#ifdef WITH_EIG #include "" !> A module for finding eigenvalues and eigenmodes !> Requires SLEPC and PETSC module eigval use abstract_config, only: abstract_config_type, CONFIG_MAX_NAME_LEN use petscvec use petscmat use slepceps implicit none !Allows us to use SLEPC_VERSION_MAJOR etc. to automatically !disable unsupported features #include <slepcversion.h> #include <petscversion.h> #if PETSC_VERSION_LT(3,6,0) #include <finclude/petscvecdef.h> #include <finclude/petscmatdef.h> #elif PETSC_VERSION_LT(3,8,0) #include <petsc/finclude/petscvecdef.h> #include <petsc/finclude/petscmatdef.h> #else #include <petsc/finclude/petscvec.h> #include <petsc/finclude/petscmat.h> #endif #if SLEPC_VERSION_LT(3,6,0) #include <finclude/slepcepsdef.h> #elif SLEPC_VERSION_LT(3,8,0) #include <slepc/finclude/slepcepsdef.h> #else #include <slepc/finclude/slepceps.h> #endif ! Redefine some types that we use directly to avoid ! relying on a non-standard declaration which not all ! compilers understand #ifdef EPSType #undef EPSType #define EPSType character(len=80) #endif #ifdef STType #undef STType #define STType character(len=80) #endif private public :: eigval_functional public :: init_eigval, finish_eigval, BasicSolve public :: read_parameters, wnml_eigval, check_eigval public :: eigval_config_type public :: set_eigval_config public :: get_eigval_config !////////////////// !Slepc related configuration parameters !////////////////// !Solver type integer, parameter :: & !Note not all of these may be available SolverTypePower=1,& SolverTypeSubspace=2,& SolverTypeArnoldi=3,& SolverTypeLanczos=4,& SolverTypeKrylovSchur=5,& SolverTypeGD=6,& SolverTypeJD=7,& SolverTypeRQCG=8,& SolverTypeCISS=9,& SolverTypeLapack=10,& SolverTypeArpack=11,& SolverTypeBlzpack=12,& SolverTypeTrlan=13,& SolverTypeBlopex=14,& SolverTypePrimme=15,& SolverTypeFeast=16,& SolverTypeNotSpecified=17 !=>Use slepc default integer :: solver_option_switch !Extraction type integer, parameter :: & !Note not all extractions are supported by every solver ExtractionRitz=1,& ExtractionHarmonic=2,& ExtractionHarmonicRelative=3,& ExtractionHarmonicRight=4,& ExtractionHarmonicLargest=5,& ExtractionRefined=6,& ExtractionRefinedHarmonic=7,& ExtractionNotSpecified=8 !=>Use slepc default integer :: extraction_option_switch !Which eigenpairs do we search for integer, parameter :: & WhichLargestMagnitude=1,& WhichSmallestMagnitude=2,& WhichLargestReal=3,& WhichSmallestReal=4,& WhichLargestImaginary=5,& WhichSmallestImaginary=6,& WhichTargetMagnitude=7,& WhichTargetReal=8,& WhichTargetImaginary=9,& !Complex builds only WhichAll=10,& !Requires an interval to be set WhichUser=11,& !Requires a used comparison routine to be defined WhichNotSpecified=12 !=>Use slepc default integer :: which_option_switch !What sort of spectral transform do we use integer, parameter :: & TransformShell=1,& TransformShift=2,& TransformInvert=3,& TransformCayley=4,& TransformFold=5,& TransformPrecond=6,& TransformNotSpecified=7 integer :: transform_option_switch !Number of eigenvalues to seek integer :: n_eig !Maximum number of iterations (calls to advance) allowed integer :: max_iter !Tolerance to converge to real :: tolerance !Real and imaginary components of target (roughly where we expect eigvals to be) real :: targ_re, targ_im !Do we specify the initial condition (through ginit)? logical :: use_ginit !Do we evaluate the time derivative operator or the time advance operator? logical :: analyse_ddt_operator !Number of GS2 advance steps per SLEPc call to advance_eigen !May be useful when looking at marginal modes etc. integer :: nadv !If true then save restart files for each eigenmode logical :: save_restarts !Initialisation state logical :: initialized = .false. !> A custom type to make it easy to encapsulate specific settings type EpsSettings logical :: use_ginit logical :: analyse_ddt_operator integer :: n_eig integer :: max_iter integer :: solver_option_switch integer :: extraction_option_switch integer :: which_option_switch integer :: transform_option_switch PetscInt :: local_size, global_size real :: tolerance real :: targ_re, targ_im complex :: target PetscScalar :: target_slepc end type EpsSettings !////////////////////// !Operations parameters !////////////////////// logical, parameter :: allow_command_line_settings=.true. character(len=12),parameter :: nml_name="eigval_knobs" !> Used to represent the input configuration of eigval. Several of !> these options are controlling SLEPc settings, which can also be !> set using the SLEPc command line flags. type, extends(abstract_config_type) :: eigval_config_type ! namelist : eigval_knobs ! indexed : false !> Determines which operator SLEPc is finding eigenvalues of. If !> .false. then SLEPc analyses the time advance operator, so !> internally works with the eigenvalue `exp(-i*omega*nadv*dt)`. !> If .true. then SLEPc analyses a time derivative operator, so !> internally works with the eigenvalue `-i*omega`. Note we form !> a first order one sided approximation of the time derivative !> (e.g. `(g_{n+nadv}-g_{n})/(nadv*code_dt)`) to be analysed. logical :: analyse_ddt_operator = .false. !> Sets the extraction technique, must be one of: !> !> - 'default' (use SLEPC default) !> - 'slepc_default' (use SLEPC default) !> - 'ritz' !> - 'harmonic' !> - 'harmonic_relative' !> - 'harmonic_right' !> - 'harmonic_largest' !> - 'refined' !> - 'refined_harmonic' !> character(len = 20) :: extraction_option = 'default' !> Sets the maximum number of SLEPC iterations used. If not set !> (recommended) then let SLEPC decide what to use (varies with !> different options). integer :: max_iter = PETSC_DECIDE !> The number of eigenmodes to search for. The actual number of !> modes found may be larger than this. integer :: n_eig = 1 !> How many GS2 timesteps to take each time SLEPc wants to !> advance the distribution function. Useful to separate closely !> spaced eigenvalues without changing [[knobs:delt]]. integer :: nadv = 1 !> If `true` then we save a set of restart files for each eigenmode !> found. These are named as the standard restart file !> (i.e. influenced by the restart_file input), but have `eig_<id>` !> appended near the end, where `<id>` is an integer representing the !> eigenmode id. If `save_distfn` of [[gs2_diagnostics_knobs]] is true !> then will also save the distribution function files. logical :: save_restarts = .false. !> Sets the type of solver to use, must be one of: !> !> - 'default' (Krylov-Schur) !> - 'slepc_default' (Krylov-Schur) !> - 'power' !> - 'subspace' !> - 'arnoldi' !> - 'lanczos' !> - 'krylov' !> - 'GD' !> - 'JD' !> - 'RQCG' !> - 'CISS' !> - 'lapack' !> - 'arpack' !> - 'blzpack' !> - 'trlan' !> - 'blopex' !> - 'primme' !> - 'feast' !> !> Not all solver types are compatible with other eigenvalue options, !> some options may not be supported in older SLEPC versions and some !> may require certain flags to be set when SLEPC is compiled. character(len = 20) :: solver_option = 'default' !> Imaginary part of the eigenvalue target. Often beneficial to !> set this fairly large (e.g. 10) when looking for unstable !> modes. Used with the `target_*` [[eigval_knobs:which_option]] !> mode. real :: targ_im = 0.5 !> Real part of the eigenvalue target. Often beneficial to set !> this fairly small (e.g. ~0). Used with the `target_*` !> [[eigval_knobs:which_option]] mode. real :: targ_re = 0.5 !> Sets tolerance on SLEPC eigenmode search. Used to determine !> when an eigenmode has been found. Note this is the tolerance !> based on the SLEPc eigenvalue, which is the time advance !> eigenvalue !> \(\exp{\left(-i\Omega\textrm{nadv delt}\right)}\) !> rather than the GS2 eigenvalue, \(\Omega\). real :: tolerance = 1.0d-6 !> Sets the type of spectral transform to be used. This can help !> extract interior eigenvalues. Must be one of !> !> - 'default' (let SLEPC decide) !> - 'slepc_default' (let SLEPC decide) !> - 'shell' !> - 'shift' !> - 'invert' !> - 'cayley' !> - 'fold' !> - 'precond' (not implemented) !> !> Not all options are available in all versions of the library. character(len = 20) :: transform_option = 'default' !> If `true` then provide an initial guess for the eigenmode !> based on using [[init_g]] routines to initialise `g`. Can be !> helpful in accelerating initial phase of eigensolver. Can also !> be quite useful with `ginit_option='many'` (etc.) to start an !> eigenvalue search from a previously obtained solution, !> allowing both eigenmode refinement and sub-dominant mode !> detection. logical :: use_ginit = .false. !> Sets SLEPC mode of operation (i.e. what sort of eigenvalues it !>looks for). Note that this refers to the SLEPc eigenvalue, !>i.e. the time advance eigenvalue !>\(\exp{\left(-i\Omega\textrm{nadv delt}\right)}\). In other !>words one should select `'largest_real'` to search for modes !>with the largest growth rate. Must be one of !> !> - 'default' (equivalent to 'target_magnitude') !> - 'slepc_default' (let SLEPC decide) !> - 'largest_magnitude' !> - 'smallest_magnitude' !> - 'largest_real' !> - 'smallest_real' !> - 'largest_imaginary' !> - 'smallest_imaginary' !> - 'target_magnitude' (complex eigenvalue magnitude closest to magnitude of target) !> - 'target_real' !> - 'target_imaginary' !> - 'all' (only some solver types, e.g. lapack) -- not supported !> - 'user' (will use a user specified function to pick between eigenmodes, note not currently implemented) !> character(len = 20) :: which_option = 'default' contains procedure, public :: read => read_eigval_config procedure, public :: write => write_eigval_config procedure, public :: reset => reset_eigval_config procedure, public :: broadcast => broadcast_eigval_config procedure, public, nopass :: get_default_name => get_default_name_eigval_config procedure, public, nopass :: get_default_requires_index => get_default_requires_index_eigval_config end type eigval_config_type type(eigval_config_type) :: eigval_config ! For some reason, PETSc doesn't provide module interfaces for these procedures. ! They also don't name arguments in headers interface subroutine MatCreateVecs(a, b, c, ierr) import tMat, tVec type(tMat), intent(in) :: a type(tVec), intent(in) :: b type(tVec), intent(out) :: c type(PetscErrorCode), intent(out) :: ierr end subroutine MatCreateVecs subroutine MatCreateShell(comm, a, b, c, d, e, f, ierr) import tMat integer :: comm type(PetscInt) :: a, b, c, d type(PetscInt), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: e type(tMat), intent(inout) :: f type(PetscErrorCode), intent(out) :: ierr end subroutine MatCreateShell subroutine MatShellSetOperation(a, b, c, ierr) import tMat, tVec type(tMat), intent(in) :: a type(PetscInt), intent(in) :: b interface subroutine advance_interface(MatOperator, VecIn, Res, ierr2) import tMat, tVec type(tMat), intent(in) :: MatOperator type(tVec), intent(inout) :: VecIn, Res type(PetscErrorCode), intent(inout) :: ierr2 end subroutine advance_interface end interface procedure(advance_interface) :: c type(PetscErrorCode), intent(out) :: ierr end subroutine MatShellSetOperation subroutine EPSGetType(eps, epstype, ierr) import tEPS type(tEPS), intent(in) :: eps type(EPSType), intent(out) :: epstype type(PetscErrorCode), intent(out) :: ierr end subroutine EPSGetType subroutine EPSSetType(eps, epstype, ierr) import tEPS type(tEPS), intent(in) :: eps type(EPSType), intent(in) :: epstype type(PetscErrorCode), intent(out) :: ierr end subroutine EPSSetType subroutine STGetType(st, sttype, ierr) import tST type(tST), intent(in) :: st type(STType), intent(out) :: sttype type(PetscErrorCode), intent(out) :: ierr end subroutine STGetType subroutine STSetType(st, sttype, ierr) import tST type(tST), intent(in) :: st type(STType), intent(in) :: sttype type(PetscErrorCode), intent(out) :: ierr end subroutine STSetType subroutine SlepcFinalize(ierr) type(PetscErrorCode), intent(out) :: ierr end subroutine SlepcFinalize end interface contains !> Returns true if GS2 was compiled with WITH_EIG defined function eigval_functional() logical :: eigval_functional eigval_functional=.true. end function eigval_functional !> Initialise eigenvalue problem subroutine init_eigval(eigval_config_in) #ifdef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX use mp, only: mp_comm #else use mp, only: proc0 #endif use file_utils, only: error_unit implicit none type(eigval_config_type), intent(in), optional :: eigval_config_in PetscErrorCode :: ierr #ifndef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX integer :: unit, ii integer, dimension(2) :: units #endif !If we don't have eigenvalue support then ignore any settings in input file if(.not.eigval_functional())then return endif if (initialized) return initialized = .true. !If petsc has not been compiled with complex support then display !a warning that the results are most likely incorrect. #ifndef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX units(1)=error_unit() !Error file units(2)=6 !Screen if(proc0)then do ii=1,2 unit=units(ii) write(unit,'(66("#"))') write(unit,'("# ","WARNING : The PETSC library used does not have complex support"," #")') write(unit,'("# "," --> The results are most likely incorrect. "," #")') write(unit,'(66("#"))') enddo endif #endif !Get the input parameters call read_parameters(eigval_config_in) !Set PETSC_COMM_WORLD to be mp_comm so we can use whatever sub-comm !needed for list mode to work PETSC_COMM_WORLD=mp_comm !Initialise slepc call SlepcInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,ierr) end subroutine init_eigval !> Clean up eigenvalue problem subroutine finish_eigval implicit none PetscErrorCode :: ierr initialized = .false. !Finish up slepc call SlepcFinalize(ierr) end subroutine finish_eigval !> Read the eigval_knobs namelist subroutine read_parameters(eigval_config_in) use file_utils, only: error_unit use text_options, only: text_option, get_option_value implicit none type(eigval_config_type), intent(in), optional :: eigval_config_in !NOTE: text_option is case sensitive (currently) type(text_option), dimension(18), parameter :: solver_type_opts = & (/& text_option('slepc_default',SolverTypeNotSpecified),& text_option('default',SolverTypeKrylovSchur),& text_option('power',SolverTypePower),& text_option('subspace',SolverTypeSubspace),& text_option('arnoldi',SolverTypeArnoldi),& text_option('lanczos',SolverTypeLanczos),& text_option('krylov',SolverTypeKrylovSchur),& text_option('GD',SolverTypeGD),& text_option('JD',SolverTypeJD),& text_option('RQCG',SolverTypeRQCG),& text_option('CISS',SolverTypeCISS),& text_option('lapack',SolverTypeLapack),& text_option('arpack',SolverTypeArpack),& text_option('blzpack',SolverTypeBlzpack),& text_option('trlan',SolverTypeTrlan),& text_option('blopex',SolverTypeBlopex),& text_option('primme',SolverTypePrimme),& text_option('feast',SolverTypeFeast)& /) type(text_option), dimension(9), parameter :: extraction_type_opts = & (/& text_option('slepc_default',ExtractionNotSpecified),& text_option('default',ExtractionNotSpecified),& text_option('ritz',ExtractionRitz),& text_option('harmonic',ExtractionHarmonic),& text_option('harmonic_relative',ExtractionHarmonicRelative),& text_option('harmonic_right',ExtractionHarmonicRight),& text_option('harmonic_largest',ExtractionHarmonicLargest),& text_option('refined',ExtractionRefined),& text_option('refined_harmonic',ExtractionRefinedHarmonic)& /) type(text_option), dimension(13), parameter :: which_type_opts = & (/& text_option('slepc_default',WhichNotSpecified),& text_option('default',WhichTargetMagnitude),& text_option('largest_magnitude',WhichLargestMagnitude),& text_option('smallest_magnitude',WhichSmallestMagnitude),& text_option('largest_real',WhichLargestReal),& text_option('smallest_real',WhichSmallestReal),& text_option('largest_imaginary',WhichLargestImaginary),& text_option('smallest_imaginary',WhichSmallestImaginary),& text_option('target_magnitude',WhichTargetMagnitude),& text_option('target_real',WhichTargetReal),& text_option('target_imaginary',WhichTargetImaginary),& text_option('all',WhichAll),& text_option('user',WhichUser)& /) type(text_option), dimension(8), parameter :: transform_type_opts = & (/& text_option('slepc_default',TransformNotSpecified),& text_option('default',TransformNotSpecified),& text_option('shell',TransformShell),& text_option('shift',TransformShift),& text_option('invert',TransformInvert),& text_option('cayley',TransformCayley),& text_option('fold',TransformFold),& text_option('precond',TransformPrecond)& /) character(len=20) :: solver_option, extraction_option, which_option, transform_option integer :: ierr logical :: exist if (present(eigval_config_in)) eigval_config = eigval_config_in call eigval_config%init(name = 'eigval_knobs', requires_index = .false.) ! Copy out internal values into module level parameters analyse_ddt_operator = eigval_config%analyse_ddt_operator extraction_option = eigval_config%extraction_option max_iter = eigval_config%max_iter n_eig = eigval_config%n_eig nadv = eigval_config%nadv save_restarts = eigval_config%save_restarts solver_option = eigval_config%solver_option targ_im = eigval_config%targ_im targ_re = eigval_config%targ_re tolerance = eigval_config%tolerance transform_option = eigval_config%transform_option use_ginit = eigval_config%use_ginit which_option = eigval_config%which_option exist = eigval_config%exist !Get error unit for output ierr = error_unit() !Convert string options to integer flags call get_option_value & (solver_option,solver_type_opts,solver_option_switch,& ierr,"solver_option in "//nml_name,.true.) call get_option_value & (extraction_option,extraction_type_opts,extraction_option_switch,& ierr,"extraction_option in "//nml_name,.true.) call get_option_value & (which_option,which_type_opts,which_option_switch,& ierr,"which_option in "//nml_name,.true.) call get_option_value & (transform_option,transform_type_opts,transform_option_switch,& ierr,"transform_option in "//nml_name,.true.) end subroutine read_parameters !> Write the eigval_knobs namelist subroutine wnml_eigval(unit) use mp, only: mp_abort implicit none integer, intent(in) :: unit character(len=4) :: inden=" " character(len=30) :: choice write(unit,*) write(unit,'(" &",A)') nml_name !Basic pars write(unit,'(A,A,"=",L1)') inden,'analyse_ddt_operator',analyse_ddt_operator write(unit,'(A,A,"=",L1)') inden,'use_ginit',use_ginit write(unit,'(A,A,"=",I0)') inden,'n_eig',n_eig write(unit,'(A,A,"=",I0)') inden,'max_iter',max_iter write(unit,'(A,A,"=",I0)') inden,'nadv',nadv write(unit,'(A,A,"=",F12.5)') inden,'toleranace',tolerance write(unit,'(A,A,"=",F12.5)') inden,'targ_re',targ_re write(unit,'(A,A,"=",F12.5)') inden,'targ_im',targ_im !string pars !Solver select case(solver_option_switch) case(SolverTypePower) choice='power' case(SolverTypeSubspace) choice='subspace' case(SolverTypeArnoldi) choice='arnoldi' case(SolverTypeLanczos) choice='lanczos' case(SolverTypeKrylovSchur) choice='krylov' case(SolverTypeGD) choice='GD' case(SolverTypeJD) choice='JD' case(SolverTypeRQCG) choice='RQCG' case(SolverTypeCISS) choice='CISS' case(SolverTypeLapack) choice='lapack' case(SolverTypeArpack) choice='arpack' case(SolverTypeBlzpack) choice='blzpack' case(SolverTypeTrlan) choice='trlan' case(SolverTypeBlopex) choice='blopex' case(SolverTypePrimme) choice='primme' case(SolverTypeFeast) choice='feast' case(SolverTypeNotSpecified) choice='slepc_default' case default !Should never get here call mp_abort("Unknown value of solver_option_switch") end select write(unit,'(A,A,"=",A,A,A)') inden,'solver_option','"',choice,'"' !Extraction select case(extraction_option_switch) case(ExtractionRitz) choice='ritz' case(ExtractionHarmonic) choice='harmonic' case(ExtractionHarmonicRelative) choice='harmonic_relative' case(ExtractionHarmonicRight) choice='harmonic_right' case(ExtractionHarmonicLargest) choice='harmonic_largest' case(ExtractionRefined) choice='refined' case(ExtractionRefinedHarmonic) choice='refined_harmonic' case(ExtractionNotSpecified) choice='slepc_default' case default !Should never get here call mp_abort("Unknown value of extraction_option_switch") end select write(unit,'(A,A,"=",A,A,A)') inden,'extraction_option','"',choice,'"' !Which type select case(which_option_switch) case(WhichLargestMagnitude) choice='largest_magnitude' case(WhichSmallestMagnitude) choice='smallest_magnitude' case(WhichLargestReal) choice='largest_real' case(WhichSmallestReal) choice='smallest_real' case(WhichLargestImaginary) choice='largest_imaginary' case(WhichSmallestImaginary) choice='smallest_imaginary' case(WhichTargetMagnitude) choice='target_magnitude' case(WhichTargetReal) choice='target_real' case(WhichTargetImaginary) choice='target_imaginary' case(WhichAll) choice='all' case(WhichUser) choice='user' case(WhichNotSpecified) choice='slepc_default' case default !Should never get here call mp_abort("Unknown value of which_option_switch") end select write(unit,'(A,A,"=",A,A,A)') inden,'which_option','"',choice,'"' !Transform type select case(transform_option_switch) case(TransformShell) choice='shell' case(TransformShift) choice='shift' case(TransformInvert) choice='invert' case(TransformCayley) choice='cayley' case(TransformFold) choice='fold' case(TransformPrecond) choice='precond' case(TransformNotSpecified) choice='slepc_default' case default !Should never get here call mp_abort("Unknown value of transform_option_switch") end select write(unit,'(A,A,"=",A,A,A)') inden,'transform_option','"',choice,'"' !Done write(unit,'(" /")') end subroutine wnml_eigval !> Check the eigval settings subroutine check_eigval end subroutine check_eigval !> Create a default settings object subroutine InitSettings(eps_settings) implicit none type(EpsSettings), intent(inout) :: eps_settings eps_settings%analyse_ddt_operator=analyse_ddt_operator eps_settings%use_ginit=use_ginit eps_settings%n_eig=n_eig eps_settings%max_iter=max_iter eps_settings%solver_option_switch=solver_option_switch eps_settings%extraction_option_switch=extraction_option_switch eps_settings%which_option_switch=which_option_switch eps_settings%transform_option_switch=transform_option_switch eps_settings%tolerance=tolerance eps_settings%targ_re=targ_re eps_settings%targ_im=targ_im eps_settings%target=cmplx(targ_re,targ_im) !Convert GS2 eigenvalue to slepc eigenvalue eps_settings%target_slepc=Eig_Gs2ToSlepc(eps_settings%target) !Initialise the dimension attributes to -1 to indicate unset eps_settings%local_size=-1 eps_settings%global_size=-1 end subroutine InitSettings !> Setup the matrix operator subroutine InitMatrixOperator(mat_operator, Adv_routine, eps_settings) implicit none Mat, intent(inout) :: mat_operator external :: Adv_routine !This returns the result of mat_operator.X (where X is a vector) type(EpsSettings), intent(in) :: eps_settings PetscErrorCode :: ierr !Note, whilst we're defining a matrix (i.e. 2D array) we only specify !the local and global length of one side. This is because it is a shell !matrix where we only ever deal with vectors which can interact with the !matrix and never the matrix itself (hence why Sum(n_loc*n_loc)/=n_glob*n_glob !is ok!). !Make a shell matrix operator (AdvMat) call MatCreateShell(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,eps_settings%local_size,eps_settings%local_size,& eps_settings%global_size,eps_settings%global_size,PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,mat_operator,ierr) !Set the shell MATOP_MULT operation, i.e. which routine returns the result !of a AdvMat.x call MatShellSetOperation(mat_operator,MATOP_MULT,Adv_routine,ierr) end subroutine InitMatrixOperator !> Create a solver and set parameters based on eps_settings subroutine InitEPS(eps_solver,mat_operator,eps_settings) use init_g, only: ginit implicit none EPS, intent(inout) :: eps_solver !The solver object to initialise Mat, intent(in) :: mat_operator !The matrix to find eigenpairs of type(EpsSettings), intent(in) :: eps_settings Vec :: init_vec PetscErrorCode :: ierr logical :: restarted !Now create the eps solver call EPSCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,eps_solver,ierr) !Set the matrix operator we want to find eigenvalues of #if PETSC_VERSION_LT(3,8,0) call EPSSetOperators(eps_solver,mat_operator,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,ierr) #else call EPSSetOperators(eps_solver,mat_operator,PETSC_NULL_MAT,ierr) #endif !Set the type of eigenproblem -->Always non-hermittian for us call EPSSetProblemType(eps_solver,EPS_NHEP,ierr) !Now setup from options call SetupEPS(eps_solver,eps_settings) !Now initialise if we requested this if(eps_settings%use_ginit)then !Initialise g call ginit(restarted) !Setup vector #if PETSC_VERSION_LT(3,6,0) call MatGetVecs(mat_operator,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,init_vec,ierr) #elif PETSC_VERSION_LT(3,8,0) call MatCreateVecs(mat_operator,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,init_vec,ierr) #else call MatCreateVecs(mat_operator,PETSC_NULL_VEC,init_vec,ierr) #endif call GnewToVec(init_vec) !Set the initial vector call EPSSetInitialSpace(eps_solver,1,init_vec,ierr) !Now destroy the vector call VecDestroy(init_vec,ierr) endif end subroutine InitEPS !> Setup the passed solver subroutine SetupEPS(eps_solver,eps_settings) use mp, only: mp_abort implicit none EPS, intent(inout) :: eps_solver type(EpsSettings), intent(in) :: eps_settings ST :: st PetscErrorCode :: ierr EPSType :: SolverType, TransformType PetscInt :: ExtractionType, WhichType !NOTE: There is no consistency checking here (yet) so it is up to the user !to make sure they request a valid combination of parameters !First set the number of eigenpairs to find call EPSSetDimensions(eps_solver,eps_settings%n_eig,& PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,ierr) !Now set tolerance and iteration limits call EPSSetTolerances(eps_solver,eps_settings%tolerance,& eps_settings%max_iter,ierr) !Now set what type of eigenpairs we're looking for if we don't ask for slepc_default if( select case(eps_settings%which_option_switch) case(WhichLargestMagnitude) WhichType=EPS_LARGEST_MAGNITUDE case(WhichSmallestMagnitude) WhichType=EPS_SMALLEST_MAGNITUDE case(WhichLargestReal) WhichType=EPS_LARGEST_REAL case(WhichSmallestReal) WhichType=EPS_SMALLEST_REAL case(WhichLargestImaginary) WhichType=EPS_LARGEST_IMAGINARY case(WhichSmallestImaginary) WhichType=EPS_SMALLEST_IMAGINARY case(WhichTargetMagnitude) WhichType=EPS_TARGET_MAGNITUDE case(WhichTargetReal) WhichType=EPS_TARGET_REAL case(WhichTargetImaginary) WhichType=EPS_TARGET_IMAGINARY case(WhichAll) WhichType=EPS_ALL case(WhichUser) WhichType=EPS_WHICH_USER case default !Should never get here call mp_abort("Unknown value of which_option_switch") end select call EpsSetWhichEigenpairs(eps_solver,WhichType,ierr) endif !Set the target call EpsSetTarget(eps_solver,eps_settings%target_slepc,ierr) !Now set the solver type if we don't ask for slepc_default if( select case(eps_settings%solver_option_switch) case(SolverTypePower) SolverType=EPSPOWER case(SolverTypeSubspace) SolverType=EPSSUBSPACE case(SolverTypeArnoldi) SolverType=EPSARNOLDI case(SolverTypeLanczos) SolverType=EPSLANCZOS case(SolverTypeKrylovSchur) SolverType=EPSKRYLOVSCHUR #if SLEPC_VERSION_GE(3,1,0) case(SolverTypeGD) SolverType=EPSGD case(SolverTypeJD) SolverType=EPSJD #endif #if SLEPC_VERSION_GE(3,3,0) case(SolverTypeRQCG) SolverType=EPSRQCG #endif #if SLEPC_VERSION_GE(3,4,0) case(SolverTypeCISS) SolverType=EPSCISS #endif case(SolverTypeLapack) SolverType=EPSLAPACK case(SolverTypeArpack) SolverType=EPSARPACK case(SolverTypeTrlan) SolverType=EPSTRLAN case(SolverTypeBlopex) SolverType=EPSBLOPEX case(SolverTypePrimme) SolverType=EPSPRIMME #if SLEPC_VERSION_GE(3,4,0) #if SLEPC_VERSION_LE(3,11,0) || SLEPC_VERSION_GE(3,14,0) case(SolverTypeFeast) SolverType=EPSFEAST #endif #endif case default !Should never get here call mp_abort("Unknown value of solver_option_switch") end select call EPSSetType(eps_solver,SolverType,ierr) endif !Now set the extraction method if( select case(eps_settings%extraction_option_switch) case(ExtractionRitz) ExtractionType=EPS_RITZ case(ExtractionHarmonic) ExtractionType=EPS_HARMONIC case(ExtractionHarmonicRelative) ExtractionType=EPS_HARMONIC_RELATIVE case(ExtractionHarmonicRight) ExtractionType=EPS_HARMONIC_RIGHT case(ExtractionHarmonicLargest) ExtractionType=EPS_HARMONIC_LARGEST case(ExtractionRefined) ExtractionType=EPS_REFINED case(ExtractionRefinedHarmonic) ExtractionType=EPS_REFINED_HARMONIC case default !Should never get here call mp_abort("Unknown value of extraction_option_switch") end select call EPSSetExtraction(eps_solver,ExtractionType,ierr) endif !Now set the spectral transform if( !Get spectral transform object call EPSGetSt(eps_solver,st,ierr) select case(eps_settings%transform_option_switch) case(TransformShell) TransformType=STSHELL case(TransformShift) TransformType=STSHIFT case(TransformInvert) TransformType=STSINVERT case(TransformCayley) TransformType=STCAYLEY #if SLEPC_VERSION_LE(3,4,4) case(TransformFold) TransformType=STFOLD #endif case(TransformPrecond) TransformType=STPRECOND case default !Should never get here call mp_abort("Unknown value of transform_option_switch") end select !Set the shift call STSetShift(st,eps_settings%target_slepc,ierr) !Set the type call STSetType(st,TransformType,ierr) !Set the matrix mode to shell -- This is needed to use a lot of the !spectral transforms but is commented out for the moment because a !few other settings would need to be set including the KSP and PC !types as without implementing other matrix methods (like MATOP_GET_DIAGONAL) !the default KSP/PC won't work. To enable this at run time try something like ! -st_type sinvert -st_ksp_type gmres -st_pc_type none -st_matmode shell !call STSetMatMode(st,ST_MATMODE_SHELL,ierr) endif !Now we can allow users to override settings from command line if we like if(allow_command_line_settings)then !Do the solver object (also updates st object) call EPSSetFromOptions(eps_solver,ierr) endif end subroutine SetupEPS !> Writes the current settings to a file with extension '.eig.solver_settings' subroutine ReportSolverSettings(eps_solver,fext) use mp, only: proc0 use file_utils, only: open_output_file, close_output_file implicit none EPS, intent(in) :: eps_solver character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fext !Optional text to add to file name character(len=80) :: extension integer :: ounit EPSType :: TmpType !String EPSExtraction :: Extract !Integer PetscInt :: TmpInt PetscScalar :: TmpScal !Complex PetscReal :: TmpReal ST :: st PetscErrorCode :: ierr !Only proc0 does the writing if(.not.proc0) return !Set the default extension extension=".eig.solver_settings" !Add optional text is passed if(present(fext)) then extension=trim(fext)//trim(extension) endif !Open an output file for writing call open_output_file(ounit,extension) write(ounit,'("Slepc eigensolver settings:")') !Now we fetch settings and write them to file #ifdef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX write(ounit,'(" ",A30)') "Compiled with COMPLEX support" #else write(ounit,'(" ",A30)') "Compiled with REAL support" #endif !1. Solver type call EPSGetType(eps_solver,TmpType,ierr) write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",2X,A22)') "Type", adjustl(TmpType) !2. Number of eigenvalues to look for call EPSGetDimensions(eps_solver,TmpInt,PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,ierr) write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",2X,I0)') "Number of eigenvalues", TmpInt !3. Tolerances call EPSGetTolerances(eps_solver,TmpReal,TmpInt,ierr) write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",2X,I0)') "Max iterations", TmpInt write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",1X,E11.4)') "Tolerance", TmpReal !4. ExtractionType call EPSGetExtraction(eps_solver,Extract,ierr) !Could have a select case (in function) to convert integer to string name write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",2X,I0)') "Extraction type", Extract !Note integer, not string !5. WhichType call EPSGetWhichEigenPairs(eps_solver,TmpInt,ierr) !Could have a select case (in function) to convert integer to string name write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",2X,I0)') "Target type", TmpInt !Note integer, not string !5b. Target value call EPSGetTarget(eps_solver,TmpScal,ierr) #ifdef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",2X,F12.5)') "Real target (slepc)", PetscRealPart(TmpScal) write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",2X,F12.5)') "Imag target (slepc)", PetscImaginaryPart(TmpScal) #else write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",2X,F12.5)') "Mag. target (slepc)", PetscRealPart(TmpScal) #endif !6. Transform type call EPSGetST(eps_solver,st,ierr) call STGetType(st,TmpType,ierr) write(ounit,'(" ",A22,2X,":",2X,A22)') "Transform type", adjustl(TmpType) !Close output file call close_output_file(ounit) end subroutine ReportSolverSettings !> Main routine that does the setup, starts the solver and !! coordinates reporting of the results subroutine BasicSolve use theta_grid, only: ntgrid use gs2_layouts, only: g_lo implicit none EPS :: my_solver Mat :: my_operator PetscInt :: d1_size, d2_size, d3_size_global, d3_size_local PetscInt :: n_loc, n_glob type(EpsSettings) :: my_settings PetscErrorCode :: ierr !Define dimensions for problem d1_size=2*ntgrid+1 !Size of theta grid d2_size=2 !Size of sigma grid d3_size_local=(1+g_lo%ulim_alloc-g_lo%llim_proc) !Size of local distributed domain if( d3_size_local=0 d3_size_global=(1+g_lo%ulim_world-g_lo%llim_world) !Size of global distributed domain !How big is the "advance operator matrix" n_loc = d1_size*d2_size*d3_size_local n_glob = d1_size*d2_size*d3_size_global !Pack the settings type call InitSettings(my_settings) !Set the sizes my_settings%local_size=n_loc my_settings%global_size=n_glob !Initialise the matrix operator if (analyse_ddt_operator) then call InitMatrixOperator(my_operator, ddt_eigen, my_settings) else call InitMatrixOperator(my_operator, advance_eigen, my_settings) end if !Create the solver call InitEPS(my_solver,my_operator,my_settings) !Attach a monitor !call EPSMonitorSet(my_solver,SimpleMonitor,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,PETSC_NULL_FUNCTION,ierr) !Write settings to file call ReportSolverSettings(my_solver) !Now we're ready to solve call EPSSolve(my_solver,ierr) !Now do the reporting and diagnostic output call ReportResults(my_solver,my_operator,my_settings) !Now destroy objects call EPSDestroy(my_solver,ierr) call MatDestroy(my_operator,ierr) end subroutine BasicSolve !> Routine to write results to screen and netcdf subroutine ReportResults(my_solver,my_operator,my_settings) use mp, only: proc0 use constants, only: zi use gs2_time, only: code_dt use run_parameters, only: has_phi, has_apar, has_bpar use fields, only: set_init_fields use fields_arrays, only: phi, phinew, apar, aparnew, bpar, bparnew use gs2_save, only: EigNetcdfID, init_eigenfunc_file, finish_eigenfunc_file use gs2_save, only: add_eigenpair_to_file, finish_gs2_save use file_utils, only: run_name use gs2_diagnostics, only: save_distfn, save_glo_info_and_grids, save_restart_dist_fn use gs2_diagnostics, only: loop_diagnostics, nwrite, save_velocities, navg use run_parameters, only: use_old_diagnostics #ifdef NEW_DIAG use gs2_diagnostics_new, only: run_diagnostics, gnostics #endif implicit none EPS, intent(in) :: my_solver Mat, intent(in) :: my_operator type(EpsSettings), intent(in) :: my_settings PetscErrorCode :: ierr PetscInt :: iteration_count, n_converged Vec :: eig_vec_r, eig_vec_i PetscScalar :: eig_val_r, eig_val_i complex :: EigVal, previous_field_factor logical :: all_found, diagnostics_exit PetscInt :: ieig type(EigNetcdfID) :: io_ids character(len=20) :: restart_unique_string integer :: original_navg !Find out how many iterations were performed call EPSGetIterationNumber(my_solver,iteration_count,ierr) !Find out how many converged eigenpairs where found call EPSGetConverged(my_solver,n_converged,ierr) all_found=( if(proc0) write(6,'("Found ",I0," eigenvalues in ",I0," iterations.")') n_converged,iteration_count if( !Initialise the eigenvector arrays #if PETSC_VERSION_LT(3,6,0) call MatGetVecs(my_operator,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,eig_vec_r,ierr) call MatGetVecs(my_operator,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,eig_vec_i,ierr) #elif PETSC_VERSION_LT(3,8,0) call MatCreateVecs(my_operator,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,eig_vec_r,ierr) call MatCreateVecs(my_operator,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,eig_vec_i,ierr) #else call MatCreateVecs(my_operator,PETSC_NULL_VEC,eig_vec_r,ierr) call MatCreateVecs(my_operator,PETSC_NULL_VEC,eig_vec_i,ierr) #endif if(proc0)call init_eigenfunc_file(trim(run_name)//"", io_ids) !Now loop over converged values do ieig=0,n_converged-1 !Get eigenpair call EPSGetEigenpair(my_solver,ieig,eig_val_r,& eig_val_i,eig_vec_r,eig_vec_i,ierr) !NOTE: If petsc has been compiled with complex support then _i variables !are empty, else contains imaginary component #ifdef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX EigVal=cmplx(PetscRealPart(eig_val_r),PetscImaginaryPart(eig_val_r)) #else EigVal=cmplx(PetscRealPart(eig_val_r),PetscRealPart(eig_val_i)) #endif !Convert to GS2 eigenvalue Eigval=Eig_SlepcToGs2(EigVal) !Get field eigenmodes !/First set g #ifdef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX call VecToGnew(eig_vec_r) #else call VecToGnew2(eig_vec_r,eig_vec_i) #endif !/Then calculate fields call set_init_fields !Add to file if(proc0)call add_eigenpair_to_file(EigVal, has_phi, has_apar, has_bpar, io_ids) !/Calculate what the fields at the previous time step would !/look like given current state and Eigval. This is intended !/to allow diagnostics to recover Eigval from the usual !/calculation of omega previous_field_factor = exp(zi * Eigval * code_dt) if (has_phi) phi = phinew * previous_field_factor if (has_apar) apar = aparnew * previous_field_factor if (has_bpar) bpar = bparnew * previous_field_factor if (use_old_diagnostics) then original_navg = navg navg = 1 call loop_diagnostics ((ieig+1) * nwrite, diagnostics_exit) navg = original_navg #ifdef NEW_DIAG else original_navg = gnostics%navg gnostics%navg = 1 call run_diagnostics ((ieig+1) * gnostics%nwrite, diagnostics_exit) gnostics%navg = original_navg #endif end if !Save restart file if requested. !First make the unique bit of the name write(restart_unique_string,'(".eig_",I0)') ieig call save_restart_dist_fn(save_restarts, save_distfn, & save_glo_info_and_grids, save_velocities, & user_time = (ieig+1) * code_dt, & fileopt_base = restart_unique_string) !Reset the status of save_for_restart if (save_restarts .or. save_distfn) call finish_gs2_save end do !Close netcdf file if(proc0)call finish_eigenfunc_file(io_ids) call VecDestroy(eig_vec_r,ierr) call VecDestroy(eig_vec_i,ierr) else if(proc0) write(6,'("No converged eigenvalues found.")') endif end subroutine ReportResults !> Function to convert SLEPc eigenvalue to a GS2 one elemental complex function Eig_SlepcToGs2(eig) use gs2_time, only: code_dt implicit none complex, intent(in) :: eig if (analyse_ddt_operator) then Eig_SlepcToGs2=eig*cmplx(0.0,1.0) else Eig_SlepcToGs2=log(eig)*cmplx(0.0,1.0)/(code_dt*nadv) end if end function Eig_SlepcToGs2 !> Function to convert a GS2 eigenvalue to a SLEPc one elemental PetscScalar function Eig_Gs2ToSlepc(eig) use gs2_time, only: code_dt implicit none complex, intent(in) :: eig !If PETSC doesn't have a complex type then return the !magnitude of the eigenvalue. if (analyse_ddt_operator) then #ifdef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX Eig_Gs2ToSlepc=-cmplx(0.0,1.0)*eig #else Eig_Gs2ToSlepc=abs(cmplx(0.0,1.0)*eig) #endif else #ifdef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX Eig_Gs2ToSlepc=exp(-cmplx(0.0,1.0)*code_dt*eig*nadv) #else Eig_Gs2ToSlepc=abs(exp(-cmplx(0.0,1.0)*code_dt*eig*nadv)) #endif end if end function Eig_Gs2ToSlepc !> Call back routine to represent linear advance operator subroutine advance_eigen(MatOperator,VecIn,Res,ierr) use fields, only: set_init_fields, advance implicit none Mat, intent(in) :: MatOperator Vec, intent(inout) :: VecIn, Res PetscErrorCode, intent(inout) :: ierr integer, parameter :: istep=2 integer :: is UNUSED_DUMMY(MatOperator); UNUSED_DUMMY(ierr) !First unpack input vector into gnew call VecToGnew(VecIn) !Now set fields to be consistent with gnew call set_init_fields !Now do a number of time steps do is=1,nadv !Note by using a fixed istep we !force the explicit terms to be excluded !except for the very first call. call advance(istep) enddo !Now pack gnew into output call GnewToVec(Res) end subroutine advance_eigen !> Call back routine to represent time derivative operator subroutine ddt_eigen(MatOperator,VecIn,Res,ierr) use fields, only: set_init_fields, advance use dist_fn_arrays, only: gnew use gs2_time, only: code_dt use array_utils, only: copy implicit none Mat, intent(in) :: MatOperator Vec, intent(inout) :: VecIn, Res PetscErrorCode, intent(inout) :: ierr integer, parameter :: istep=2 integer :: is complex, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ginit UNUSED_DUMMY(MatOperator); UNUSED_DUMMY(ierr) !First unpack input vector into gnew call VecToGnew(VecIn) ! Store a copy of the initial state allocate(ginit, mold = gnew) call copy(gnew, ginit) !Now set fields to be consistent with gnew call set_init_fields !Now do a number of time steps do is=1,nadv !Note by using a fixed istep we !force the explicit terms to be excluded !except for the very first call. call advance(istep) enddo ! Form a crude estimate of the time derivative gnew = (gnew - ginit)/(code_dt*nadv) !Now pack gnew into output call GnewToVec(Res) end subroutine ddt_eigen !> Unpacks a SLEPc vector into gnew subroutine VecToGnew(VecIn) use theta_grid, only: ntgrid use gs2_layouts, only: g_lo use dist_fn_arrays, only: gnew implicit none Vec, intent(inout) :: VecIn PetscScalar, pointer :: VecInArr(:) PetscInt :: d1_size, d2_size, d3_size_global, d3_size_local PetscErrorCode :: ierr integer :: ig, isgn, iglo, local_index !No local data if( return !Define dimensions d1_size=2*ntgrid+1 !Size of theta grid d2_size=2 !Size of sigma grid d3_size_local=(1+g_lo%ulim_alloc-g_lo%llim_proc) !Size of local distributed domain d3_size_global=(1+g_lo%ulim_world-g_lo%llim_world) !Size of global distributed domain !Get a pointer to the data call VecGetArrayReadF90(VecIn,VecInArr,ierr) !Extract do iglo=g_lo%llim_proc,g_lo%ulim_alloc do isgn=1,2 do ig=-ntgrid,ntgrid !Form local index (note we could just having a running counter which we !increment on each loop local_index=1+((iglo-g_lo%llim_proc)*d2_size*d1_size)+(isgn-1)*d1_size+(ig+ntgrid) gnew(ig,isgn,iglo)=VecInArr(local_index) enddo enddo enddo !Get rid of pointer call VecRestoreArrayReadF90(VecIn,VecInArr,ierr) end subroutine VecToGnew #ifndef PETSC_USE_COMPLEX subroutine VecToGnew2(VecIn,VecInI) use theta_grid, only: ntgrid use gs2_layouts, only: g_lo use dist_fn_arrays, only: gnew implicit none Vec, intent(inout) :: VecIn,VecInI PetscScalar, pointer :: VecInArr(:),VecInIArr(:) PetscInt :: d1_size, d2_size, d3_size_global, d3_size_local PetscErrorCode :: ierr integer :: ig, isgn, iglo, local_index !No local data if( return !Define dimensions d1_size=2*ntgrid+1 !Size of theta grid d2_size=2 !Size of sigma grid d3_size_local=(1+g_lo%ulim_alloc-g_lo%llim_proc) !Size of local distributed domain d3_size_global=(1+g_lo%ulim_world-g_lo%llim_world) !Size of global distributed domain !Get a pointer to the data call VecGetArrayReadF90(VecIn,VecInArr,ierr) call VecGetArrayReadF90(VecInI,VecInIArr,ierr) !Extract do iglo=g_lo%llim_proc,g_lo%ulim_alloc do isgn=1,2 do ig=-ntgrid,ntgrid !Form local index (note we could just having a running counter which we !increment on each loop local_index=1+((iglo-g_lo%llim_proc)*d2_size*d1_size)+(isgn-1)*d1_size+(ig+ntgrid) gnew(ig,isgn,iglo)=cmplx(PetscRealPart(VecInArr(local_index)),PetscRealPart(VecInIArr(local_index))) enddo enddo enddo !Get rid of pointer call VecRestoreArrayReadF90(VecIn,VecInArr,ierr) call VecRestoreArrayReadF90(VecInI,VecInIArr,ierr) end subroutine VecToGnew2 #endif !> Packs gnew into a SLEPc vector subroutine GnewToVec(VecIn) use theta_grid, only: ntgrid use gs2_layouts, only: g_lo use dist_fn_arrays, only: gnew implicit none Vec, intent(inout) :: VecIn PetscScalar, pointer :: VecInArr(:) PetscInt :: d1_size, d2_size, d3_size_global, d3_size_local PetscErrorCode :: ierr integer :: ig, isgn, iglo, local_index !No local data if( return !Define dimensions d1_size=2*ntgrid+1 !Size of theta grid d2_size=2 !Size of sigma grid d3_size_local=(1+g_lo%ulim_alloc-g_lo%llim_proc) !Size of local distributed domain d3_size_global=(1+g_lo%ulim_world-g_lo%llim_world) !Size of global distributed domain !Get a pointer to the data call VecGetArrayF90(VecIn,VecInArr,ierr) !Extract do iglo=g_lo%llim_proc,g_lo%ulim_alloc do isgn=1,2 do ig=-ntgrid,ntgrid !Form local index (note we could just having a running counter which we !increment on each loop local_index=1+((iglo-g_lo%llim_proc)*d2_size*d1_size)+(isgn-1)*d1_size+(ig+ntgrid) VecInArr(local_index)=gnew(ig,isgn,iglo) enddo enddo enddo !Get rid of pointer call VecRestoreArrayF90(VecIn,VecInArr,ierr) end subroutine GnewToVec !> An example of a custom SLEPc monitor -- may not work well PetscErrorCode function SimpleMonitor(solver,iters,nconv,eig_r,eig_i,err_est,n_est,mm) use mp, only: proc0 implicit none EPS, intent(inout) :: solver PetscInt, intent(inout) :: iters, nconv, n_est PetscScalar,dimension(:), intent(inout) :: eig_r, eig_i PetscReal, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: err_est integer, pointer, intent(inout), optional :: mm integer, save :: nconv_prev=0, iter_prev=0 integer :: new_conv, new_iter UNUSED_DUMMY(eig_r); UNUSED_DUMMY(eig_i) UNUSED_DUMMY(err_est); UNUSED_DUMMY(n_est) UNUSED_DUMMY(solver); UNUSED_DUMMY(mm) !Set return value SimpleMonitor=0 !If no change in nconv then return if(nconv_prev.eq.nconv)then return endif !Calculate how many extra modes found and how many iterations it took new_conv=nconv-nconv_prev new_iter=iters-iter_prev if(proc0)write(6,'("Found ",I0," eigenvalues in ",I0," iterations:")') new_conv, new_iter !Update previous value nconv_prev=nconv iter_prev=iters end function SimpleMonitor !> Set the module level config type !> Will abort if the module has already been initialised to avoid !> inconsistencies. subroutine set_eigval_config(eigval_config_in) use mp, only: mp_abort type(eigval_config_type), intent(in), optional :: eigval_config_in if (initialized) then call mp_abort("Trying to set eigval_config when already initialized.", to_screen = .true.) end if if (present(eigval_config_in)) then eigval_config = eigval_config_in end if end subroutine set_eigval_config #include "" end module eigval #else !############################################################### !THE SECTION BELOW PROVIDES THE EIGENVAL MODULE IN THE ABSENCE OF !SLEPC/PETSC (i.e. WITH_EIG not defined). !> A stub module representing the eigenvalue solver module eigval implicit none private public :: eigval_functional contains !> Returns true if GS2 was compiled with WITH_EIG defined -- here forced to .false. !! as compiled without SLEPc support function eigval_functional() logical :: eigval_functional eigval_functional=.false. end function eigval_functional end module eigval #endif