finish_init Subroutine

private subroutine finish_init()

FIXME : Add documentation




Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine finish_init
    use integration, only: trapezoidal_integration
    implicit none
    real, dimension (nbset) :: bset_save
    real, dimension (-ntgrid:ntgrid) :: eik_save

    ! in case nbset changes after gridgen
    if (nbset /= size(bset)) then
       bset_save = bset(:nbset)
       deallocate (bset)
       allocate (bset(nbset))
       bset = bset_save
    end if

    ! in case ntgrid changes after gridgen
    if (ntgrid*2+1 /= size(theta)) then

       eik_save = theta(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (theta)
       allocate (theta(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); theta = eik_save

       eik_save = bmag(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (bmag)
       allocate (bmag(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); bmag = eik_save

       eik_save = gradpar(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (gradpar)
       allocate (gradpar(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); gradpar = eik_save

       eik_save = itor_over_B(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (itor_over_B)
       allocate (itor_over_B(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); itor_over_B = eik_save

       eik_save = IoB(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (IoB)
       allocate (IoB(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); IoB = eik_save

       eik_save = gbdrift(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (gbdrift)
       allocate (gbdrift(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); gbdrift = eik_save

       eik_save = gbdrift0(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (gbdrift0)
       allocate (gbdrift0(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); gbdrift0 = eik_save

       eik_save = cvdrift(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (cvdrift)
       allocate (cvdrift(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); cvdrift = eik_save

       eik_save = cvdrift0(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (cvdrift0)
       allocate (cvdrift0(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); cvdrift0 = eik_save

       eik_save = cdrift(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (cdrift)
       allocate (cdrift(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); cdrift = eik_save

       eik_save = cdrift0(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (cdrift0)
       allocate (cdrift0(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); cdrift0 = eik_save

       eik_save = gds2(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (gds2)
       allocate (gds2(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); gds2 = eik_save

       eik_save = gds21(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (gds21)
       allocate (gds21(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); gds21 = eik_save

       eik_save = gds22(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (gds22)
       allocate (gds22(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); gds22 = eik_save

       eik_save = gds23(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (gds23)
       allocate (gds23(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); gds23 = eik_save

       eik_save = gds24(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (gds24)
       allocate (gds24(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); gds24 = eik_save

       eik_save = gds24_noq(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (gds24_noq)
       allocate (gds24_noq(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); gds24_noq = eik_save

       eik_save = grho(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (grho)
       allocate (grho(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); grho = eik_save

       eik_save = jacob(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (jacob)
       allocate (jacob(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); jacob = eik_save

       eik_save = Rplot(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (Rplot)
       allocate (Rplot(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); Rplot = eik_save

       eik_save = Zplot(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (Zplot)
       allocate (Zplot(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); Zplot = eik_save

       eik_save = aplot(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (aplot)
       allocate (aplot(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); aplot = eik_save

       eik_save = Rprime(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (Rprime)
       allocate (Rprime(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); Rprime = eik_save

       eik_save = Zprime(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (Zprime)
       allocate (Zprime(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); Zprime = eik_save

       eik_save = aprime(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (aprime)
       allocate (aprime(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); aprime = eik_save

       eik_save = Bpol(-ntgrid:ntgrid); deallocate (Bpol)
       allocate (Bpol(-ntgrid:ntgrid)); Bpol = eik_save
    end if

    bmax = maxval(bmag)
    bmin = minval(bmag)
    ! ?? check Krook collision operator coding which is only place eps is used
    ! the line with bmin/bmax was the original coding.  Changed in 2002-2004 time
    ! frame to 1.0 - 1.0/bmax , now changed back (8.19.04) BD
    ! Now only used in le_grids to check if we have any trapped particles
    eps_trapped = 1.0 - sqrt(bmin/bmax)

    if (.not. allocated(theta2)) allocate (theta2(-ntgrid:ntgrid))
    if (.not. allocated(delthet)) allocate (delthet(-ntgrid:ntgrid))
    if (.not. allocated(delthet2)) allocate (delthet2(-ntgrid:ntgrid))

    theta2 = theta*theta
    delthet(:ntgrid-1) = theta(-ntgrid+1:) - theta(:ntgrid-1)
    delthet(ntgrid) = 0.!delthet(-ntgrid)
    delthet2 = delthet*delthet

    ! Note here we redefine jacob despite the handling in the above if block
    ! suggesting this has been defined.
    jacob = 1.0/(drhodpsi*gradpar*bmag)

    ! Calculate the weight used in the field line average routine to save
    ! repeated calculation of this constant
    field_line_average_weight = 1.0/trapezoidal_integration(theta, jacob)
  end subroutine finish_init