init_allfields_gf_local Subroutine

public subroutine init_allfields_gf_local()

Initialise the fields from the initial g, just uses the fields_implicit routine




Source Code

  subroutine init_allfields_gf_local
    use fields_implicit, only: init_allfields_implicit
    use fields_arrays, only: phinew, aparnew, bparnew, gf_phinew, gf_aparnew, gf_bparnew
    use fields_arrays, only: phi, apar, bpar, gf_phi, gf_apar, gf_bpar
    implicit none
    call init_allfields_implicit(.true.)
    !AJ After the call above phinew, aparnew, bparnew have the initial fields, but in gf_lo layout
    !AJ The call below redistributed them so that phinew,aparnew,bparnew,phi,apar,bpar have the correct 
    !AJ fields in g_lo layout and gf_phinew,gf_aparnew,gf_bparnew,gf_phi,gf_apar,gf_bpar have the correct 
    !AJ fields in gf_lo layouts.  Note that the new and original arrays (i.e. phinew and phi) will have the same
    !AJ values at this point
    call fieldmat%gather_init_fields(gf_phinew,gf_aparnew,gf_bparnew,gf_phi,gf_apar,gf_bpar,phinew,aparnew,bparnew,phi,apar,bpar)
  end subroutine init_allfields_gf_local