FIXME : Add documentation Not really the diameter in this case. Instead, return the normalized minor radius, measured inside the ring, in the plane of the ring, starting at the ring and going inward.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(ideq_type), | intent(inout) | :: | self | |||
type(geo_input_type), | intent(in) | :: | inputs |
subroutine read_and_set(self, inputs)
use constants, only: twopi, pi
use splines, only: new_periodic_spline, delete_periodic_spline, &
periodic_splint, periodic_spline
use geo_utils, only: sort
implicit none
class(ideq_type), intent(in out) :: self
type(geo_input_type), intent(in) :: inputs
!> FIXME : Add documentation
type :: grid_type
integer :: nt
real, dimension (:), allocatable :: R
real, dimension (:), allocatable :: Z
real, dimension (:), allocatable :: B
real, dimension (:), allocatable :: theta
end type grid_type
!> FIXME : Add documentation
type :: eq_type
integer :: nr
real, dimension (:), allocatable :: pbar
real, dimension (:), allocatable :: pressure
real, dimension (:), allocatable :: volume
type (grid_type), dimension (:), allocatable :: grid
end type eq_type
type (periodic_spline) :: spl
type (eq_type) :: d
real :: xdum, I_ring, dpsidr, dpsidz, psi_N
integer :: i, j, idum, jj, jmax, funit
character (200) :: line
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: has_duplicate_point
self%type_name = 'ideq'
! Need to generalize initialization condition if equilibrium changes
self%nt = size(inputs%theta)
self%filename = trim(adjustl(inputs%eqfile))
open(newunit = funit, file = self%filename, status = 'old', form = 'formatted')
! Read the data
read (funit, fmt="(a)") line
read (funit, fmt="(a)") line
read (funit,*) self%R_mag, self%Z_mag, I_ring
read (funit, fmt="(a)") line
read (funit, *) self%nr
read (funit, fmt="(a)") line
read (funit, fmt="(a)") line
call self%alloc_arrays
d%nr = self%nr
allocate (d%pbar (d%nr))
allocate (d%pressure (d%nr))
allocate (d%volume (d%nr))
allocate (d%grid (d%nr))
! Read in each surface
do i = 1, d%nr
read(funit,*) idum, d%pbar(i), self%eqpsi(i), d%pressure(i), xdum, d%volume(i), d%grid(i)%nt
d%grid(i)%nt = d%grid(i)%nt-1
jmax = d%grid(i)%nt
allocate (d%grid(i)%R (jmax))
allocate (d%grid(i)%Z (jmax))
allocate (d%grid(i)%B (jmax))
allocate (d%grid(i)%theta (jmax))
do j = 1, jmax
read (funit,*) d%grid(i)%R(j), d%grid(i)%Z(j), dpsidR, dpsidZ
! make B:
d%grid(i)%B(j) = hypot(dpsidR, dpsidZ) / (d%grid(i)%R(j)*twopi)
d%grid(i)%theta(j) = atan2 (d%grid(i)%Z(j) - self%Z_mag, &
(d%grid(i)%R(j) - self%R_mag))
end do
read (funit,*) xdum, xdum, xdum, xdum
end do
! different from tokamak case here, psi_0 is the value of psi on
! the innermost flux surface that is kept in equilibrium and psi_a
! is the last flux surface kept.
self%psi_0 = self%eqpsi(1) ; self%psi_a = self%eqpsi(d%nr)
do i = 1, d%nr
call sort (d%grid(i)%theta, d%grid(i)%R, d%grid(i)%Z, d%grid(i)%B)
end do
! Spline the data onto a regular grid for later use.
! R_psi(1:nr, 1:nt)
! Z_psi(1:nr, 1:nt)
! B_psi(1:nr, 1:nt)
! nt determined from input file by user
! need to define our theta grid. still not right
! Need to determine if we have a duplicate grid point as the spline routines
! require that we do not include the duplicate point
do i = 1, d%nr
has_duplicate_point(i) = twopi - &
(d%grid(i)%theta(d%grid(i)%nt) - d%grid(i)%theta(1)) <= epsilon(twopi)
end do
do i = 1, d%nr
spl = new_periodic_spline (d%grid(i)%theta(:), d%grid(i)%R(:), &
twopi, drop_last_point = has_duplicate_point(i))
do jj = 1, self%nt
self%R_psi (i, jj) = periodic_splint (inputs%theta(jj), spl)
end do
call delete_periodic_spline (spl)
end do
do i = 1, d%nr
spl = new_periodic_spline (d%grid(i)%theta(:), d%grid(i)%Z(:), &
twopi, drop_last_point = has_duplicate_point(i))
do jj = 1, self%nt
self%Z_psi (i, jj) = periodic_splint (inputs%theta(jj), spl)
end do
call delete_periodic_spline (spl)
end do
do i = 1, d%nr
spl = new_periodic_spline (d%grid(i)%theta(:), d%grid(i)%B(:), &
twopi, drop_last_point = has_duplicate_point(i))
do jj = 1, self%nt
self%B_psi (i, jj) = periodic_splint (inputs%theta(jj), spl)
end do
call delete_periodic_spline (spl)
end do
! recover some memory:
deallocate (d%grid, d%pbar, d%pressure, d%volume)
! B at center of ring is mu_0 I / (2 a)
self%B_T = 4.*pi*1.e-7*I_ring*0.5 / self%R_mag
write(*,*) 'B_T0 = ',self%B_T
self%aminor = self%R_mag
psi_N = self%B_T * self%aminor**2
self%eqpsi = self%eqpsi / psi_N
self%psi_a = self%psi_a / psi_N
self%psi_0 = self%psi_0 / psi_N
self%R_psi = self%R_psi / self%R_mag
self%Z_psi = self%Z_psi / self%R_mag
self%R_mag = self%R_mag / self%aminor !Normalised to itself
self%B_psi = self%B_psi / self%B_T
self%rc = 0.5*(self%R_psi(:, 1) + self%R_psi(:, (self%nt-1)/2))
! need to define the rho_d grid (called diam)
!> Not really the diameter in this case. Instead, return the
!> normalized minor radius, measured inside the ring, in the plane of
!> the ring, starting at the ring and going inward.
self%diam = 1. - self%R_psi(:,1)
do j = 1, self%nt
self%eqth(:, j) = (j-1) * pi / float(self%nt-1)
self%eqpsi_2d(:, j) = self%eqpsi
end do
self%qsf = 0.
self%fp = 0.
! Note beta and pressure were allocated but not set historically.
! As such now forcing these to zero, but we _do_ read in pressure
! so we could probably actually set this?
self%beta = 0.
self%pressure= 0.
self%beta_0 = self%beta(1)
self%has_full_theta_range = .false.
end subroutine read_and_set