results_summary_type Derived Type

type, public :: results_summary_type

A type for storing the current results of the simulation


Source Code


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: phi2 = initial_value
real, public :: apar2 = initial_value
real, public :: bpar2 = initial_value
real, public :: total_heat_flux = initial_value
real, public :: total_momentum_flux = initial_value
real, public :: total_particle_flux = initial_value
real, public :: max_growth_rate = initial_value
real, public :: diffusivity = initial_value
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_es_heat_flux
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_apar_heat_flux
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_bpar_heat_flux
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_heat_flux
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_momentum_flux
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_particle_flux
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_energy_exchange
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_heat_flux_avg
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_momentum_flux_avg
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_particle_flux_avg
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_heating
real, public, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_heating_avg
complex, public, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: omega_average
complex, public, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: zonal_transfer

Source Code

  type results_summary_type
     real :: phi2 = initial_value
     real :: apar2 = initial_value
     real :: bpar2 = initial_value
     real :: total_heat_flux = initial_value
     real :: total_momentum_flux = initial_value
     real :: total_particle_flux = initial_value
     real :: max_growth_rate = initial_value
     real :: diffusivity = initial_value

     ! Individual heat fluxes
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_es_heat_flux
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_apar_heat_flux
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_bpar_heat_flux

     ! Total fluxes
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_heat_flux
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_momentum_flux
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_particle_flux
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_energy_exchange

     ! Average total fluxes
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_heat_flux_avg
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_momentum_flux_avg
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_particle_flux_avg

     ! Heating
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_heating
     real, dimension(:), allocatable :: species_heating_avg

     ! Growth rates
     complex, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: omega_average

     ! free energy transfer due to nonlinearity
     complex, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: zonal_transfer

  end type results_summary_type