Perform an integral over velocity space whilst in the LE_LAYOUT in which we have ensured that all of velocity space is local. As such we don't need any calls to MPI reduction routines. Note that this means the processors for different distributed spatial points (x,y) don't know the results at other points.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(le_layout_type), | intent(in) | :: | lo | |||
complex, | intent(in), | dimension (:,:,lo%llim_proc:) | :: | g | ||
complex, | intent(out), | dimension (lo%llim_proc:) | :: | total |
subroutine integrate_moment_lec (lo, g, total)
use layouts_type, only: le_layout_type
use gs2_layouts, only: ig_idx, it_idx, ik_idx, is_idx
use kt_grids, only: kwork_filter
use array_utils, only: zero_array
implicit none
type (le_layout_type), intent (in) :: lo
complex, dimension (:,:,lo%llim_proc:), intent (in) :: g
complex, dimension (lo%llim_proc:), intent (out) :: total
integer :: ixi, ie, ile, ig, it, ik, is, nxup
call zero_array(total)
if (nxi > 2 * ng2) then !Could be grid_has_trapped_particles?
nxup = nxi + 1
nxup = nxi
end if
!$OMP PRIVATE(ile, is, it, ik, ig, ie, ixi) &
!$OMP SHARED(lo, kwork_filter, negrid, nxup, w, wxi, g) &
!$OMP REDUCTION(+ : total) &
!$OMP SCHEDULE(guided)
do ile = lo%llim_proc, lo%ulim_proc
it = it_idx (lo,ile)
ik = ik_idx (lo,ile)
if (kwork_filter(it, ik)) cycle
is = is_idx (lo,ile)
ig = ig_idx (lo,ile)
do ie = 1, negrid
!CMR, 2/10/2013:
! nxi+1 limit on do loop below is CRUCIAL, as its stores phase space point
! corresponding to g_lo (il=nlambda, isign=2).
! This MUST contribute to the v-space integral, but is NOT
! needed in collision operator as EQUIVALENT to g_lo(il=nlambda, isign=2).
! (In collisions at ig=0, both of these points are EXACTLY equivalent, xi=0.)
!MRH actually nxi+1 is needed in the collision operator for consistency 16/08/2018
do ixi = 1, nxup
total(ile) = total(ile) + w(ie, is) * wxi(ixi, ig) * g(ixi, ie, ile)
end do
end do
end do
! No need for communication since all velocity grid points are together
! and each prcessor does not touch the unset place
! They actually don't need to keep all 4D array
! Do we stay in le_layout for total?
! --- ile contains necessary and sufficient information for (ig,it,ik,is)
end subroutine integrate_moment_lec