use ffttest_helper, only: ffttest
  implicit none
  integer:: ix, iy
  type(gs2_program_state_type) :: state

  call init_mp
  state%mp_comm = mp_comm
  call run_gs2(finalize=.false., state=state)
  if ( .not. box ) then
     write(6,*) 'Quitting as this is not a BOX run'
  do ix=0,ntheta0/2-1
     do iy=0,naky-1
        call ffttest(ix,iy)

  call finish_gs2(state, quiet=.true.)
  call finish_mp

end program ffttester