species_element_config_type Derived Type

type, public, extends(abstract_config_type) :: species_element_config_type

Used to represent the input configuration of species



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
logical, public :: exist = .false.

Does the related namelist exist in the target input file?

integer, public :: index = 0

Used to hold the specific index of numbered namelists

logical, public :: skip_read = .false.

Do we want to skip the read step in init?

logical, public :: skip_broadcast = .false.

Do we want to skip the broadcast step in init?

real, public :: bess_fac = 1.0

Multiplies the argument of the Bessel function for this species. Useful for exploring the effect of the Bessel functions.

real, public :: dens = 1.0

Set the normalised density for this species

real, public :: dens0 = 1.0

Parameter used for a few specific initial condition types.

character(len=20), public :: f0type = "default"

Select which type of background distribution should be assumed for this species. Must be one of:

  • 'default' : equivalent to maxwellian
  • 'maxwellian' : Standard maxwellian
  • 'tabulated' : A general tabulated form
  • 'sdanalytic' : A analytic slowing down form.

See G. Wilkie thesis.

real, public :: fprim = 2.2

Normalised inverse density gradient: (Note here is the normalised radius .

real, public :: mass = 1.0

Normalised mass of this species

real, public :: nu_h = 0.0

Set the species hyper collision frequency used in the pitch angle scattering collision operator if [[collision_knobs::hypermult]] is true.

real, public :: temp = 1.0

Set the normalised species temperature

real, public :: tpar0 = 0.

Parameter used for a few specific initial condition types.

real, public :: tperp0 = 0.

Parameter used for a few specific initial condition types.

real, public :: tprim = 6.9

Normalised inverse temperature gradient: (Note here is the normalised radius .

character(len=20), public :: type = "default"

Sets the characterisation of the species. Should be one of

  • 'ion' : Thermal ion species
  • 'default' : Same as 'ion'
  • 'electron' : Thermal electron species
  • 'e' : Same as 'electron'
  • 'trace' : Tracer species
  • 'hybrid_electron' : Adiabatic passing electrons, full trapped electron treatment. NOTE: This option is currently considered experimental and is intended for use in electrostatic simulations.

This primarily controls the treatment in the collision operator, the detection of adiabatic species. Tracer species do not contribute to velocity space integrals.

real, public :: u0 = 1.0

Parameter used for a few specific initial condition types.

real, public :: uprim = 0.0

Controls an energy independent part of a source term.

real, public :: uprim2 = 0.0

Controls an energy dependent part of a source term.

real, public :: vcprim = -999.9

Part of the sdanalytic slowing down model. See G. Wilkie thesis.

real, public :: vcrit = -1.0

Part of the sdanalytic slowing down model. See G. Wilkie thesis.

real, public :: vnewk = 0.0

Sets the normalised species-species collisionality frequency. For species s, vnewk = nu_ss Lref/vref where Lref is the reference length, vref is the reference thermal speed (not the thermal speed of species s!), is a dimensional collision frequency, e is the proton charge, is the Coloumb logarithm, and are the (charge, temperature, density, mass) of species s. (The dimensional collision frequency given here is in Gaussian units. For SI units, include an extra factor in the denominator of the definition of .

real, public :: z = 1.0

Normalised species charge

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public, :: is_initialised => is_initialised_generic

procedure, public, :: init => init_generic

  • private subroutine init_generic(self, name, requires_index, index)

    Fully initialise the config object


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(abstract_config_type), intent(inout) :: self
    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
    logical, intent(in), optional :: requires_index
    integer, intent(in), optional :: index

procedure, public, :: setup => setup_generic

  • private subroutine setup_generic(self, name, requires_index, index)

    Do some standard setup/checking


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(abstract_config_type), intent(inout) :: self
    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
    logical, intent(in), optional :: requires_index
    integer, intent(in), optional :: index

procedure, public, :: write_namelist_header

  • private subroutine write_namelist_header(self, unit)

    Write the namelist header for this instance


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(abstract_config_type), intent(in) :: self
    integer, intent(in) :: unit

procedure, public, :: get_name => get_name_generic

  • private function get_name_generic(self)

    Returns the namelist name. Not very useful at the moment but may want to do more interesting things in the future


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(abstract_config_type), intent(in) :: self

    Return Value character(len=CONFIG_MAX_NAME_LEN)

procedure, public, :: get_requires_index => get_requires_index_generic

  • private function get_requires_index_generic(self)

    Returns the requires_index value. Allows access whilst keeping the variable private


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(abstract_config_type), intent(in) :: self

    Return Value logical

procedure, public, nopass :: write_namelist_footer

  • private subroutine write_namelist_footer(unit)

    Write the namelist footer


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
  • private subroutine write_key_val_string(key, val, unit)

    Writes a {key,val} pair where the value is of type character


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: val
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
  • private subroutine write_key_val_real(key, val, unit)

    Writes a {key,val} pair where the value is of type real


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
    real, intent(in) :: val
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
  • private subroutine write_key_val_complex(key, val, unit)

    Writes a {key,val} pair where the value is of type complex


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
    complex, intent(in) :: val
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
  • private subroutine write_key_val_integer(key, val, unit)

    Writes a {key,val} pair where the value is of type integer


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
    integer, intent(in) :: val
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
  • private subroutine write_key_val_logical(key, val, unit)

    Writes a {key,val} pair where the value is of type logical


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
    logical, intent(in) :: val
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
  • private subroutine write_key_val_real_array(self, key, val, unit)

    Writes a {key,val} pair where the value is of type real array


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(abstract_config_type), intent(in) :: self
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
    real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: val
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
  • private subroutine write_key_val_complex_array(self, key, val, unit)

    Writes a {key,val} pair where the value is of type complex array


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(abstract_config_type), intent(in) :: self
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
    complex, intent(in), dimension(:) :: val
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
  • private subroutine write_key_val_integer_array(self, key, val, unit)

    Writes a {key,val} pair where the value is of type integer array


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(abstract_config_type), intent(in) :: self
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
    integer, intent(in), dimension(:) :: val
    integer, intent(in) :: unit

procedure, public :: read => read_species_element_config

procedure, public :: write => write_species_element_config

procedure, public :: reset => reset_species_element_config

procedure, public :: broadcast => broadcast_species_element_config

procedure, public, nopass :: get_default_name => get_default_name_species_element_config

procedure, public, nopass :: get_default_requires_index => get_default_requires_index_species_element_config

Source Code

  type, extends(abstract_config_type) :: species_element_config_type
     ! namelist : species_parameters
     ! indexed : true
     !> Multiplies the argument of the Bessel function for this
     !> species. Useful for exploring the effect of the Bessel
     !> functions.
     real :: bess_fac = 1.0
     !> Set the normalised density for this species
     real :: dens = 1.0
     !> Parameter used for a few specific initial condition types.
     !> @todo Consider moving this parameter to [[init_g_knobs]].
     real :: dens0 = 1.0
     !> Select which type of background distribution should be assumed
     !> for this species. Must be one of:
     !> - 'default' : equivalent to maxwellian
     !> - 'maxwellian' : Standard maxwellian
     !> - 'tabulated' : A general tabulated form
     !> - 'sdanalytic' : A analytic slowing down form.
     !> See [G. Wilkie
     !> thesis](https://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/17302).
     character(len = 20) :: f0type = "default"
     !> Normalised inverse density gradient: \(-\frac{1}{n}\frac{dn}{d
     !> \rho_N}\) (Note here \(\rho_N\) is the normalised radius
     !> \(\frac{\rho}{L_\textrm{ref}}\).
     real :: fprim = 2.2
     !> Normalised mass of this species
     real :: mass = 1.0
     !> Set the species hyper collision frequency used in the pitch
     !> angle scattering collision operator if
     !> [[collision_knobs::hypermult]] is `true`.
     real :: nu_h = 0.0
     !> Set the normalised species temperature
     real :: temp = 1.0
     !> Parameter used for a few specific initial condition types.
     !> @todo Consider moving this parameter to [[init_g_knobs]].
     real :: tpar0 = 0.
     !> Parameter used for a few specific initial condition types.
     !> @todo Consider moving this parameter to [[init_g_knobs]].
     real :: tperp0 = 0.
     !> Normalised inverse temperature gradient: \(-\frac{1}{T}\frac{dT}{d
     !> \rho_N}\) (Note here \(\rho_N\) is the normalised radius
     !> \(\frac{\rho}{L_\textrm{ref}}\).
     real :: tprim = 6.9
     !> Sets the characterisation of the species. Should be one of
     !> - 'ion' : Thermal ion species
     !> - 'default' :  Same as 'ion'
     !> - 'electron' : Thermal electron species
     !> - 'e' : Same as 'electron'
     !> - 'trace' : Tracer species
     !> - 'hybrid_electron' : Adiabatic passing electrons, full
     !>    trapped electron treatment. *NOTE: This option is currently
     !>    considered experimental and is intended for use in
     !>    electrostatic simulations.*
     !> This primarily controls the treatment in the collision
     !> operator, the detection of adiabatic species. Tracer species
     !> do not contribute to velocity space integrals.
     character(len = 20) :: type = "default"
     !> Parameter used for a few specific initial condition types.
     !> @todo Consider moving this parameter to [[init_g_knobs]].
     real :: u0 = 1.0
     !> Controls an energy independent part of a source term.
     !> @note Documentation needs improving, looks like it's an early
     !> attempt at adding in the parallel flow shear drive term. This
     !> effectively provides a constant offset to the parallel flow
     !> shear term, allowing one to add a species dependent shift.
     real :: uprim = 0.0
     !> Controls an energy dependent part of a source term.
     !> @note Documentation needs improving, looks like it's an early
     !> attempt at adding in the parallel flow shear drive term. This
     !> effectively provides a energy dependent offset to the parallel
     !> flow shear term, allowing one to add a species and energy
     !> dependent shift.
     real :: uprim2 = 0.0
     !> Part of the `sdanalytic` slowing down model. See [G. Wilkie
     !> thesis](https://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/17302).
     real :: vcprim = -999.9
     !> Part of the `sdanalytic` slowing down model. See [G. Wilkie
     !> thesis](https://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/17302).
     real :: vcrit = -1.0
     !> Sets the normalised species-species collisionality
     !> frequency. For species s, `vnewk = nu_ss Lref/vref` where Lref
     !> is the reference length, `vref` is the reference thermal speed
     !> (not the thermal speed of species s!), \(\nu_{ss}=\sqrt{2}\pi
     !> n_s Z_s^4 e^4 \log(\lambda)/\sqrt{m_s}T^{3/2}_s\) is a
     !> dimensional collision frequency, e is the proton charge,
     !> \(\log(\lambda)\) is the Coloumb logarithm, and
     !> \(Z_s,T_s,n_s,m_s\) are the (charge, temperature, density,
     !> mass) of species s. (The dimensional collision frequency given
     !> here is in Gaussian units. For SI units, include an extra
     !> factor \((4\pi\epsilon_0)^2\) in the denominator of the
     !> definition of \(\nu_{ss}\).
     real :: vnewk = 0.0
     !> Normalised species charge
     real :: z = 1.0
     procedure, public :: read => read_species_element_config
     procedure, public :: write => write_species_element_config
     procedure, public :: reset => reset_species_element_config
     procedure, public :: broadcast => broadcast_species_element_config
     procedure, public, nopass :: get_default_name => get_default_name_species_element_config
     procedure, public, nopass :: get_default_requires_index => get_default_requires_index_species_element_config
  end type species_element_config_type