!> This module provides the external interface to gs2. It contains functions !> to initialize gs2, functions to run gs2, functions to finalize gs2 and !> functions to override/tweak gs2 parameters. !> !> The main entry point is [[run_gs2]], which takes care of initialising all the !> subsystems, solving the equations (either the time advance or eigensolver), !> and then finalising all the subsystems. This looks something like: !> !> !> ! An object holding the state of the simulationg !> type(gs2_program_state_type) :: state !> ! Initialisation of subsystems !> call initialize_gs2(state) !> call initialize_equations(state) !> call initialize_diagnostics(state) !> ! Solve the equations !> if (state%do_eigsolve) then !> call run_eigensolver(state) !> else !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep) !> end if !> ! Clean up !> call finalize_diagnostics(state) !> call finalize_equations(state) !> call finalize_gs2(state) !> !> You can manipulate the [[gs2_program_state]] before running gs2. !> !> You can also override parameters: typically this is done either before !> calling initialize_equations, or between two calls to evolve equations; !> here we manipulate the temperature gradient of the first species: !> !> call prepare_profiles_overrides(state) !> state%init%prof_ov%override_tprim(1) = .true. !> state%init%prof_ov%tprim(1) = 5.5 !> call initialize_equations(state) !> call initialize_diagnostics(state) !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) !> call prepare_profiles_overrides(state) !> state%init%prof_ov%tprim(1) = 6.0 !> call initialize_equations(state) !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) !> ... !> !> It is very important to note that just because this interface is presented !> in an object-oriented way, it does not, unfortunately, mean that the entire !> program state, i.e. data arrays etc, is encapsulated in the gs2_program_state !> object. In fact most data is stored globally as module public variables. !> The gs2_program_state object is provided for convenience, as a way of !> monitoring the execution state of gs2, and because it is hoped that in the !> future gs2 will, in fact, be thread safe and have proper data encapsulation. !> A particular consequence of this is that only one instance of the !> gs2_program_state object should exist on each process, i.e. in a given !> memory space. module gs2_main use gs2_init, only: init_type, init_level_list use optimisation_configuration, only: optimisation_type use constants, only: run_name_size use exit_codes, only: exit_code, EXIT_NOT_REQUESTED use mp, only: mp_comm_null implicit none public :: run_gs2 public :: finish_gs2 public :: parse_command_line public :: gs2_program_state_type public :: initialize_gs2 public :: initialize_equations public :: initialize_diagnostics, evolve_equations, run_eigensolver public :: finalize_diagnostics, finalize_equations, finalize_gs2 public :: calculate_outputs public :: reset_equations public :: write_used_inputs_file public :: prepare_miller_geometry_overrides public :: prepare_profiles_overrides public :: prepare_kt_grids_overrides public :: prepare_optimisations_overrides public :: prepare_initial_values_overrides public :: set_initval_overrides_to_current_vals public :: finalize_overrides public :: initialize_wall_clock_timer !> Holds data pertaining to some of the main algorithm timers. type gs2_timers_type real :: init(2) = 0. real :: advance(2) = 0. real :: timestep(2) = 0. real :: finish(2) = 0. real :: total(2) = 0. real :: diagnostics(2)=0. real :: eigval(2)=0. real :: main_loop(2) = 0. end type gs2_timers_type !> A type for storing outputs of gs2 !> for access externally type gs2_outputs_type !> The gradient of the flux tube volume wrt !> the flux label: related to the surface !> area of the flux tube real :: dvdrho = 0.0 !> The average gradient of the flux tube !> label <|grad rho|> real :: grho = 0.0 !> Particle flux by species real, dimension (:), allocatable :: pflux !> Heat flux by species real, dimension (:), allocatable :: qflux !> Turbulent heating by species real, dimension (:), allocatable :: heat !> Momentum flux real :: vflux end type gs2_outputs_type !> The object which specifies and records the gs2 program state. !> Some attributes of the object, like mp_comm_external, are !> designed to be directly manipulated by the user, and some are !> designed to store program state information and be manipulated !> internally, like `init%level`. type gs2_program_state_type !> A type for keeping track of the current initialization level !> of gs2, as well as storing all the overrides. See !> gs2_init::init_type for more information. type(init_type) :: init !> Do not set manually. If fewer than the available number of !> processors are being used, this is true for the processors that !> are active and false for those that lie idle. logical :: included = .true. !> Derived type [[gs2_timers_type]] holding some of the !> timer data for this run. type(gs2_timers_type) :: timers !> The exit flag is set to true by any part of the main timestep !> loop that wants to cause the loop to exit logical :: exit = .false. !> Whether the run has converged to a stationary state logical :: converged = .false. !> Whether to run the eigenvalue solver or not. Set equal to the !> input value in intialize_equations. Typically only important !> for the standalone gs2 program logical :: do_eigsolve = .false. !> This parameter is set equal to run_parameters::nstep in !> initialize_equations and is the maximum number of timesteps !> that can be run without reinitalising the diagnostics. Do not !> modify. We should make this private but it is used in testing !> currently so we don't. integer :: nstep !> Gets set to the final value of istep in evolve equations. Any !> future calls to evolve_equations will increment this !> further. A call to finalize_diagnostics will set it back to !> 0. Note that setting this manually is NOT advised. integer :: istep_end = 0 !> Verbosity at which we print out debug messages integer :: verb = 3 !> Parameters pertaining to cases when gs2 is being used as a !> library. external_job_id is not to be confused with the parameter !> job in mp, which identifies the subjob if running in list mode !> or with nensembles > 1 integer :: external_job_id = -1 !> is_external_job should be set to true when GS2 is being used !> as a library. Perhaps this could just check external_job_id instead? logical :: is_external_job = .false. !> Set true if using trinity. This does several things: !> * it forces the calculation of the fluxes !> * it causes the species and theta_grid name lists to use parameters !> provided by trinity !> Setting this flag true automatically sets is_external_job to true logical :: is_trinity_job = .false. !> If true and running linearly, return linear diffusive flux estimates to Trinity. logical :: trinity_linear_fluxes = .false. !> If true and running linearly, return a QL flux estimate to Trinity. logical :: trinity_ql_fluxes = .false. !> If true, print full timing breakdown. logical :: print_full_timers = .true. !> If true, print run time or full timing breakdown, depending on !> the value of print_full_timers logical :: print_times = .true. !> MPI communicator. This MUST be set. integer :: mp_comm = mp_comm_null !> This is set in initialize_gs2 to the number of procs actually used integer :: nproc_actual = -1 !> If true then we end up passing [[gs2_program_state_type:run_name]] !> as the base file name. logical :: run_name_external = .false. !> The run name to pass to [[init_file_utils]] if `run_name_external` is !> set to true. GS2 then uses this in place of any input file name passed !> at the command line. character(run_name_size) :: run_name = 'gs' !> If true then skip the call to diagnostics calculations in !> evolve_equations (main loop and after main loop) logical :: skip_diagnostics = .false. !> If true then ignore any requests to change the time step in !> evolve_equations as a part of the time advance algorithm logical :: dont_change_timestep = .false. !> Whether this is a list mode run logical :: list = .false. !> The number of identical runs happening simultaneously (used !> for ensemble averaging). Cannot be used in conjunction with !> list mode. integer :: nensembles = 1 !> Holds some outputs of interest (e.g. for Trinity) type(gs2_outputs_type) :: outputs !> If true, calculate and set [[outputs]] logical :: set_outputs = .false. !> Optimisation configuration type(optimisation_type) :: optim !> Reason for end of simulation type(exit_code) :: exit_reason = EXIT_NOT_REQUESTED end type gs2_program_state_type private contains !> Parse some basic command line arguments. Currently just 'version' and 'help'. !> !> This should be called before anything else, but especially before initialising MPI. subroutine parse_command_line() use git_version_mod, only: get_git_version use build_config, only : formatted_build_config use ingen_mod, only : run_ingen integer :: arg_count, arg_n integer :: arg_length character(len=:), allocatable :: argument character(len=*), parameter :: nl = new_line('a') character(len=*), parameter :: usage = & "gs2 [--version|-v] [--help|-h] [--build-config] [--check-input] [input file]" // nl // nl // & "GS2: A fast, flexible physicist's toolkit for gyrokinetics" // nl // & "For more help, see the documentation at https://gyrokinetics.gitlab.io/gs2/" // nl // & "or create an issue https://bitbucket.org/gyrokinetics/gs2/issues?status=open" // nl // & nl // & " -h, --help Print this message" // nl // & " -v, --version Print the GS2 version" // nl // & " --build-config Print the current build configuration" // nl // & " --check-input FILE Check input FILE for errors" arg_count = command_argument_count() do arg_n = 0, arg_count call get_command_argument(arg_n, length=arg_length) if (allocated(argument)) deallocate(argument) allocate(character(len=arg_length)::argument) call get_command_argument(arg_n, argument) if ((argument == "--help") .or. (argument == "-h")) then write(*, '(a)') usage stop else if ((argument == "--version") .or. (argument == "-v")) then write(*, '("GS2 version ", a)') get_git_version() stop else if (argument == "--build-config") then write(*, '(a)') formatted_build_config() stop else if (argument == "--check-input") then ! Next argument should be the input file if (arg_n == arg_count) then error stop "Missing input file for '--check-input'" // nl // usage end if call get_command_argument(arg_n + 1, length=arg_length) deallocate(argument) allocate(character(len=arg_length)::argument) call get_command_argument(arg_n + 1, argument) call run_ingen(input_file=argument) stop else if (argument == "--") then exit else if (argument(1:1) == "-") then write(*, '(a)') "Error: Unrecognised argument '" // argument // "'. Usage is:" // nl // nl // usage stop 2 end if end do end subroutine parse_command_line !> Starts the global wall clock timer used by check time. This is !> useful if you have multiple copies of gs2 running but you don't !> want to start them all at the same time, but you want them all to !> respect avail_cpu_time subroutine initialize_wall_clock_timer use job_manage, only: init_checktime call init_checktime end subroutine initialize_wall_clock_timer !> Initialise message passing, open the input file, split the !> communicator if running in list mode or if nensembles > 1, !> initialize the timers. After calling this function, gs2 reaches !> init\%level = basic. If it is desired to provide an external !> commuicator or set the input file name externally, these should !> be set before calling this function. subroutine initialize_gs2(state, header_in, header_out, quiet) use file_utils, only: init_file_utils, run_name, run_name_target use gs2_init, only: init_gs2_init use job_manage, only: time_message, job_fork use job_manage, only: init_checktime use mp, only: init_mp, broadcast, job, nproc, proc0 use mp, only: use_nproc, included, mp_comm, mp_comm_null use redistribute, only: using_measure_scatter use unit_tests, only: debug_message, set_job_id use standard_header, only: standard_header_type use optionals, only: get_option_with_default #ifdef OPENMP use omp_lib, only: omp_get_num_threads #endif implicit none type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state !> Header for files with build and run information type(standard_header_type), intent(in), optional :: header_in !> Get the header set by this function. Useful if `header_in` is _not_ used type(standard_header_type), intent(out), optional :: header_out !> If true, don't print start-up messages/header logical, intent(in), optional :: quiet ! Actual value for optional `header` input type(standard_header_type) :: local_header ! Internal value for optional `quiet` input logical :: quiet_value #ifdef OPENMP integer :: nthread #endif if (state%init%level .ge. init_level_list%basic) then write (*,*) "ERROR: Called initialize_gs2 twice & & without calling finalize_gs2" stop 1 end if !Ensure the job id reported in debug messages is set to something before we call debug message. Note !that this may get set to a different value later in the Initialisation. call set_job_id(0) call debug_message(4, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 starting initialization') call init_mp(state%mp_comm) if (present(header_in)) then local_header = header_in else local_header = standard_header_type() end if if (present(header_out)) header_out = local_header quiet_value = get_option_with_default(quiet, .false.) call initialize_wall_clock_timer ! If optimisations say to use a subset of available processors ! create the communicator for this here. if (state%init%opt_ov%is_initialised() .and. state%init%opt_ov%override_nproc & .and. state%init%opt_ov%nproc /= nproc) then state%init%opt_ov%old_comm = mp_comm call use_nproc(state%init%opt_ov%nproc) else state%init%opt_ov%old_comm = mp_comm_null end if state%included = included state%nproc_actual = nproc if (.not. state%included) return if (state%is_trinity_job) state%is_external_job = .true. if (state%is_external_job) then call broadcast(state%external_job_id) call set_job_id(state%external_job_id) end if call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 initialized mp') call reset_timers(state%timers) call init_checktime ! <doc> Initialize timer </doc> call debug_message(state%verb, & 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 called init_checktime') if (proc0) then ! Report number of processors being used if (.not. quiet_value) then write(*, '(a)') local_header%to_string(comment_character=" ") if (state%external_job_id >= 0) then write(*, '(a, i0, a)', advance="no") "External job ", state%external_job_id, " " end if write(*, '(a, i0, a)', advance="no") "Running on ", nproc, " processor" ! Pluralise processor if (nproc > 1) write(*, '(a)', advance="no") "s" #ifdef OPENMP !$OMP PARALLEL nthread = omp_get_num_threads() !$OMP END PARALLEL write(*, '(A, I0, A)',advance="no") " with ", nthread, " thread" ! Pluralise thread if (nthread > 1) write(*, '(a)', advance="no") "s" #endif ! Make sure we still get a blank line write(*,*) new_line('a') end if ! Call init_file_utils, ie. initialize the run_name, checking ! whether we are doing a Trinity run or a list of runs. ! Until the logic of init_file_utils is fixed we set trin_run ! when an external file name has been provided... this prevents ! it overriding the name from the command line. call init_file_utils (state%list, trin_run=state%run_name_external, & name=state%run_name, n_ensembles=state%nensembles) call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 initialized file_utils') end if call broadcast (state%list) call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 broadcasted list') if (state%list) then call job_fork call set_job_id(job) call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 called job fork') else if (state%nensembles > 1) then call job_fork (n_ensembles=state%nensembles) call debug_message(state%verb, & 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 called job fork (nensembles>1)') end if call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') ! Pass run name to other procs if (proc0) run_name_target = trim(run_name) call broadcast (run_name_target) if (.not. proc0) run_name => run_name_target call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 run_name = '//run_name) !Set using_measure_scatter to indicate we want to use in "gather/scatter" timings using_measure_scatter = .false. ! Initialize the gs2 initialization system call init_gs2_init() state%init%level = init_level_list%basic call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_gs2 finished') end subroutine initialize_gs2 !> Initialize all the modules which are used to evolve the !> equations. After calling this function, gs2 reaches `init%level = full`. subroutine initialize_equations(state) use theta_grid, only: surfarea, dvdrhon use gs2_time, only: init_tstart use gs2_init, only: init use init_g, only: tstart use job_manage, only: time_message use mp, only: proc0, broadcast use parameter_scan, only: init_parameter_scan use run_parameters, only: nstep, do_eigsolve use unit_tests, only: debug_message use gs2_reinit, only: init_gs2_reinit implicit none type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_equations starting') call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_equations calling init_parameter_scan') call init_parameter_scan call time_message(.false., state%timers%init,' Initialization') ! This triggers initializing of all the grids, all the physics parameters ! and all the modules which solve the equations call init(state%init, init_level_list%full) ! Set the initial simulation time (must be after init_fields ! because initial time may be read from a restart file) call init_tstart(tstart) ! Here we copy some geometric information required by ! Trinity to state%outputs. We should probably just do this ! in calculate_outputs. if (state%set_outputs) then if (proc0) then state%outputs%dvdrho = dvdrhon ! Note surfarea isn't defined/set for s-alpha geometry so ! the following is not well defined and can cause valgrind and similar ! tools to flag this as an error. ! Note this isn't actually "grho" as defined by the rest of the ! code but rather "grhoavg", i.e. an average value. It may be ! appropriate to replace this with something like `mean(grho)` state%outputs%grho = surfarea / dvdrhon end if call broadcast (state%outputs%dvdrho) call broadcast (state%outputs%grho) end if call time_message(.false.,state%timers%init,' Initialization') ! Set defaults. These are typically only important ! for the standalone gs2 program state%nstep = nstep state%do_eigsolve = do_eigsolve call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_equations finished') ! Since the number of species may have changed ! since the last call to initialize_equations ! we reallocate outputs every time. call deallocate_outputs(state) call allocate_outputs(state) call init_gs2_reinit call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') end subroutine initialize_equations !> Initialize the diagostics modules. This function can only be !> called when the init level is 'full', i.e., after calling !> initialize_equations. However, gs2 can be partially !> uninitialized without finalizing the diagnostics, for example to !> change parameters such as the timestep. subroutine initialize_diagnostics(state, header) use gs2_diagnostics, only: init_gs2_diagnostics, nwrite, write_fluxes use gs2_diagnostics, only: loop_diagnostics #ifdef NEW_DIAG use gs2_diagnostics_new, only: init_gs2_diagnostics_new, run_diagnostics #else use mp, only: proc0 #endif use job_manage, only: time_message use mp, only: mp_abort use parameter_scan, only: allocate_target_arrays use run_parameters, only: nstep, use_old_diagnostics use unit_tests, only: debug_message use standard_header, only: standard_header_type implicit none type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state !> Header for files with build and run information type(standard_header_type), intent(in), optional :: header ! Actual value for optional `header` input type(standard_header_type) :: local_header if (.not. state%included) return if (present(header)) then local_header = header else local_header = standard_header_type() end if state%exit = .false. call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') if (state%init%diagnostics_initialized) & call mp_abort('Calling initialize_diagnostics twice', .true.) #ifndef NEW_DIAG if (.not. use_old_diagnostics)then if(proc0)then write(*,'(" WARNING: Compiled without new diagnostics and runnning with use_old_diagnostics=.false. will lead to no output --> Forcing use_old_diagnostics=.true.")') write(*,'(" Please consider recompiling with the new diagnostics enabled.")') write(*,*) endif use_old_diagnostics=.true. endif #endif if (.not. use_old_diagnostics) then #ifdef NEW_DIAG call debug_message(state%verb, & 'gs2_main::initialize_diagnostics calling init_gs2_diagnostics_new') ! Initialise the new diagnostics. call init_gs2_diagnostics_new(local_header) call debug_message(state%verb, & 'gs2_main::initialize_diagnostics calling run_diagnostics') ! Write initial values call run_diagnostics(0, state%exit) #endif else ! if use_old_diagnostics call debug_message(state%verb, & 'gs2_main::initialize_diagnostics calling init_gs2_diagnostics') call init_gs2_diagnostics (state%list, nstep, header=local_header) call allocate_target_arrays(nwrite, write_fluxes) ! must be after init_gs2_diagnostics call loop_diagnostics(0, state%exit) end if state%init%diagnostics_initialized = .true. call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::initialize_diagnostics finished') end subroutine initialize_diagnostics !> Run the initial value solver. nstep_run must !> be less than or equal to `state%nstep`, which is !> set from the input file. The cumulative number of !> steps that can be run cannot exceed `state%nstep`, !> without a call to reset_equations. !> Examples: !> !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep) ! Basic run !> !> Note that these two calls: !> !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) !> !> will in general have the identical effect to the single call above. !> There are circumstances when this is not true, !> for example, if the first of the two calls to evolve_equations !> exits without running nstep/2 steps (perhaps because the !> growth rate has converged). !> !> This example will cause an error because the total number !> of steps exceeds `state%nstep`: !> !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) !> !> This is OK: !> !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) !> call reset_equations(state) !> call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep/2) subroutine evolve_equations(state, nstep_run, header) use collisions, only: vnmult use dist_fn_arrays, only: gnew use fields, only: advance use gs2_diagnostics, only: nsave, loop_diagnostics #ifdef NEW_DIAG use gs2_diagnostics_new, only: run_diagnostics, gnostics #endif use gs2_reinit, only: reset_time_step, check_time_step use gs2_save, only: gs2_save_for_restart use gs2_time, only: user_time, update_time, write_dt, user_dt use gs2_time, only: code_dt, code_dt_prev1, code_dt_prev2, code_dt_max use job_manage, only: time_message, checkstop, checktime use mp, only: proc0, scope, subprocs, broadcast use parameter_scan, only: update_scan_parameter_value use run_parameters, only: reset, has_phi, has_apar, has_bpar, nstep, max_sim_time use run_parameters, only: avail_cpu_time, margin_cpu_time, use_old_diagnostics use run_parameters, only: progress_frequency, ncheck_stop use unit_tests, only: debug_message use gs2_init, only: init use standard_header, only: standard_header_type use exit_codes, only: EXIT_MAX_SIM_TIME use file_utils, only: open_output_file, close_output_file type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state type(standard_header_type), optional, intent(in) :: header integer :: istep, progress_unit integer, intent(in) :: nstep_run logical :: temp_initval_override_store, should_save_restart, show_progress integer :: istep_loop_start, istep_loop_max, istep_offset real, dimension(2) :: progress_time real :: time_per_step character(len = 256) :: progress_message ! Actual value for optional `header` input type(standard_header_type) :: local_header if (.not. state%included) return if (present(header)) then local_header = header else local_header = standard_header_type() end if call debug_message(state%verb, & 'gs2_main::evolve_equations starting') temp_initval_override_store = state%init%initval_ov%override call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') if (state%nensembles > 1) call scope (subprocs) call time_message(.false.,state%timers%main_loop,' Main Loop') ! Make sure exit is false before entering timestep loop state%exit = .false. call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::evolve_equations starting loop') progress_time = 0 show_progress = proc0 .and. (progress_frequency > 0) if (show_progress .and. proc0) call open_output_file(progress_unit, '.progress') ! We run for nstep_run iterations, starting from whatever istep we got ! to in previous calls to this function. Note that calling ! finalize_diagnostics resets state%istep_end istep_loop_start = state%istep_end + 1 istep_loop_max = state%istep_end + nstep_run do istep = istep_loop_start, istep_loop_max if (istep > nstep) then if (proc0) write (*,*) 'Reached maximum number of steps allowed & & (set by nstep) without restarting diagnostics.' ! Should we set an exit_reason here? exit end if call time_message(.false.,state%timers%advance,' Advance time step') call time_message(.false.,progress_time,' Progress time') call debug_message(state%verb+1, 'gs2_main::evolve_equations calling advance') call time_message(.false.,state%timers%timestep,' Timestep') ! Try to take a time step call advance (istep) call time_message(.false.,state%timers%timestep,' Timestep') call debug_message(state%verb+1,'gs2_main::evolve_equations called advance') if(state%dont_change_timestep) reset = .false. !If the advance call has triggered a reset then change the timestep. !Currently this is triggered if immediate_reset is true and the nonlinear !cfl limit is exceeded. if (reset) then call prepare_initial_values_overrides(state) call debug_message(state%verb+1, 'gs2_main::evolve_equations resetting timestep') call set_initval_overrides_to_current_vals(state%init%initval_ov) state%init%initval_ov%override = .true. call reset_time_step (state%init, istep, state%exit, state%external_job_id) ! Now we've reset set the flag back to .false. reset = .false. ! If we've changed the timestep and have not decided to exit then ! we need to call advance to actually complete this timestep. if (.not. state%exit) call advance(istep) end if if (state%exit) exit call debug_message(state%verb+1, & 'gs2_main::evolve_equations calling gs2_save_for_restart') should_save_restart = .false. if (use_old_diagnostics) then should_save_restart = (nsave > 0 .and. mod(istep, nsave) == 0) else #ifdef NEW_DIAG should_save_restart = (gnostics%nsave > 0 .and. mod(istep, gnostics%nsave) == 0) #endif end if if (should_save_restart) call gs2_save_for_restart (gnew, user_time, vnmult, & has_phi, has_apar, has_bpar, code_dt, code_dt_prev1, & code_dt_prev2, code_dt_max, header=local_header) call update_time call time_message(.false.,state%timers%diagnostics,' Diagnostics') call debug_message(state%verb+1, 'gs2_main::evolve_equations calling diagnostics') if (.not. state%skip_diagnostics) then if (use_old_diagnostics) then call loop_diagnostics (istep, state%exit) #ifdef NEW_DIAG else call run_diagnostics (istep, state%exit) #endif end if end if if (state%exit) state%converged = .true. if (state%exit) call debug_message(state%verb+1, & 'gs2_main::evolve_equations exit true after diagnostics') call time_message(.false.,state%timers%diagnostics,' Diagnostics') call time_message(.false.,state%timers%advance,' Advance time step') if (.not. state%exit) then call debug_message(state%verb+1, & 'gs2_main::evolve_equations checking time step') !Note this should only trigger a reset for timesteps too small !as timesteps too large are already handled when immediate_reset is !.true. If immediate_reset is .false. then this is where we handle !all checking of the time step. call check_time_step(reset,state%exit) !call update_scan_parameter_value(istep, reset, state%exit) call debug_message(state%verb+1, & 'gs2_main::evolve_equations checked time step') !If something has triggered a reset then reset here if (state%dont_change_timestep) reset = .false. if (reset) then call prepare_initial_values_overrides(state) call set_initval_overrides_to_current_vals(state%init%initval_ov) state%init%initval_ov%override = .true. call reset_time_step (state%init, istep, state%exit, state%external_job_id) ! Switch off the reset flag now, otherwise it can still be active ! on the next iteration. reset = .false. end if if ((mod(istep, ncheck_stop) == 0) .and. (.not.state%exit)) & call checkstop(state%exit,state%exit_reason) if (state%exit) call debug_message(state%verb+1, & 'gs2_main::evolve_equations exit true after checkstop') if (.not.state%exit) call checktime(avail_cpu_time,state%exit,margin_cpu_time) if (state%exit) call debug_message(state%verb+1, & 'gs2_main::evolve_equations exit true after checktime') end if call debug_message(state%verb+1, & 'gs2_main::evolve_equations after reset and checks') state%istep_end = istep ! Check if the next step would exceed the maximum requested simulation time, ! and if so flag that we wish to exit. Only check this if we're not already exiting. if ((.not. state%exit) .and. user_time + user_dt > max_sim_time) then state%exit_reason = EXIT_MAX_SIM_TIME state%exit = .true. end if if (show_progress) then ! Have to split this from previous logic as we shouldn't call mod if ! progress_frequency is zero and we can't rely on short circuit logic if (mod(istep - istep_loop_start + 1, progress_frequency) == 0) then call time_message(.false.,progress_time,' Progress time') time_per_step = progress_time(1)/progress_frequency write(progress_message, & '("Done step ",I0," of ",I0," : Time/step ",G9.3," s ETA ",G9.3," s")') & istep - istep_loop_start + 1, istep_loop_max - istep_loop_start + 1, & time_per_step, (istep_loop_max - istep) * time_per_step write(6, '(A)') trim(progress_message) rewind(progress_unit) write(progress_unit, '(A)') trim(progress_message) ! Reset progress timer progress_time = 0 end if end if if (state%exit) then call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::evolve_equations exiting loop') exit end if end do if (proc0 .and. show_progress) then write(progress_unit, '("Finished.")') call close_output_file(progress_unit) end if ! Try to ensure that we write the time dependent diagnostics at the end of the simulation ! even in cases where nstep does not have nwrite as a factor. if (.not. state%skip_diagnostics) then ! Note when we have completed all our iterations we pass istep - 1 as we assume istep has been ! incremented once from the last step actually taken. In cases where we explicitly exit the loop ! we need to pass istep instead. istep_offset = 1 if (state%exit) istep_offset = 0 if (use_old_diagnostics) then call loop_diagnostics (istep - istep_offset, state%exit, force = .true.) #ifdef NEW_DIAG else call run_diagnostics (istep - istep_offset, state%exit, force = .true.) #endif end if end if call time_message(.false.,state%timers%main_loop,' Main Loop') if (proc0 .and. .not. state%is_external_job) call write_dt call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') if (state%print_times) call print_times(state, state%timers) ! We also restore the value of the override switch to what it ! was when this function was called. state%init%initval_ov%override = temp_initval_override_store call debug_message(state%verb,'gs2_main::evolve_equations finished') end subroutine evolve_equations !> Employ the eigenvalue solver to seek eigenmodes using SLEPc subroutine run_eigensolver(state) #ifdef WITH_EIG #ifdef FIELDS_EIG use fields_eigval, only: init_eigval, finish_eigval, BasicSolve #else use eigval, only: init_eigval, finish_eigval, BasicSolve #endif #endif use job_manage, only: time_message use mp, only: mp_abort type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return #ifdef WITH_EIG call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') !Start timer call time_message(.false.,state%timers%eigval,' Eigensolver') !Initialise slepc and the default/input eigensolver parameters call init_eigval !Create a solver based on input paramters, use it to solve and !then destroy it. call BasicSolve !Tidy up call finish_eigval !Stop timer call time_message(.false.,state%timers%eigval,' Eigensolver') #else call mp_abort("Eigensolver requires GS2 to be built with slepc/petsc", .true.) #endif call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') end subroutine run_eigensolver !> Effectively resets the state of the diagnostics and time index !> back to the start of the simulation. Primarily useful to allow !> one to reuse existing files etc. without having to start a new !> process. Mostly used in trinity workflows. subroutine reset_equations (state) use gs2_diagnostics, only: gd_reset => reset_init #ifdef NEW_DIAG use gs2_diagnostics_new, only: reset_averages_and_counters #endif use nonlinear_terms, only: nonlin use run_parameters, only: use_old_diagnostics use gs2_time, only: code_dt, save_dt use mp, only: scope, subprocs, allprocs use unit_tests, only: debug_message implicit none type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return if (state%nensembles > 1) call scope (subprocs) call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::reset_equations starting') call save_dt (code_dt) ! This call to gs2_diagnostics::reset_init sets some time averages ! and counters to zero... used mainly for trinity convergence checks. if (use_old_diagnostics) then call gd_reset #ifdef NEW_DIAG else call reset_averages_and_counters #endif end if if (state%trinity_linear_fluxes .and. .not. nonlin) call reset_linear_magnitude state%istep_end = 0 call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::reset_equations finished') if (state%nensembles > 1) call scope (allprocs) end subroutine reset_equations !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine finalize_diagnostics(state) use gs2_diagnostics, only: finish_gs2_diagnostics #ifdef NEW_DIAG use gs2_diagnostics_new, only: finish_gs2_diagnostics_new #endif use job_manage, only: time_message use mp, only: mp_abort use parameter_scan, only: deallocate_target_arrays use run_parameters, only: use_old_diagnostics use unit_tests, only: debug_message type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') call time_message(.false.,state%timers%finish,' Finished run') call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::finalize_diagnostics starting') if (.not. state%init%diagnostics_initialized) & call mp_abort('Calling finalize_diagnostics when & & diagnostics are not initialized', .true.) if (.not. use_old_diagnostics) then #ifdef NEW_DIAG call finish_gs2_diagnostics_new #endif else call finish_gs2_diagnostics end if call deallocate_target_arrays state%istep_end = 0 state%init%diagnostics_initialized = .false. call time_message(.false.,state%timers%finish,' Finished run') call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') end subroutine finalize_diagnostics !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine finalize_equations(state) use gs2_init, only: init use job_manage, only: time_message use parameter_scan, only: finish_parameter_scan use unit_tests, only: debug_message use gs2_reinit, only: finish_gs2_reinit !use fields_arrays, only: phi, apar, bpar, phinew, aparnew, bparnew implicit none type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return call time_message(.false.,state%timers%finish,' Finished run') call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::finalize_equations starting') call finish_gs2_reinit call deallocate_outputs(state) call finish_parameter_scan call init(state%init, init_level_list%basic) call time_message(.false.,state%timers%finish,' Finished run') call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') end subroutine finalize_equations !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine finalize_gs2(state, quiet) use file_utils, only: finish_file_utils use gs2_init, only: finish_gs2_init use job_manage, only: time_message use mp, only: finish_mp, proc0, barrier, unsplit_all, included, mp_comm_null use unit_tests, only: debug_message use standard_header, only: date_iso8601 use optionals, only: get_option_with_default implicit none type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state !> If true, don't print start-up messages/header logical, intent(in), optional :: quiet ! Internal value for optional `quiet` input logical :: quiet_value quiet_value = get_option_with_default(quiet, .false.) if (state%included) then if (state%init%level .ne. init_level_list%basic) then write (*,*) "ERROR: Called finalize_gs2 at the & & wrong init_level (perhaps you have called finalize_gs2 & & without calling initialize_gs2, or without calling & & finalize_equations" stop 1 end if call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') call finish_gs2_init() if (proc0) call finish_file_utils call time_message(.false.,state%timers%finish,' Finished run') call time_message(.false.,state%timers%total,' Total') call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::finalize_gs2 calling print_times') if (state%print_times .and. .not. quiet_value) call print_times(state, state%timers) end if if (state%init%opt_ov%is_initialised() .and. state%init%opt_ov%override_nproc & .and. state%init%opt_ov%old_comm /= mp_comm_null) & call unsplit_all(state%init%opt_ov%old_comm) call barrier state%included = included call debug_message(state%verb, 'gs2_main::finalize_gs2 calling finish_mp') state%init%level = 0 if (proc0 .and. (.not. quiet_value) ) write(*, '("Run finished at ",A)') date_iso8601() end subroutine finalize_gs2 !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine prepare_optimisations_overrides(state) use overrides, only: init_optimisations_overrides type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return ! Initialize to the level below so that overrides are triggered call init_optimisations_overrides(state%init%opt_ov) end subroutine prepare_optimisations_overrides !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine prepare_miller_geometry_overrides(state) use overrides, only: init_miller_geometry_overrides use gs2_init, only: init, init_level_list type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return ! Initialize to the level below so that overrides are triggered call init(state%init, init_level_list%override_miller_geometry-1) call init_miller_geometry_overrides(state%init%mgeo_ov) end subroutine prepare_miller_geometry_overrides !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine prepare_profiles_overrides(state) use overrides, only: init_profiles_overrides use gs2_init, only: init, init_level_list use species, only: nspec type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return ! Initialize to the level below so that overrides are triggered call init(state%init, init_level_list%override_profiles-1) call init_profiles_overrides(state%init%prof_ov, nspec) end subroutine prepare_profiles_overrides !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine prepare_kt_grids_overrides(state) use overrides, only: init_kt_grids_overrides use gs2_init, only: init, init_level_list type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return ! Initialize to the level below so that overrides are triggered call init(state%init, init_level_list%override_kt_grids-1) call init_kt_grids_overrides(state%init%kt_ov) end subroutine prepare_kt_grids_overrides !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine prepare_initial_values_overrides(state) use overrides, only: init_initial_values_overrides use fields, only: force_maxwell_reinit use gs2_init, only: init, init_level_list use gs2_reinit, only: in_memory use gs2_layouts, only: g_lo use kt_grids, only: naky, ntheta0 use theta_grid, only: ntgrid use dist_fn_arrays, only: gexp_3 implicit none type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. state%included) return ! Initialize to the level below so that overrides are triggered call init(state%init, init_level_list%override_initial_values-1) call init_initial_values_overrides(state%init%initval_ov,& ntgrid, ntheta0, naky, g_lo%llim_proc, g_lo%ulim_alloc, & force_maxwell_reinit=force_maxwell_reinit, & in_memory=in_memory, has_explicit_terms = allocated(gexp_3)) end subroutine prepare_initial_values_overrides !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine set_initval_overrides_to_current_vals(initval_ov) use dist_fn_arrays, only: gnew, gexp_1, gexp_2, gexp_3 use gs2_save, only: gs2_save_for_restart use mp, only: proc0, broadcast, mp_abort use collisions, only: vnmult use file_utils, only: error_unit use run_parameters, only: has_phi, has_apar, has_bpar use fields, only: force_maxwell_reinit use fields_arrays, only: phinew, aparnew, bparnew use gs2_time, only: user_time, code_dt, code_dt_prev1, code_dt_prev2, code_dt_max use overrides, only: initial_values_overrides_type use antenna, only: dump_ant_amp use array_utils, only: copy implicit none type(initial_values_overrides_type), intent(inout) :: initval_ov if (.not.initval_ov%is_initialised()) & call mp_abort("Trying to set initial value overrides & & before they are initialized... have you called & & prepare_initial_values_overrides ? ", .true.) if(initval_ov%in_memory)then call copy(gnew, initval_ov%g) initval_ov%vnmult = vnmult if (allocated(initval_ov%gexp_1)) call copy(gexp_1, initval_ov%gexp_1) if (allocated(initval_ov%gexp_2)) call copy(gexp_2, initval_ov%gexp_2) if (allocated(initval_ov%gexp_3)) call copy(gexp_3, initval_ov%gexp_3) ! Do not use the value from [old_iface_]state%init%initval_ov%force_maxwell_reinit = initval_ov%force_maxwell_reinit as ! follows: ! if (.not. initval_ov%force_maxwell_reinit) then ! as was done previously. This is because this causes problems in gs2_init so we use the value from ! fields::force_maxwell_reinit directly (see comments in gs2_init for details). To use here the value from ! initval_ov%force_maxwell_reinit could result in inconsistent values being used in different parts of the code. Therefore, we ! now use the value from fields::force_maxwell_reinit directly here too. Now that the reference to ! initval_ov%force_maxwell_reinit here has also been removed, this component is no longer referenced anywhere in the codebase. ! Therefore, the force_maxwell_reinit component has been completely removed from the initial_values_overrides_type derived ! type to avoid confusion in the future. if (.not. force_maxwell_reinit) then if(has_phi) call copy(phinew, initval_ov%phi) if(has_apar) call copy(aparnew, initval_ov%apar) if(has_bpar) call copy(bparnew, initval_ov%bpar) end if else ! if(.not.in_memory)then !Should really do this with in_memory=.true. as well but !not sure that we really need to as we never read in the dumped data. if (proc0) call dump_ant_amp call gs2_save_for_restart (gnew, user_time, vnmult, & has_phi, has_apar, has_bpar, code_dt, code_dt_prev1, code_dt_prev2, code_dt_max) endif end subroutine set_initval_overrides_to_current_vals !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine finalize_overrides(state) use overrides, only: finish_profiles_overrides use overrides, only: finish_miller_geometry_overrides use overrides, only: finish_initial_values_overrides type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (state%init%mgeo_ov%is_initialised()) call state%init%mgeo_ov%finish() if (state%init%prof_ov%is_initialised()) call state%init%prof_ov%finish() if (state%init%initval_ov%is_initialised()) call state%init%initval_ov%finish() end subroutine finalize_overrides !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine calculate_outputs(state) use gs2_diagnostics, only: start_time, diffusivity, ensemble_average use gs2_diagnostics, only: pflux_avg, qflux_avg, heat_avg, vflux_avg #ifdef NEW_DIAG use gs2_diagnostics_new, only: gnostics #endif use gs2_time, only: user_time use nonlinear_terms, only: nonlin use run_parameters, only: use_old_diagnostics use species, only: nspec, spec use mp, only: mp_abort implicit none type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state real :: time_interval real :: diff real, dimension(nspec) :: qf, pf, ht, vf integer :: is if (.not. state%included) return ! Note if (state%nensembles > 1) call ensemble_average (state%nensembles, time_interval) ! Use simple gamma / k^2 estimates for transport in the ! linear case. This is for testing Trinity if (state%trinity_linear_fluxes .and. .not. state%trinity_ql_fluxes .and. & .not. nonlin) then if (use_old_diagnostics) then diff = diffusivity() else #ifdef NEW_DIAG diff = gnostics%current_results%diffusivity #endif endif do is = 1,nspec ! Q = n chi grad T = n (gamma / k^2) dT / dr ! = dens n_r (gamma_N v_thr / k_N**2 rho_r a) dT / drho drho/dr ! = dens n_r (gamma_N v_thr rho_r **2 / k_N**2 a) T a / L_T drho/dr ! = dens n_r (gamma_N v_thr rho_r **2 / k_N**2 a) temp T_r tprim drho/dr_N/a ! Q / (n_r v_r T_r rho_r**2/a**2) ! = dens (gamma_N / k_N**2) temp tprim grho ! ! grho factored to diffusivity in diagnostics qf(is) = diff * spec(is)%dens * spec(is)%temp * spec(is)%tprim pf(is) = diff * spec(is)%dens**2.0 * spec(is)%fprim ht = 0.0 vf = 0.0 end do time_interval = 1.0 ! Used to be time_interval = user_time-start_time? else if (use_old_diagnostics) then time_interval = user_time-start_time qf = qflux_avg pf = pflux_avg ht = heat_avg vf = vflux_avg else #ifdef NEW_DIAG time_interval = user_time - gnostics%start_time qf = gnostics%current_results%species_heat_flux_avg pf = gnostics%current_results%species_particle_flux_avg ht = gnostics%current_results%species_heating_avg vf = gnostics%current_results%species_momentum_flux_avg #endif endif end if if (state%trinity_ql_fluxes) then #ifdef NEW_DIAG qf = gnostics%current_results%species_heat_flux pf = gnostics%current_results%species_particle_flux ht = gnostics%current_results%species_heating vf = gnostics%current_results%species_momentum_flux state%outputs%pflux = pf/gnostics%current_results%phi2 state%outputs%qflux = qf/gnostics%current_results%phi2 state%outputs%heat = ht/gnostics%current_results%phi2 state%outputs%vflux = vf(1)/gnostics%current_results%phi2 #else call mp_abort('ERROR: trinity_ql_fluxes only works with new diagnostics', .true.) #endif else state%outputs%pflux = pf/time_interval state%outputs%qflux = qf/time_interval state%outputs%heat = ht/time_interval state%outputs%vflux = vf(1)/time_interval end if end subroutine calculate_outputs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Private subroutines !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !> Reset timers data to 0 subroutine reset_timers(timers) type(gs2_timers_type), intent(inout) :: timers timers = gs2_timers_type() end subroutine reset_timers !> Gets statistics of passed real value across all processes. !> Intended for use with our timers. subroutine get_parallel_statistics(value_in, min_value, max_value,& & mean_value, proc0_value, iproc_min, iproc_max, values_out) use mp, only: nproc, iproc, sum_allreduce implicit none real, intent(in) :: value_in real, intent(out) :: min_value, max_value, mean_value, proc0_value integer, intent(out) :: iproc_min, iproc_max real, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out), optional :: values_out real, dimension(:), allocatable :: values allocate(values(0:nproc-1)) values = 0 values(iproc) = value_in call sum_allreduce(values) if(present(values_out)) values_out = values min_value = minval(values) max_value = maxval(values) mean_value = sum(values)/nproc proc0_value = values(0) iproc_min = minloc(values, dim = 1) - 1 iproc_max = maxloc(values, dim = 1) - 1 end subroutine get_parallel_statistics !> Writes the timing information statistics to optional passed unit subroutine write_time_parallel_statistics(timers, report_unit) use file_utils, only: open_output_file, close_output_file use mp, only: proc0, get_mp_times use redistribute, only: get_redist_times use fft_work, only: time_fft use fields_arrays, only: time_field, time_field_mpi use fields_arrays, only: time_field_invert, time_field_invert_mpi use fields_arrays, only: time_dump_response, time_read_response use gs2_reinit, only: time_reinit use le_derivatives, only: time_vspace_derivatives, time_vspace_derivatives_mpi use nonlinear_terms, only: time_add_explicit_terms, time_add_explicit_terms_mpi use nonlinear_terms, only: time_add_explicit_terms_field implicit none !> Timing information type(gs2_timers_type), intent(in) :: timers integer, intent(in), optional :: report_unit integer :: unit real :: mp_total, mp_over, mp_coll, mp_ptp, mp_sync real :: redist_total, redist_mpi, redist_copy !> Helper type to hold timer data. There might be some !> utility in making this avaiable outside of this routine. type timer_data real :: time character(len=:), allocatable :: name end type timer_data type(timer_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: timer_dat integer :: i ! Make sure unit is set on proc0. Open an output file if required if (proc0) then if (present(report_unit)) then unit = report_unit else call open_output_file(unit, '.timing_stats') end if end if call get_mp_times(mp_total, mp_over, mp_coll, mp_ptp, mp_sync) call get_redist_times(redist_total, redist_mpi, redist_copy) allocate( timer_dat, source = [ & timer_data(timers%init(1), "Initialization"), & timer_data(time_field_invert(1), "field matrix invert"), & timer_data(time_field_invert_mpi, "field matrix invert mpi"), & timer_data(time_dump_response(1), "field matrix dump"), & timer_data(time_read_response(1), "field matrix read"), & timer_data(timers%advance(1), "Advance steps"), & #ifdef WITH_EIG timer_data(timers%eigval(1), "Eigensolver"), & #endif timer_data(time_field(1), "field solve"), & timer_data(time_field_mpi, "field solve mpi"), & timer_data(time_vspace_derivatives(1), "collisions"), & timer_data(time_vspace_derivatives_mpi, "collisions mpi"), & timer_data(time_add_explicit_terms(1), "explicit/nl"), & timer_data(time_add_explicit_terms_mpi, "explicit/nl mpi"), & timer_data(time_fft(1), "explicit/nl fft"), & timer_data(time_add_explicit_terms_field(1), 'explicit/nl fields'), & timer_data(timers%diagnostics(1), "diagnostics"), & timer_data(time_reinit(1), "Re-initialize"), & timer_data(redist_total, "Redistribute"), & timer_data(redist_mpi, "redistribute mpi"), & timer_data(redist_copy, "redistribute copy"), & timer_data(timers%finish(1), "Finishing"), & timer_data(mp_total, "MPI"), & timer_data(mp_over, "Overheads"), & timer_data(mp_coll, "Collectives"), & timer_data(mp_ptp, "PTP"), & timer_data(mp_sync, "Sync"), & timer_data(timers%total(1), "Total") & ]) call write_parallel_statistics_header() do i = 1, size(timer_dat) call write_parallel_statistics(timer_dat(i)%time, timer_dat(i)%name) end do ! If we opened it in this routine then close the opened output file if (proc0 .and. .not. present(report_unit)) call close_output_file(unit) contains subroutine write_parallel_statistics_header() implicit none if (proc0) then write(unit, '(a,T25,4(a9," "),T70,a,T77,a)') "Region", & "Min (s)", "Max (s)", "Mean (s)", "P0 (s)", & "Ip min", "Ip max" write(unit, '(83("-"))') end if end subroutine write_parallel_statistics_header subroutine write_parallel_statistics(time_value, name) implicit none real, intent(in) :: time_value character(len=*), intent(in) :: name real :: min_value, max_value, mean_value, proc0_value integer :: iproc_min, iproc_max call get_parallel_statistics(time_value, & min_value, max_value, mean_value, proc0_value, & iproc_min, iproc_max) if (proc0) then write(unit, '(a,T25,4(0pf9.3," "),T70,I0,T77,I0)') name, & min_value, max_value, mean_value, proc0_value, & iproc_min, iproc_max end if end subroutine write_parallel_statistics end subroutine write_time_parallel_statistics !> Print timing information to standard output. !> !> Prints a full breakdown of timing information if `state%print_full_timers` !> is true, otherwise just prints the total time. subroutine print_times(state, timers) use run_parameters, only: save_timer_statistics use mp, only: proc0, min_reduce, max_reduce, sum_reduce, job use mp, only: get_mp_times use redistribute, only: get_redist_times use fft_work, only: time_fft use fields_arrays, only: time_field, time_field_mpi use fields_arrays, only: time_field_invert, time_field_invert_mpi use fields_arrays, only: time_dump_response, time_read_response use gs2_reinit, only: time_reinit use le_derivatives, only: time_vspace_derivatives, time_vspace_derivatives_mpi use nonlinear_terms, only: time_add_explicit_terms, time_add_explicit_terms_mpi use nonlinear_terms, only: time_add_explicit_terms_field #ifdef GS2_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_MEMORY_USAGE use memory_usage, only: print_memory_usage #endif implicit none !> Program state information, needed to print type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(in) :: state !> Timing information type(gs2_timers_type), intent(in) :: timers real :: mp_total, mp_over, mp_coll, mp_ptp, mp_sync real :: redist_total, redist_mpi, redist_copy if (save_timer_statistics) call write_time_parallel_statistics(timers) if (.not. proc0) return if (state%print_full_timers) then call get_mp_times(mp_total, mp_over, mp_coll, mp_ptp, mp_sync) call get_redist_times(redist_total, redist_mpi, redist_copy) !Blank line to force separation from other outputs write(*, '("")') write(*, '(" ", a)') formatted_time("Initialization", timers%init(1)) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("field matrix invert", time_field_invert(1)) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("field matrix invert mpi", time_field_invert_mpi) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("field matrix dump", time_dump_response(1)) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("field matrix read", time_read_response(1)) write(*, '(" ", a)') formatted_time("Advance steps", timers%advance(1)) #ifdef WITH_EIG write(*, '(" ", a)') formatted_time("Eigensolver", timers%eigval(1)) #endif write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("field solve", time_field(1)) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("field solve mpi", time_field_mpi) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("collisions", time_vspace_derivatives(1)) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("collisions mpi", time_vspace_derivatives_mpi) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("explicit/nl", time_add_explicit_terms(1)) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("explicit/nl mpi", time_add_explicit_terms_mpi) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("explicit/nl fft", time_fft(1)) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("explicit/nl fields", time_add_explicit_terms_field(1)) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("diagnostics", timers%diagnostics(1)) write(*, '(" ", a)') formatted_time("Re-initialize", time_reinit(1)) write(*, '(" ", a)') formatted_time("Redistribute", redist_total) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("redistribute mpi", redist_mpi) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("redistribute copy", redist_copy) write(*, '(" ", a)') formatted_time("Finishing", timers%finish(1)) write(*, '(" ", a)') formatted_time("MPI" ,mp_total) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("Overheads", mp_over) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("Collectives", mp_coll) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("PTP", mp_ptp) write(*, '("(", a, ")")') formatted_time("Sync", mp_sync) write(*, '(" total from timer is:", 0pf9.2, " min", /)') timers%total(1) / 60. else if (state%external_job_id >= 0) then write(*, '(a, i0, ", ")', advance="no") " External job ID: ", state%external_job_id end if if (state%list) then write(*, '(a, i0, ", ")', advance="no") " Job ID: ", job end if write(*, '("Total from timer is:", 0pf9.2," min")') state%timers%total(1)/60. endif #ifdef GS2_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_MEMORY_USAGE call print_memory_usage #endif contains !> Print a single formatted timer line character(len=46) function formatted_time(name, timer) !> Name of the timer character(len=*), intent(in) :: name !> Time in seconds real, intent(in) :: timer write(formatted_time, "(a, T25, 0pf9.3, ' min', T40, 2pf5.1, ' %')") name, timer / 60., timer/timers%total(1) end function formatted_time end subroutine print_times !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine allocate_outputs(state) use species, only: nspec type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (.not. allocated(state%outputs%pflux)) then allocate(state%outputs%pflux(nspec)) allocate(state%outputs%qflux(nspec)) allocate(state%outputs%heat(nspec)) end if end subroutine allocate_outputs !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine deallocate_outputs(state) type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state if (allocated(state%outputs%pflux)) then deallocate(state%outputs%pflux) deallocate(state%outputs%qflux) deallocate(state%outputs%heat) end if end subroutine deallocate_outputs !> The main entry point into GS2, runs a single GS2 simulation !> !> A complete, minimal use of this to run a single, complete !> simulation is: !> !> program gs2 !> use mp, only: init_mp, mp_comm, finish_mp !> use gs2_main, only : run_gs2, gs2_program_state_type !> implicit none !> type(gs2_program_state_type) :: state !> call init_mp !> state%mp_comm = mp_comm !> call run_gs2(state) !> call finish_mp !> end program gs2 !> !> This will initialise all the GS2 internals, evolve the equations !> (or run the eigensolver), and then finalise the internals !> (writing files to disk, deallocating memory, and so on). !> !> You can also not finalise the simulation, which can be useful if !> you want read or modify the fields, for example. In this case, !> you *must* call [[finish_gs2]] when you're done: !> !> ! Optionally modify the state and input options !> call run_gs2(state, finalize=.false.) !> ! Do some interesting things !> call finish_gs2(state) !> !> This pattern is also useful if you want to run many GS2 !> simulations in the same process. subroutine run_gs2(state, finalize, quiet) use exit_codes, only: EXIT_NSTEP, EXIT_NOT_REQUESTED use mp, only: proc0, init_mp use standard_header, only: standard_header_type use optionals, only : get_option_with_default implicit none !> State of the GS2 simulation. Used to modify the behaviour of !> GS2 and/or to programmatically get information about the !> simulation on completion. type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state !> If `.true.` (default), then GS2 is finalised, end-of-simulation !> diagnostics are computed, files are closed, arrays are !> deallocated, and so on. !> !> If this is set to `.false.`, (for example, because you want to !> read the state of the fields before the arrays are deallocated) !> then you MUST pass in `state` and call [[finish_gs2]] with that !> state object to ensure GS2 is finalised correctly. logical, optional, intent(in) :: finalize !> Optional passed through to intialize/finalize gs2 methods to suppress printing logical, optional, intent(in) :: quiet logical :: local_finalize type(standard_header_type) :: local_header local_finalize = get_option_with_default(finalize, .true.) call initialize_gs2(state, header_out=local_header, quiet = quiet) call initialize_equations(state) call initialize_diagnostics(state, header=local_header) call write_used_inputs_file(header=local_header) state%print_times = .false. if (state%do_eigsolve) then call run_eigensolver(state) else call evolve_equations(state, state%nstep) if (state%exit_reason%is_identical(EXIT_NOT_REQUESTED)) state%exit_reason = EXIT_NSTEP end if if(proc0) call state%exit_reason%write_exit_file() if (state%set_outputs) call calculate_outputs(state) if (local_finalize) then state%print_times = .true. call finish_gs2(state, quiet = quiet) end if end subroutine run_gs2 !> Finish and cleanup a complete simulation subroutine finish_gs2(state, quiet) !> An existing, initialisation simulation state type(gs2_program_state_type), intent(inout) :: state logical, intent(in), optional :: quiet call finalize_diagnostics(state) call finalize_equations(state) call finalize_gs2(state, quiet) end subroutine finish_gs2 !> FIXME : Add documentation subroutine reset_linear_magnitude use dist_fn_arrays, only: g, gnew use fields, only: set_init_fields use fields_arrays, only: phi, apar, bpar, phinew, aparnew, bparnew use run_parameters, only: has_phi, has_apar, has_bpar use init_g, only: ginit use array_utils, only: zero_array implicit none logical :: dummy if (has_phi) then call zero_array(phi); call zero_array(phinew) end if if (has_apar) then call zero_array(apar) ; call zero_array(aparnew) end if if (has_bpar) then call zero_array(bpar) ; call zero_array(bparnew) end if call zero_array(g) ; call zero_array(gnew) call ginit(dummy) call set_init_fields end subroutine reset_linear_magnitude !> Write an input file containing the current state of all input !> parameters subroutine write_used_inputs_file(header) use mp, only: proc0 use file_utils, only: open_output_file, close_output_file, run_name use standard_header, only: standard_header_type use config_collection, only : gs2_config_type !> Header for files with build and run information type(standard_header_type), intent(in), optional :: header ! Actual value for optional `header` input type(standard_header_type) :: local_header ! File unit to write to integer :: used_inputs_unit type(gs2_config_type), allocatable :: input_config ! Only write this file on rank 0 if (.not. proc0) return if (present(header)) then local_header = header else local_header = standard_header_type() end if allocate(input_config) call input_config%get_configs() call open_output_file(used_inputs_unit, ".used_inputs.in") write(unit=used_inputs_unit, fmt='(a)') & local_header%to_string( & comment_character="! ", & file_description="Input parameters as used by " // trim(run_name) & ) call input_config%write_to_unit(used_inputs_unit) call close_output_file(used_inputs_unit) end subroutine write_used_inputs_file end module gs2_main